Thrush: Causes, Problems, Solutions


Indeed, the disease is very common, and at least once in life with him faces almost every one of us.

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Sometimes the fight against thrush develops into a real war. And every war, as you know since the lessons of history, there is a reason and occasion. The reason for the thrush is always alone - the genus of the genus Candida (it is for this reason that the scientific name of the disease is candidiasis). But there may be a lot of reasons: dysbacteriosis from taking antibiotics, supercooling, neglect of personal hygiene rules and so on. All these factors can be a reason for the uncontrolled growth of fungus and the development of thrush.

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If with the reasons and reasons now everything is relatively clear, the question "what to do" remains open. After all, the treatment of thrush is not an easy task, and sometimes it is conjugate with certain difficulties. Not every treatment diagram gives rapid relief of the symptoms of the disease, sometimes heavily poisoning life. Not every option can be used immediately when symptoms appear. And not each option allows you to recover once and permanently - sometimes relapses are possible, in which the repetition of the usual treatment course may be inefficient. There are many nuances, because the search for the optimal treatment of thrush is not easy task. But solved!

"Itching is one of the symptoms of the thrush - it is able to seriously spoil the patient's life, make it difficult to stay in the workplace, disrupt a date or an interesting day off, and just to lose a significant number of nerve cells, because it is an unpleasant, and then the painful feeling is exhausting. Therefore, you need to act as quickly as possible! In my opinion, it is necessary tool to apply which you can immediately, as soon as you feel the ailment. Alas, most of the existing funds of local action can only be applied for the night. Although there are exceptions, such as, for example, vaginal creams made according to Vagisitetm technology, which prevents the possibility of leaking medication, because the use of cream does not deliver inconvenience even in the midst of the working day. In general, as practice shows, act better at the local level! The advantages of local drugs are that they immediately fall into the hearth disease and do not affect other organs and organism systems, therefore, choosing between tablets and vaginal cream, I advise you to prefer the latter.

Recurrements of the disease sometimes can be extremely painful, therefore, it is necessary to act reliably and treatment needs reliable, it is desirable to have enough of a single taking of medication. If you follow these three rules, you will receive a recipe for the optimal agent for the treatment of thrush, "says Russian expert on reproductive health, obstetrician gynecologist Shinkarenko Nina Yurevna.

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