To the leg! Get rid of varicose and cellulite


This disease themselves is called female. With which it is difficult to argue, it is enough to look at dry figures of statistics: representatives of the beautiful half of humanity varicose seals is four times more often than in men. Another fact: By 45 years, about 70 percent of women have problems with veins. However, you can (and you need!) Fight. After all, the diseases of the veins are much easier to warn than to treat.

Varicose Couples in that some time he may not manifest itself at all. And then suddenly pop up the wreaths on the legs, they scatter the vascular sprockets with an ugly pattern. How to recognize this disease in the initial stages?

You are in the risk area if:

- Some of your ancestors had problems with Vienami: the hereditary factor in this case plays a big role;

- You have an excess body weight;

- on debt service you have to stand for a long time or sit throughout the day;

"You expect a child: during pregnancy, the varicose veins overtakes 60 percent of women.

Of course, if the disease has already struck important areas of the veins, you can forget about cosmetology - here you already have to communicate with fluball specialists. But at the initial stage it is necessary to pay special attention to this problem.

Prevention methods:

1. Forget about heavy bags - let your man helps to bring mining to the house: in the end, it was it that his direct responsibility from ancient times.

2. High heels (along with shoes on a flat sole) can be safely removed into the closet. And even better - to give someone who needs it stronger than you.

3. Enter an active lifestyle. We go as much on foot, swim in the pool, take the contrast shower in the evenings. But about hot bathrooms and saunas it is better to give up at all.

5. Fully review your diet. Tell me "yes" products with high tissue content, but from fat, smoked and salty is worth refrangic. As well as from alcohol.

4. Place a special roller under your feet and while sleeping your legs on a small elevation. And in general, raise your feet more often: for example, in the afternoon you can have a rest, holding about fifteen minutes of your limbs slightly above the heart level. By the way, by many Americans Pose "Feet on the table", with all its external vulgarity, actually has a beneficial effect on your legs. So if you are sitting in the office in proud loneliness, do not hesitate.

Cosmetology also offers its methods for preventing the disease of the veins. This may be mesotherapy - usually the problem zone is dried with drugs containing trocserutin. Even after one course, noticeable improvements are visible. Special gels and creams are actively advertised in the press, may also be in your arsenal. But it should be remembered: what is applied to the surface of the skin penetrates inside only 10 percent. This is very little. Therefore, the external means should be used exclusively as an additional means: it is not the main therapy, they will not give a bright effect.

Cheep terrain

Very often, the varicose veins goes in a close bundle with another female attack - cellulite. Everything is very interconnected. With cellulite, fat deposits begin to squeeze venous vessels, which leads to the development of varicose veins. And, on the contrary, insufficient blood supply in varicose veins leads to cellulite appearance. It is believed that 75 percent of cases in women with varicose veins are cellulite. Therefore, it is also necessary to fight this unpleasant couple with a double strength.

As a rule, if a woman has a tendency to a disease of the veins and to cellulite, then the initial problem is one - overweight. Increased weight entails and increasing the load on the veins, later develops varicose extension. And in parallel, skin problems begin. In this case, the first thing you need to do is urgently get rid of extra kilograms. In order to lose weight, you also need to appeal to professionals first. This is a nutritionist, and a psychologist.

To the cosmetologist will also need to go to the reception. Most likely, you will be offered a course of mesotherapy, pressotherapy, cold wraps. Alas, the usual anti-cellulite massage you are contraindicated, especially if the veins disease is clearly expressed. Hot wraps - also not your option. But cold wraps, on the contrary, are simply necessary - and for the prevention of veins diseases, and to prevent cellulite. Because instead of warming mixtures, cooling creams and ointments are applied to the body - for example, Menthol, Eucalyptus or Mint. This type of wraps narrows the vessels, so it acts a beneficial on Vienna and "orange crust".

Recently, the press therapy has been actively used. But it should be remembered that with late stages of the disease of the veins, sharp compression may cause negative consequences, so it is worth using this method with caution.

Often, doctors advise to pay attention to cryotherapy - cold treatment. The fact that low temperatures are very useful for various diseases, it was known during the time of hippocrat. So, in cryotherapy on the body they act extremely low temperatures. It is believed that cryogenic procedures strengthen the walls of the vessels and are excellent prevention of varicose and cellulite. Well, as a pleasant bonus, such a fact can be considered: it turns out that the sharp change of temperatures contributes to the release of happiness hormones - endorphins. So patients usually after sessions of cryotherapy literally fly from the feeling of unearthly joy.

And, of course, it is necessary to undergo a course of mesotherapy - at least ten procedures. All drugs that usually offer cosmetologists can be divided into three groups. The first is drainage funds that are aimed at eliminating excessive water. After all, while swelling is preserved in the tissues, it is difficult to work with subcutaneous fatty tissue. By the way, the results after such procedures are visible instantly: as it is known, water is heavier than fat, so the removal of excess fluid will noticeably reduce the weight - and therefore the load on the legs.

Drainage products There are a lot. These are vegetable extracts, for example, artichoke extract, Fukus extract. But mainly does not apply something one, but cocktails.

For lipolysis (this is another group) caffeine used, widespread levocyrinitin (activates metabolism). It is often used by Johimbin, a natural biostimulator, about whose properties can be written a separate book. True, it is most effective for young patients.

It is also worth paying attention to drugs containing Ginkgo Biloba. Ginkgo Biloba, which is translated from Latin as "Silver Apricot" - a relict plant, which is often called "live fossil." It is believed that his leaves, which are used in pharmacology and cosmetology, are truly unique. Preparations based on Ginkgo Biloba expand the clearance of arteries, veins and capillaries, reduce blood viscosity and prevent the formation of thromboms. And at the same time help struggle with cellulite. Surprisingly, those antioxidants who are created in laboratories do not work like natural complexes. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to them.

Creams and gels, as we said, can be applied as an addition. But it is also not worth a discount of them with the score. So, many of the drugs of outer action can have a noticeable lymphatic indica effect.

It is best to start active preventive measures now, in the midst of autumn. About a month three or four will go to mesotherapy sessions. The same time occupies a complete regeneration of veins. And then spring is the time of short skirts and a deep neckline - you will meet the fulfillment.

It's important to know!

It turns out that which type of figure you have, depends on the choice of possible treatment of cellulite. If you are an apple (on the male type of fats accumulate in the abdomen), then the main focus will be on lipolytic drugs. The girls with the figure "Hourglass" (the ideal to which many seek) and the "pear" (heavy bottom of the body) should focus on drainage. After all, such ladies (especially "pears") have fat savings just on the hips. Often they can be quite sleetty, but even a small fat layer in this area leads to the appearance of skin peep. But the girls columns (sports type, when the thighs and shoulders of about one width) and the owner of men's figures (shoulders wider pelvis) can not worry about cellulite at all. And massages with wraps for them - only a pleasant addition to taking care of the skin.

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