Victor Hugo: History of great passions


His name threatened far beyond France. He was called the last of the Great - and such a loud title is fully justified. But for contemporaries, admired by the genius of Viktor Hugo, his personality was connected not only with writing victories, but also with an amazing personal destiny. The author of a huge number of novels, in which there were all - wild passions, love and death, tragedy and ups, worried about them and in real life, from where he scream inspiration.

Victor's path to greatness began quite ordinary. His father was Joseph Leopold Hugo, Napoleonic officer who became a general, ardent and passionate. He was the exact opposite of his wife - cold-blooded and conservative Sophie demand. By the way, the insatiability of Leopold in the affairs of love affairs was the arrival in the towns. He so often bowed to his wife to the execution of a married duty that Sophie literally declared him a boycott. And then he was fascinated by a less temperamental man, her husband's friend Viktor Lagori. However, he did not divorce with Leopold, having giving him two sons: Ezhen and Victor. Evil languages ​​said that the youngest son called the woman in honor of his beloved.

Abel, the eldest son, lived with his father in Spain, where he passed military service, and the younger children stayed with her mother in Paris. From early childhood, the boys competed: both pohes the poems, dreamed of glory, and finally, both fell in love with the neighbor, Adel Fushe. However, Fortune was only favorable to Viktor. It turned out to be more successful both in creativity and in love. Adele answered Viktor reciprocity, and they got married. Eugene perceived the success of the brother painfully: at the wedding ceremony, he kept guests and periodically fell into rage. The doctor caused in order to somehow calm the unfortunate, put a disappointing diagnosis: acquired idiocy. Until the end of his days, the Eugene will be in the clinic for mentally ill in Charanton.

Heritage Father

The family union of Victor became a reflection of the relationship of his parents. Passionate and restless, he was like two drops of water similar to his father-general, while a quiet and peaceful adel more like a writer's mother, Sophie. The spouse did not endure Viktor's lust. In a letter to his girlfriend, a woman with horror said that in the first marriage night, the husband took possession of nine times and that she feels "street girl."

In addition, it was upset by the fact that the husband was interested only as an object for lovely jeys, and the rest of the time was passionate about his work. After eight years, tired of several difficult pregnancies, she completely refused to have sexual relations with Victor. In 1831, a close friend of Hugo was settled in their house, witty Charles-Augusten Saint-Boe. The owner of the house he conquered flattering reviews of his work, and Adel is the fact that it was much calmer than her husband. Victor, not being a blind man and watching this novel, first rolled the scene of jealousy, and then suggested Adel to make a choice. But the plans of Saint Boeva ​​did not matter to take a lady with four children.

Juliet Drue was predicted to Victor Fifty years

Juliet Drue was predicted to Victor Fifty years


All these passions could not not affect Victor. He, being already a thirty-year-old man with the talking nickname Favn, was looking for consolation in work and women. It was at this time that at the end of 1832 - early 1833, he met the legendary Juliet Drue, who became his mistress for the next fifty years.

Dear friend

The legend states that he saw her in the theater, where the girl played one of the secondary roles in the play "Lucretia Borgia", put on the play of Victor. They say Juliet told the writer: "There is no little role in the plays of the Hugo," thereby conquering him.

At that time, the word "actress" in France was synonymous with the word "Kurtizanka", and all the minister of the scene could somehow were on the content of men. Juliet had several fans at once. One of them is Anatoly Demidov, Russian Rich and Aristocrat. He shot apartments in the center of Paris, contained her as a queen. But jealous Victor made her change his lifestyle, promising instead of material support and love. Juliet agreed.

Alas, Victor, though he was a wealthy person, was distinguished by a jar. He paid all the debts of his beloved, but forced her to move from a luxurious mansion into a small attic. Gooted and wardrobe Juliet: Of all the dresses, she left only two parade. She was obliged to conduct a diary of expenses and first-demand him to provide him with Victor. Drue performed the role of mistress, a friend and secretary of the Hugo: rewritten his works and divided the bed with him. And, judging by personal correspondence, was quite pleased with his fate.


But Hugo would not be, if she calmed down in the arms of a devotee. In the heyday, the adorable daughter of the writer Leopoldin died. At the nineteen years, she married the handsome of Charles Vakery, and seven months after the wedding, the spouses drowned, swimming in the boat on Seine. Her luckless father did not know the best way to quench the spiritual flour than passion. By the way, the society of that time was not encouraged by the adulter. Therefore, an intrigue of 41-year-old Victor with a pretty charming of Leoni Biarar ended with a scandal. The young girl's husband found them together in bed and called the police. Representatives of the law arrested an unhappy woman. Victor from the conclusion saved the title peer.

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By the works of the Hugo, a huge number of films and musicals were shot. One of the latter - "rejected" with Hugh Jackman and Ann Khataui starring

Frame from the movie "Rejected"

At the exit of prison, Leoni's support suddenly had a legitimate wife Hugo. Adele counted with her help to leave the spouse from Juliet, to which the writer continued to feed the feelings. The trick did not work: Leoni refused to be a girlfriend of genius. But I still managed to pump the former lover: I sent DEE gentle letters who wrote Hugo. It shocked Juliet. She believed that, despite numerous intrigues, Victor loves only her. But the blow demolished.

Calm and the excerpt of this woman was amazed by all the environment of the writer, although evil tongues said that the former curtain tolerates such an appeal. Her beauty and youth left, and there were no professions and capital. I had only submissive to wait when the lover would give her attention and a small amount of money. In 1846, Juliet's daughter died, Claire. She had only her windy Victor.

This tangle of passions was interrupted in 1851 due to the forced departure of the Hugo abroad. The influential writer became an enemy of the new emperor. For numerous attacks personally in their address, Napoleon III gave an order to arrest the rebel. Having learned about this, Victor found salvation from loyal Juliet. At first she hid it from the authorities, then he mined a fake passport and handed it to Viktor. In the exile, the elderly lovers went together. And soon because of the Pamphlet "Napoleon Small" France was forced to leave the official family of Victor: Adel and her daughter (her also called the Adele) and two adults. They all headed to England. There is a long-suffering spouse of the writer, who has already experienced the death of Leopoldine, has suffered another tragedy. The younger Adel, sentimental beauty, madly fell in love with the English officer Pinson. And the word "madly" in this case should be perceived literally. The passion brought the girl to the point that she began to pursue the officer and eventually got into the clinic for mentally ill. Daughter of Geniya in 1915 died, and the mental disorder she suffered, called Adeli syndrome. Until now, they talk about all-consuming love obsession, which remains unanswered.

On our hero, the family drama did not affect. He continued to be published and had mad popularity. His relationship with Juliet was more and more friendly. From respect to the faithful friend, he tried to hide his betrayals. And that has long come true with his fate and even after the death of Adel, Victor's wife, did not ask her beloved to marry her.

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"Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady" - favorite for the shields and productions. And Gina Lollobrigid became a canonical Esmeralda

Frame from the film "Cathedral of the Parisian Our Lady"

Farewell to the legend

The return of the Hugo to his homeland became triumphal. He was in the Zenith of Glory, bought in the money and the attention of women. But the days of prosperity launched not long: one son of Hugo, Charles, and then the second, François-Victor, first died. Genius was attached to the grandchildren remaining orphans. He cared for babies, feeling guilty for giving so many experiences to their parents.

But the long-standing habits of the drains of Favn was not going to leave. Victims of the Writer's Char Pali Sarah Bernard, Jane Eisler, Zhudo Gauthier and many other ladies. One of his last passions was a 22-year-old starlet. Viktor was eighty-one, when Juliet died. A few months before that, the couple noted the 50th anniversary of the relationship. "Fifty years of love is the best of the marriage," wrote Hugo his girlfriend. She received long-awaited recognition only on mortal app. Having lost his support, a better friend and the main woman in life, in May 1885, Hugo himself died from pneumonia. His body was exhibited under a triumphal arch so that everyone could say goodbye to national heritage. "Love is only a little. She has happiness, and he wants Paradise, he has a paradise - wants the sky. About loving! All this is in your love. Summate only to find, "wrote the last of the Great.

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