Pregnancy after 40: what you need to be ready


Pregnancy planning, especially after 40, always conjugate with fears. However, today medicine and attentive attitude towards their health allow women to become mothers not only in the conditional 25-30, but also reduce risks for older women.

Late pregnancy: what depends

According to statistics, about 30% of women suffer from early depletion of the ovarian reserve, and regardless of age. In 30 "with a tail" reproductive ability even a healthy woman decreases slightly, and after 45 years old the overwhelming majority of women are not able to conceive a child. At the same time, many women are still able to give life to the baby, each case is individual, in addition, genetics play a considerable role.

The role of medicine

Let you feel great, however, because of the circumstances, you cannot allow the expansion of the family, this does not mean that you can take your health: at least once a year you need to go a gynecological examination and with the doctor to assess your chances of becoming a mother at your age. Do not postpone this question at the time when it will be impossible to do something.

If you do not plan a pregnancy a few more years after the forty-year-old frontier will be overcome, it makes sense to think about the delayed motherhood, which is actively practiced in the West: the bottom line is that women's eggs are saved in a cryobank while the woman does not "mature" for pregnancy.

Complete a thorough examination

Complete a thorough examination


What obstacles can meet on your path to long-awaited pregnancy?

Unfortunately, even if it is possible to save eggs, the rest of the body is inevitably wear out, the issue of health in large cities is particularly acute: chronic stress and a sedentary lifestyle have not been worth anyone.

Experts consider one of the biggest problems - osteochondrosis. In order to successfully bear the baby, it takes a lot of endurance and a strong back, but few changes the fifth tent of the perfect posture and strong bones. In addition, problems with metabolic processes and thyroid gland may occur.

What to do?

Yes, "age" pregnancy is not an easy test for the future mother and her baby, but everything is not so bad if the pregnancy is planned. At least a year before the planned event, pass the examination from all doctors, the main of which should be a gynecologist, a cardiologist, an endocrinologist, and nevertheless this is not a complete list. All chronic diseases must be brought to the state of remission, as well as adjust the hormonal background. Take care of yourself and forming a future child!

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