What women scare men


Woman with serious intentions

What to hide, we all (or almost everything) want to marry, arrange your personal life, get children, house. However, modern representatives of the strong half of humanity do not want them to be forced to be forced by anywhere, and advocate for freedom of choice. Therefore, to declare a man at the beginning of the acquaintance that you want a serious relationship, it actually push him away from myself. Most men seem like you just use them to achieve your goals. And men want ease, at least at the beginning of the relationship. Tip: Try not to speak every minute about your excessive intentions.

Problem woman

We, women, fragile and defenseless creatures. Therefore, we are always waiting for the manifestation of masculinity and care to our address. And there is nothing wrong with that. If only we do not expect that you need to constantly take care of us. Most men scare women who shift responsibility for their destiny at them immediately after dating: it seems to them that you want to solve your problems that have no relation to them yet. Therefore, men try to avoid overly problematic women. Try to take care of yourself, because you probably know how much.

Parapsychologist and psychologist Saon

Parapsychologist and psychologist Saon


Nothing does not pushes men as the designation of material claims at the very beginning of relations. All these stories about old phones, hints for beautiful dresses, boots, fur coats, the cherished dreams of a trip to Milan are read only in this way: you need not he, but a phone, fur coat, Milan, that is money. Of course, you need money to all, but why is it to broadcast on the first date? Give a man to show fantasy and take care of you.


No matter how vulnerable Barmalem is your former, do not hurry to tell about it a man with whom you just met. First, too much attention to the former suggests that in the emotional plan you have not yet ended. Secondly, listening to the story about how terrible the man was, the potential worker will not imbued with sympathy - on the contrary, think, what epithets you reward it after parting. For most men, the characteristic of your former is one of the main criteria for which it is determined by: whether you need to start relationships with you in principle.

Secretive special

I don't like anyone when a person with whom you are planning a relationship, something hides something from you. Women do not like when a man is silent about the presence of a wife. Men - when they hide the child. In this case, the woman is usually guided by the following considerations: it's only a familiarity, we only look after each other, and when everything is serious ... And suddenly declare a person who has already made his impression that you have a child. The man immediately arises distrust for you, because it turns out, you hid the most important thing from it that is in your life. It is unlikely that he wants to build a serious relationship with you.

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