"I am a legend" returns to the movie screen


The film "I - Legend" came out in 2007 gathered over $ 584 million in global boxes. So it's not surprising that the authors of the paintings thought about the sequel. However, they failed to persuade in the continuation of the performer of the leading role of Will Smith. And instead of the sequel, the producers decided to make a remake. At the moment, working on a film scenario called "Garden on the Edge of Light", the plot of which is very similar to the plot of the film "I - Legend". It is assumed that this tape will be the first in the new franchise about zombies.

The film "I am Legend" was removed on the name of the name of Richard Matson, released in 1954. This picture has already become the third shielding of the novel. In 1964, a black and white painting "The Last Man on Earth" with Vincent Growth in the lead role was published in Italy. And in 1971, the film "Man Omega" was removed in the United States, where Robert Neville played Charleton Heston. As in the book, in these both paintings, the action unfolded in the post-apocalyptic Los Angeles. However, the 2007 film events were decided to transfer to New York.

In the center of the plot of books and films - Robert Neville. Neville is a brilliant scientist, but even he could not hold back the spread of a terrible virus - a quick-growing, incurable, and, alas, which was the result of human activity. Thanks to the internal immunity, Neville remained the only person in the city, and maybe all over the planet. Every night he hides in the house-fortress from the zombies, in which people turned. And during the day there is no attempts to invent a vaccine that can save the survivors, if such remained.

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