Alexander Revva: "Girls themselves found me"


At the evening, Alexander Revva felt right to the king. The girls were constantly photographed with him, hugged him, smiled to him - in general, the image of Arthur Pupboy Artist embodied as it was impossible.

"The girls themselves found me. They called at night, said that they want to call the boy. The boy arrived. He liked the song and girls. We turned on the camera and removed the video! " - Alexander replied to the question of how he worked on a new clip.

Alexander Revva:

"Surround it with attention in the frame!" - shouted photographers. Girls with pleasure performed instructions. Alexander was not against.

Lilia Charlovskaya

"Why do you present the clip in the fall, because the song about summer?" - did not get journalists. "We simply decided to extend the summer sexual mood, which should not end, it should continue. I thought why not meet, do not talk. People must have fun, relax, "the artist explained. - By the way, the shooting of the video was held in July in Jurmala. Therefore, the very memorable point on the shooting was the day when I burned. Saved kefir. Glass inside, glass - out. Helped. "

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