Elena Probleova: "Every happiness behind the back of such a bag of stones!"


Tanya Nechava in the film "ZVO-Nyaty, open the door" - Lena played at twelve years. In Thirteen - Gerdu in the "Snow Queen". And go, and went! For a long career, the proclova starred almost with all the "legends" of the Soviet cinema - with Vysotsky, Zolotukhin, Dalem, Mironov, Abdulov ... and worked on equal. Two decades shone on the Mchat scene. And then he took and left the theater ... Why? By this time, the actress survived several personal dramas. The first marriage is completely early, "raging" - Gave Elena daughter Arina and pleasant memories. But the second marriage turned the tragedy: the twins born in it died, barely appeared on the light. Survive the couples often could not be able to survive. Marriage collapsed. Then, Andrei appeared in the fate of Elena. And - Oh, Rock! - Their firstborn also dies in infancy ... Elena left MCAT after that misfortune. Because I understood: a profession, even so beautiful, should not become the meaning of life. Otherwise, dramas are inevitable. The meaning of the life of a woman is in the family. She is Elena and began to serve. And soon gave birth to a daughter Polina, which is now twenty years old.

However, the cross did not put the cross on the acting: sometimes starred in the cinema, played in Anhydrous, then she was invited to television. For several years she led on the first channel of the transfer of "Malakhov +" and "Housing and Public Up". Now in the creative fate, the actress came the calm, which she perceives as good.

Elena, do you miss the movies?

Elena Podlova: "I really miss. But all that is offered to me is ... In general, it is impossible to participate. This is a shame, it is "fu". Maybe the time will come, and some good director will want to take me into his serious project, then I will be happy. And what is offered now, I will not participate. What for? What's the point? You can play in a cheap TV series, if no one remembers you and you need to somehow return the name or, say, for the sake of earnings, because there is nothing. Yes, life situations are different, and I also do not register from anything. But thanks to the fate, today she gives me the opportunity to make money and be popular without participation in some kind of humiliating things. "

And the novel with television arose on your initiative?

Elena: "In all his novels - that with television, that with a movie and theater, that with men, I am always a republic. I offer me - I agree or reject a proposal. I think: a bit blank. But most often coming from the life of the offer I catch, because I believe that they are not accidental. "

And such a case brought you, a little girl, in the world of cinema?

Elena: "This is" case "only in part. My grandfather worked on a film studio and often took me with him. But what I began to take, it is really a pure chance. As if he took me someone from my usual life and said: "Now your place here!" I was seriously engaged in sports, I had the title Master of Sports, went first in our rhythmic gymnastics. First! It would be plenty of world champion. Because the girl who walked behind me is far behind me! - won this title. And I dreamed about it, I practiced with great pleasure. Do you know when and in what magazine did my first photo appear? In the magazine "Spark". The snapshot captured me, four years old, and at the bottom there was a signature: "Sportswoman Lena Probleova". I was a workaholic in sports. This fed! I did what no one does: double flips on the log, in such age! "

Elena Probleova:

The relationship between the senior daughter Arina was quite complicated. Mostly a girl brought up her grandparents. Gerd in the film "The Snow Queen" is one of the first roles of Elena. She was thirteen years old. Photo: Personal archive of Elena Problovaya.

Remember the first children's victory?

Elena: "Kremlin Palace, I am five years old. I make gymnastic exercises on a bowl that keeps over your head some kind of solo, world champion, and I applauds the whole huge hall. That was a victory in my childhood feeling! Recently, among different documents, I saw a piece of paper on which: "Pass. Elena Proclovaya was issued to pass to the Kremlin Palace of Congresses. " Preserved since those times! "

Do you reveal to paper evidence of important events in your life?

Elena: "I don't know, or not, but not throw away. I started a special locker, where I add articles, photos ... When the cabinet is filled, I send its contents to the mezzanine and start all over again. And review only photos. They are the moments that are expensive. I have many albums and a huge number of photos on the walls. I pass by, the edge of the eyes of grazing - and this instant in me flashes. And the fact that on the mezzanine, it is at old age, when I will not work unable to work when everything will be forgotten about me. I will ask for a great-grandmother: "Guys, get me out of there, there that daddy!" Give, and I will start to sort out these papers, remembering: Oh, what was not in life! "

Your grandfather was an actor. His career was unsuccessful?

Elena: "You know, he was a very good actor of the theater of Soviet troops in Germany. They and grandmother (she served in the chief administrator there) lived in the GDR of fifteen years old. Grandpa beat all the leading roles in his role. He was a comedian. They and my grandmother what were there! Star. But - in Germany. And when they returned to Moscow, Santa knew no one, although he starred in the movie before the war. But somehow all this went to nowhere, and in order to just have at least some kind of work, he went to Mosfilm the second director. Pick up the actors, cooked in this endless bustle on the set. Such a "Boy for Beasuring." Everything on it does everything, but it is always to blame. "

Fishing is one of the numerous actress hobbies. Photo: Personal archive of Elena Problovaya.

Fishing is one of the numerous actress hobbies. Photo: Personal archive of Elena Problovaya.

Probably, so he was against you to go to the acting profession?

Elena: "He said: this is a work that brings more grief than joy. With my parents they swore. They, young, easily relate to everything: oh well, let it be removed! At the same time, the grandfather himself dreamed of playing all his life. I remember when I was already an actress, patted so that he was given a tiny role. In that movie, it was assumed to remove a big feast. I went to the director: "And can my grandfather just sit at the table? Maybe you give him some replica? "I:" Lena, of course! "And the poor grandfather was preparing for a week, taught this text from three words. So worried! And on the set rose and could not pronounce these words correctly. The houses were terribly worried: "Why did you do it? What for?! I was so disgraced! "I:" Grandfather, you were beautiful, and it doesn't matter if this replica will enter or not. " - "No, I have to! .. I will never allow myself again! .." Oh! All this was already shortly before his care. "

Senior Brother Victor You, who became a star at twelve years, did not envy?

Elena: "No! He is a kind and only rejoice. The concept of "envy" is generally unfamiliar. In general, I love my brother very much. "

He is older than four years. Probably defended in childhood?

Elena: "Rather, on the contrary. (Laughs.) He was so ... In general, he could beat him. And I scattered everyone who looked up on him. Behind the brother was a mountain! I was afraid in the courtyard. God forbid Vitu offend, Lenka crashes - so well! (Laughs.) "

In school from "curling" suffered?

Elena: "Of course. And it was not just a "curling". I would even say, this is my baby. Girls did not talk to me, arranged boycott, because all the boys were in love with me and wrote to me notes. Therefore, in those rare days when I could attend lessons, I was hard there. Since then I know: girls can be cruel. But from the fifth grade I have not studied at school. Engaged with teachers and came to school only to take exams. I had a lonely childhood. Without friendship. "

Someone from fans then allocated?

Elena: "No. I always had so much that I treated them indifferent. Maybe just by virtue of a huge selection. "

And when did love be covered for the first time?

Elena: "And I do not understand how it is. My love is always calm and joyful. I do not like anything sharp at all. Passion when the soul rushes into parts, is not at all about me. "

Want to say that they did not come across love of destructive?

Elena: "But this is not in nature. Convinced. This feeling can only create. If it destroys, it means that it is not love. "

Unity of opposites

Today you can call your brother with your friend?

Elena: "Yes. But he is such a friend - without any obligations. Friends with everyone and always. Rather, the friend is "feast" than "on affairs". Victor is generally an uncommon. Very bright in the soul, but not a person actions. "

Probably like most artists.

Elena: "Yes, he is an artist. He graduated from the architectural institute, but became a stunning jeweler. Makes unique things. Faberge just rests. "

You and with your future husband, Andrey, met in a brother's workshop. There was no suspicion that he fell in love with the star, and not just in the girl Lena?

Elena: "That's what you can not suspect my husband! A person is more indifferent to the star public, it is difficult to imagine all this Mishure. "

In his worldview with her husband, who for eight years you are younger, coincided?

Elena: "Nothing in common! It seemed to us that they coincided when they were young: hiking, rides, fishing, picking up mushrooms, friends, no one in anyone in the claim, everything is possible, the main thing is to be honest, decent ... It seemed, well, just hand in hand until recent days . And my dream - two old people in white panamans walk along the sun-filled Alley - looked quite feasible. Here it is, this alley, actually, is already beginning to sit down ... But it turned out nothing to do, understand? "

Elena Probleova:

"This is Andrei avid hunter, and I regret animals. After all, almost I am a vegetarian. " Photo: Personal archive of Elena Problovaya.

At the same time, almost thirty years of classical female happiness!

Elena: "Well, you know, every happiness behind the back of such a bag of stones! There is an opposite bowl of scales, on which great work, patience, tears, resentment and so on. Another thing is that I always prefer to get up on the bowl of happiness so that it turns out. Such a choice is also followed by us? And I always remember that my husband is a clever, courageous, beautiful person I love. "

Still, you have a common passion - hunting!

Elena: "This is my husband an avid hunter, and I, my wife, regret animals. After all, almost I am a vegetarian. "

Loving membreatin. Wow awesome!

Elena: "Yes, now loving membreatin. Hunting with her husband. Rolling with him to Africa. Helping to ferment bloody carcasses. But this is my tribute to the spouse. I do not consider right neither those against hunting, nor those who for. It does not matter to which "wing" I belong: this is my husband, and I have to share his hobbies with him. Especially since he does not want to ride any hunt without me, as I am his talisman, his luck. In general, all the best he wants to divide with me. Here he is here recently: "Lena, next week hunting!" Lena: "Good." And in the corner itself: God, help me go through this way! But I find pleasure in all this. I admire my husband, his accuracy, the fact that I have such a macho, handsome, unshaven, successful, dragging carcass! Doodling pair wild meat. Yes, I get at this time here is such a flange. But I'm essentially another! Look at my desk, and you will understand who I am in fact: oatmeal, melon, avocado, raw oatmeal, boiled by stewed water, because boiling water kills living, and I love live food. Here I am real! But be such a rarely, because I have another life. In general, if you follow my nature, I would live in some kind of wild forest, maybe in a small community of people who themselves grow their food, love to contemplate, silence, philosophy. It's mine. I would go barefoot, we would carry some pants and a shirt. In winter, I would have put on a sweater. Here I am".

Oh, smear!

Elena: "You see, no one believes! Probably because I have a different lifestyle. In fact, I manage to live like some other hours in life. Well, sometimes I'm taking a week. So I, for example, know that India is my country, I want to go there. Living at the city, I already know a lot about myself real. I have been told: "Lena, why not manicure?!" And it is not, because I love to mess around in the ground, without gloves. I'm so charging, it's mine. Maybe someone's spirits are incredible to give, but for me there is no sweeter of the fragrance of the spring earth. Although I love perfume too. "

Husband shares this love for earth with you?

Elena: "Men are others. They are divided without need. Andrei in this regard is hard man. He promises a lot, but then this, as a rule, does not go. For example, I: "Andryusha, and I have to plant three apple trees this year." - "Len, well, what about the conversation? It is not even discussed. We put! "Hunt is going. I: "Andryush, well, when apple trees? Soon the snow will go. " He: "You do not see, I'm not up to the apple tree now. Well, you are with nonsense! "Everything happens to approximately. While I will not reach a certain degree of hysterical and not start to dig a pit herself, asking - he saw or not, as it is hard for me. If I saw, then there is hope for help. "

Flowers of life

You have a very beautiful garden, park. Someone from your relatives with this farm helps?

Elena: "Nobody. The eldest daughter comes to me for the cottage rarely, because she brought up in the country of my mother, and this is a holy place for her, she goes there. Once the mother said: "Lenochka, here will get you with a brother Dacha." I answered: "No, not, please, all Arishke. She loves every tree there. " But the daughter there is also particularly doing nothing. I do not know how it will be further, but while Arina is not a big lover to dig in the ground. It's tasty to cook, cover a beautiful table - this is yes. "

And what about holidays usually happen on your table?

Elena: "We have a series of birthdays in September, and we try our guests to feed only environmentally friendly food. This is a caviar from the Far East, which I bring from trips, these are freshly picked mushrooms, wild meat - Olenina, Kabanyatina, Losyatina - and made from it all sorts of meat snacks. These are eggplants, tomatoes, zucchini, greens from their own garden. We buy only cheeses and good wine, everyone loves pink champagne. "

Handsomely! And on your birthday prefer bouquets or ???

Elena: "You know, I, like any actress, loved when bouquets give me. But since my loved ones know that my flowers grow in the garden, most often come for a birthday not with bouquets, but with pots: they say, that's you put it. "

There was a period of life when you did not like yourself?

Elena: "No. And how can I not love myself? I generally love everyone, and yourself, including. "

But did you commit some mistakes, paid for them? For example, two of your previous marriage ...

Elena: "And they were not mistakes! I still have beautiful friendly relations with my husbands, they are my relatives until the end of my days. Another thing is that we do not consider it necessary to sleep in the same bed. And so this is close people. My family is familiar with them. We appeal to each other when there are problems. I know: if it is hard for me, none of my previous husbands will refuse to help. "

All your husbands are not the actors. I read in one interview that you never fall in love with the actors ...

Elena: "Apparently, I had one day - I wanted to say so. Yes No, of course, I fell in love with the actors. On the set, it is generally difficult not to fall in love, especially if you are a free woman, and there is a stunning, adored by all the artist. Moreover, when you play love and immerse yourself in it, well, unwittingly and herself is in this punching itself. Another thing is there any restraining moments. And if not? I am generally grateful to everything that fell into my life. From these meetings and separation, love and disappointments, I worn. Nothing to regret!"

Do you believe that this is the promotion or punishment for our acts?

Elena: "I believe that all this exists in the world. And it depends on me that from the proposed "set" I will take in my life. This, you know, as a luxurious eastern bazaar, where everything is a familiar and unfamiliar, fragrant and smelling disgusting, beautiful and ugly. And in your basket of life, I have the right to type that I wish. How? His actions, dreams, thoughts. I live so much. "

Nevertheless, hard tests fell on your share - you buried three children.

Elena: "Who fell down? I broke a lot, of course. But my children died in infancy, and what to talk about mothers who lose adult sons in war? And not in war. Compared to this, the loss of newborns ... Agree! .. They are in paradise! .. I treat it so much because there are things that we cannot change. It is necessary to accept them, find in them grace, rinse and they are also on your own, let's say beautifully, life necklace. So they say: if you are given the opportunity to start anew, from what will you refuse? So, I can't refuse this pain. She is also part of me. These are my lessons, my punishments, my experience. You know, I am not something to change, I wouldn't even want to live my life! Because I appreciate your age, your experience ... and your sufferings. "

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