In consent: we draw a workplace on Feng Shui


It would seem that the situation on the desktop and around it can affect the process itself? Feng Shui specialists are sure - maybe. Wrinking shelves or your home appearance, if you work at home, can block creative ideas that are important in any business. We will tell you how to equip your working area for more comfort.

If you work at home

Experts recommend putting your desktop so that it is visible when entering the room, but it was not too close to her. In addition, do not place the table so that a straight line is formed between it, the door and the window: the Chinese believe that all important thoughts and plans will "blow out" from the room. It is not recommended to sit back to the window or doors so as not to provoke an outflow of energy.

Beginner entrepreneurs experts advise the table in the eastern part of the room. If you have leadership qualities, your table should be located in the north-west. The southeast attracts creative people who lack the creative energy, and the West will bring you peace and stability. Nevertheless, put the table in the southern part is not recommended for anyone: so you will further strengthen the state of chronic stress.

Avoid sharp corners aimed at your side, and do not place the table between the cabinets. As we have already spoken, the shelves hanging on you can serve as an unnecessary magnet for various diseases and injuries.

Do not sit opposite each other with colleagues

Do not sit opposite each other with colleagues


If you work in the office

We can not always choose a place directly in the office, however you can do so to avoid negative energy and attract the desired you. For example, in no case, do not sit apart front of a friend if you work with colleagues in the same room: nothing but conflict you do not get. Also, if possible, move the table so that it does not form a straight line with a window and the door, and also did not rest in the wall: otherwise, fresh ideas will not visit you for a very long time.

The perfect location of the window - on the side of the table. In general, the best position in this case is diagonally. If you are sitting face to the doors of the chef, it will help to establish an emotional connection and get the favor of management.

General recommendations

Try to individualize your workplace: for this you can place inspirational slogans, photos on which you shining on a success wave, so you will start attracting a positive attitude and work will go much easier.

Of course, you can not always use personal items in the workplace, in this case you can put significant things for you in the top box of the table, which will remind you of what you can do much more. And this inspires, is it not true?

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