How to turn a secular lioness into the islanders: "Pregnancy is incompatible with life"


So, Athens in May 2006 brought Dima Bilan second place on Eurovision, and I learned that I was pregnant. Say that I was shocked, it's just to keep silent. Yani was happy, I could not believe.

From the second pregnancy I carried out clearly only one. That all books about pregnancy write men, even if they pretend to women. Hard toxicosis covered me weeks with the sixth. Hard is when you stand on your knees, hugging a cool Faianssa friend's body, 19 per day. Yani devotedly sat every time squatting next to me and tried to stroke me on the head. Have you ever stroked on your head when the whole body turns inside out? So-so feeling. Then, Yani got a boiling book on pregnancy and, sitting on the edge of the bath, read out from there an excerpt, which, in his opinion, had to support me. Such, for example:

"Pregnancy is the best time in the life of a woman."

Sad looking at the toilet duckling at the bottom of the toilet, I thought, do not dive me entirely if this is the best time. I didn't want to think about the worst, I had no one.

"Pregnant woman is beautiful," said other books from the Yanina Library. I considered my reflection in the mirror, it looked like a convincing argument in favor of contraception. But neither nausea nor the swollen face was a problem, the problems began on the tenth. I got so bad that everything I could do is just lying, periodically appealing to the near, so that I was shot from pity. But, apparently, it was a pity that I was not anyone, since I am writing this article. I got worse and worse, and toxicosis on this background looked like a runny nose at a long-range sailor. My well-being was caused by heart problems. Serious problems I did not suspect before pregnancy. Further, the events at the passion of passions developed as in a good Shakespeare Roman. Doctors assured the pregnancy is incompatible with the life that it must be interrupted. I went to the deaf failure. Deciding that on hormonal soil I was not all right with my head, began to appearances to the mind of Yani.

Doctor: "Yani, who need you? Wife or child? Get both and other will not work. "

Yani: "Kathanga (this is Katya on Janin Lad), I ask you, let's make an abortion. Superfire the child, in the extreme case. "

Cathing: "Did you confuse everything here? Fufufufu.

So we have talked about a week. The wedding in Greece had to cancel. I offered a wedding at all cancel, but Jani firmly stood on her. Wedding will be, and the point. And me, meanwhile, it became worse and worse. We decided to make an operation. And then I wisen. The operation is not enough that under general anesthesia, so also under the control of X-ray or something like X-ray, with strong irradiation. Doctors were inseciously promised to close the belly. I understood that after this I can do a child or lose, or give birth to octopus. None nor the other categorically satisfied me. But there was no choice. So there was at least some chance that I could give birth to this child. Surprisingly, with all this, I can not say that I wanted to madness of the baby or that the Maternal instinct I caught the mind, no, but it seems to me that I could not live with it. As always, I thought exclusively about myself, my beloved, that is. And the whole pregnancy was not some kind of joyful trepidation in anticipation of the child, I did not want to buy children's little things, and then we donate them, I didn't want to do anything at all that pregnant. Pregnancy, as a fact, I was annoyed and caused solid inconvenience. While I was not crucified, I run ahead and say that for all this me, of course, the payroll fell. At the time of birth, my son was covered with such a wave, which seven and a half years will not let go. It seemed to me that I could not love the youngest way I loved and love the older, and it really is so - I love them absolutely differently, but some idiotic-enthusiastic feeling added to the youngest, turning me into not A completely adequate mother with a mind, absolutely blurred maternal instinct.

Well, here. So, the hospital. I will not write what, but one of the most famous cardiocenters in Russia. There are loved to lie down many of our party members who, with diarrhea, who else with what foolishness. Yani demanded for me extremely better conditions from possible. We were given the VIP ward, as I remember, for $ 400 per day. It was more expensive. Yani was sure that at least I will be in comfort. And the case was in the summer of 2006. When the temperature beat all records, and in Moscow was hell. When we came to settle, Yani clarified a hundred times, if there is air conditioning in the ward. We were assured that there are. So, the Russian hospital and American Yani. Having arranged me on the bed, Yani began to click the console from the air conditioner. The console did not react, air conditioning too. Yani caused sister-hostess. She came, dissatisfied that they were disturbed, and indignantly asked what's the matter. Yani explained that the air conditioner does not work. Without blinking the eye, she said that in the know, they called the repairman a month ago, but there is still no it.

"We asked the chamber with air conditioning," Yani indignant.

The sister-hostess was indignant to the depths of the soul and took out the contract.

"Read. Availability in the ward of the air conditioner, "she poked her finger with a big golden perrsta, putting the contract to me under the nose.

"I read," I agreed. - Only he does not work. "

"And where is it written, what should he work? She was even more angry. - The contract is written about the presence, you both see that air conditioning is available, so? "

"So," I confused a little.

"Well, all, the claims are not accepted, as we can, so renew, and there is a conditioner," she said, as cut off, and march retired from my chamber.

Just approached lunch time, and dissatisfied nurse, without ceasing to grumble, I brought us food. Putting the plates, she was delayed on the threshold and, looked around me, full of sympathy, blurted out:

"Good, docha, beautiful, sick, but beautiful, but why did he go for Chechen, could not find it?"

Having assured her that Yani was not Chechen and generally Orthodox, I provided Yani fan sector in the department. Now they loved him all and constantly hugged. He could not understand what happened, but submissively hugged them back. In the evening, another nurse brought a huge bucket with steaming water and plucked him in the middle of the chamber.

"What is it?" - Surprised Jani.

"Water is hot," the one has repeatedly.

"What for???" - he was even more surprised.

"Wash the ass", "she just answered.

"But I do not want to wash the ass in the bucket," said Yani confused.

"Well, you go with a dirty," the nurse checked and left. I told Jani about turning off the hot water in Moscow, but he could not understand this. As a result, I waved my hand on him and ordered just to accept.

Somehow I was flooded at night. Doctors have noticed and said that they will continue to take me to the resuscitation chamber.

"Very well, there is a place there, usually everything is busy," the nurse explained. "There is a sick hour ago, now the crib will spend and translate you there, it's cool there, you immediately take up."

I did not want to the bed, where he had just successfully died and, using his pregnant position, he was herser. Yani began to find out if there is no other chamber, maybe with less successful circumstances, where you can determine until the doctor comes. The nurse was silent, but then it was soren: "There is!"

He took us somewhere down. When the elevator opened, the turn came to test Yani. Before us was the entrance to the morgue.

"It seems to me that it is premature," I'm uncertain.

"We are going to Greece," Jani said strongly. - We will operate there. "

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