Diana Arbenina: "I called Kostya Khabensky and made an unexpected offer"


- Diana, you have a very hoarse voice. Did something happen to voice?

- Just a strong cold with complications, I first mowed children, and then me. Until now, I can not come to my senses. I had to go on the air yesterday, but could not get out of the house ... first at Martha, then Artem has a very high temperature. I thought that my illness would not touched me so much - nothing like this. I had to drink antibiotics five days. Today is the first day without them, but in any case the pill, alas, strongly affect the state of the muscles. In general, the beginning of February turned out ...

- What kind of concert to which you are preparing?

- I start the concert season with VTB Arena. I used to be skeptical about the construction of this stadium. I went past on Leningradka, swearing, which was demolished "Dynamo" and it is not clear that they are built. But they built, I came last year to the concert and just stupid, sorry. Such a cool room, simple, european, and it is perfectly "sharpened" under the concerts. I have a lot of travel experience abroad to perform various teams - I consider this part of the work. So, I did not see any difference between Hamburg, Paris, London and VTB Arena. February 14, we will play the program "Unbearable ease of being". And we will participate the chorus of "fidgets", imagine !! My love for children in music began to manifest itself from this side. In the sense that the artist usually gives birth, and questions immediately come: "Have you already started writing children's songs?" Yes, oh god. Who will believe me? It would be unnatural, to put it mildly. And children always feel false. I always communicate with them in an adult, in a friendly. "Fidgets" open a concert, they sing their children's volas to the adult song, and it just turns the soul.

Diana Arbenina:

"Four years ago Khabensky called me:" Listen, Arbenina, will play a baggage in my play? " I replied that with pleasure "

- Where do you live today? I remember, wrote that you build a house on the shore of the Gulf of Finland ...

- I? Never! I had an apartment in St. Petersburg for about six years ago, I bought it from the desire of some kind of privacy. Here it windows went to the Gulf of Finland. But beautiful city units decided to build a port exactly where there was the only way to bay. When I saw how the water began to fall asleep, I became an apartment to hand over, could no longer live in it, and then the same guys sold it. We live near Moscow.

- Tell me about your children participation in a large-scale theatrical project "Generation Mowgli" under the leadership of Konstantin Khabensky?

- This is a very cool story! I have always been sympathetic Kostya Khabensky. I left doubt his reputation. It is clear that the actors' talent in it is simply demonic, but as regards its activities in the field of charity and advumbling, he is one of the few who can unconditionally believe. Four years ago, he called me: "Listen, Arbenina, will play a baggage in my play?" I replied that with pleasure. It was the first reaction. Then, thinking, I say: "Listen, but I'm not an actress." He replied that nothing terrible, teach. And I must say that I have big problems with other people's texts. (Laughs.) I never read anyone else's anyone and did not teach after school. One song I have on the poems of Brodsky, and that's it. Nevertheless, I participated in this play, it is understandable, completely charity, and now it restores him. "Mowgli generation" is such a city sequel for the works of Kipling. I sent my guys to the troupe, saying the coste: "If something happens, leave. If not, it means there is no. " While have taken root. But it is very hard, every day rehearsals. And by June, to the premiere, the load will increase. Khabensky has no statists, every child standing on stage is important. Everyone has a clear, conscious party, they understand what they do. Small, which still do not pull the scene, work in the hall by volunteers. I repeat, very cool thing. Well done Khabensky.

Diana Arbenina:

"I can definitely say only that I do not believe in creative dynasties."

we are from the future

- Your twins - the topic and March are now ten years old. Tell me, who would you like to see them in the future?

- I can definitely say only that I do not believe in creative dynasties. Often there is a strange situation when the head of the family is the most talented, and children are forced to be in the shadows. I would not want this for my children. They go to music school, but this is just a normal basic education. It does not necessarily become Mozart after that. I would be happy if the topic became a surgeon. Maybe because, by the way, that my father is a surgeon. After one, this is not quite a dynasty, but a conscious choice. (Laughs.) As for Martha: At first she wanted to become an architect, but this desire flew somewhere, now she wants to be an operator. And I explain that here it is necessary to correctly put the frame, but here it is to catch lighting. So that it is not ordinary and removed, but began to artically approach what he was doing. I exploit it in this a little. (Laughs.) We flew to Bali, there I put them on the surfboard. And I say March: "If you take pictures, see the angle in the frame is correct that people do not get gnomes." We'll see. I will not drag by force. The main thing for us, for parents, to take them as they are and anyone become. I will try to take them anyhow. But I am very afraid of drugs, just carefully afraid of this rubbish. I have fragile guys, thin, especially Artem. Therefore, I want them faster to receive a profession, for example, I take them to work on your tour.

- What about the school?

- When vacation, of course. And so, in normal mode, they can't get risen: a school, a music school, the topic boxes, Martha plays tennis, now added rehearsals from Kostnysky's bone! Going at 6:45 and only hours in nine ten at home.

- How many hobbies they have! But what are you happy most?

- They're cool. Very humane. Not yet closed in the virtual world. They have phones, but they are not in them around the clock. In addition, I am "wider", trying to pull them into a normal world. If I am at home, see together movies - have already seen, for example, "Forest Gampa", "Babylon", "Foam of Days", "Green Mile". It all started with the fact that in the summer on vacation we watched cartoons every night. I asked: "Listen, Rebans, and when me to watch my films?" The topic looks at me and naively responds: "Well, when you cook soup, you are preparing lunch or on tour." And I was indignant: "Oh, so? Then from now on we will look at what is interesting to you, and me. " (Laughs.) In general, I am not afraid of any forbidden topics and explain everything myself. In order not to repeat your own experience when in the courtyard they were told where children come from. For example, there is a love scene in the film, where the heroes kiss - my eyes are squeezed, confused. And I say: why don't you look at the screen, it's beautiful, people love each other, so cool. If you normally communicate with children, the inverse, most human and human reaction is inevitable. They are impossible to raise in one day, it is a permanent, a month's second process. For a birthday this year, they were given a lot of gifts, and when I asked what they most liked most, both answered - live turtles! You see, not new phones, not toys ...

Diana Arbenina:

"I would be happy if the topic became a surgeon. And March wants to be the operator"

- Turtles?

- Turtles, I have already humbled. (Laughs.) When they wanted the yellowophusik, and this is a snake, like a huge python, it became bad. And I don't really like hamsters. Therefore, agreed on the turtles. I ask how to call? - "Uma Thurman. Mind is a girl, a turman - a boy. " It's good that not Bonnie and Clyde (laughs). In general, they are very real, generous guys.

"Are you still traveling with them?"

- I want to carry children around the world. It turns out not as often as I would like: I have a lot of work, the school they have. But something we have already managed to see. For example, last year flew to Mexico, were in Chichen Ice, told them about this miracle of light and about others. Asked what would they like to see? And Martha replied that he wants to see the ruins. (Laughs.) I asked - turned out to be a Colosseum. So next time we go to Rome. And I really want to bring them into Africa.

Tips beginners

- From the height of your today's position, say: What is important for a novice musician?

- Write songs. If there is nothing to tell people, nothing will save. You can buy a companion guitar, you can impress the producer, but it's all for the season.

There must still be hellish working capacity: it is clear that without talent nowhere, but it is not far away on it, there should be no survival rate, but through daily work.

It is necessary to work out your handwriting ... Although, on the other hand, it is easy to say, and try it to work out! I look back, but I'm already playing for 26 years and I think: how did I come to this? I still kogotit from excitement when I write songs. This process takes all the forces, but I am happy in him - perhaps even more than standing on stage or rehearsing. And for 26 years, of course, professionalism appeared, but in the main thing nothing has changed: I loved to write, so I love. And constantly play. And 26 years ago, I generally played every day. And I did not wait for, "Well, when a thousand people comes to me for a concert." What a thousand, I was glad to ten. And gradually the number of viewers grew, grew ...

Diana Arbenina:

"Children I take to work on my tour"

Nowadays, the time of the shillpotreb can be "hayput", so that everyone is surprised and "Zalikali", but with this originality you will live the season, because it should be very solid barkand, the basis. Classic be easier than the innovator. You can smarrose nonsense, lay out, ride on it, but then the decline comes, and the person does not understand why. The originality does not need to be surprised, it works only if you can't do it. I sometimes say to children that everything broke and be engaged only by them, and they, knowing and feeling me, answer that then I would be unhappy. I choke-choking, and I can't sing. And they do not understand to earn money. In me, the energy you need to be released on the will, and then I remain balanced, in the Lada with the world and its loved ones, which is important.

- You were immediately sure that "night snipers" will be a great success?

- It is shocked so far, literally every day. I went to the Olympic scene almost a year and a half ago, and the first thought: "Why are you so much?!" (Laughs.) I was amazed by the number of people. When no one in you, never put anything, at some point you suddenly understand what has achieved something. And the most important thing is not to stop after this awareness. In this sense, I was lucky - I am constantly dissatisfied, constantly reflecting, constantly thinking that I haven't done anything yet, and my best song is ahead. I remember, the concert ended in the Olympic, descended on the steps, and I supported me, so tired. And so I go and say: "Listen, something I haven't played acoustics for a long time, let's play!" And we immediately charged "Crocus" for a birthday, right at that moment. (Laughs.) That is, this concert was not a milestone for me, after which some musicians sit at the table and celebrate another month collected "Olympic". I descended from steps - and that's all, it was already held and passed, yesterday.

- Tell me, what did you give work with foreign musicians? For example, with cadzuphums Miyazava-san?

- Japanese are generally individuals. (Laughs.) Not Europeans and not Americans. They work quite differently. Each makes his small piece of work, literally like a screw, like a screw. And this mosaic folds into a huge picture, coordinated as a clockwork without any failures.

March on tour

March on tour

- Your song "Cat" became a hat in Japan. What did it feel when I learned about it?

- It was a very cool feeling from the fact that Miyazava-san's casuphum sings her in Japanese. Everything was listened to how it sounds in the language of the hieroglyphs. He is in Japan, well, let's say like a BG with us, he is also respectful. And taking into account the completely different mentality, it was possible to treat him as much with great respect, but without so much. Perfectly normal and smooth. The main thing is to absorb each other, we did it. He gave me a beautiful plate with painted fish. I noted the beauty of this fish, Filigree drawn, with all the bones, and it turned out that she was asked for Kadzuphums himself, painted and let go. Here he is mentality!

- Were there ever doubts about the selected path?

- All life. I came to the fact that it was M o e, relatively recently. For many years I thought that I had someone's place. For example, when I was recognized, I thought why suddenly? And it is impossible to call it with coquets, aloud I did not say anything, but inside the lot. Poems began to write with the full sense of the oddity of what is happening. When stories came out of me, they began to fold into the books, thought again that I was not going there. And even in music, I repeat, quite recently realized that a professional that I could do it well and convincingly. I calmed down, only when I read a book about the Radiohead group, where the interviews of the guys, in particular, Tom York, and he says: "I thought all my life that I took someone's place!" "My God, I don't have one thoughts in the head," I thought then. But perhaps my long-term reflection has developed absolute self-sufficiency and independence - I do not need any approval. However, it's nice, like any child when praise. After all, if a person is constantly saying that he m ... k, he will eventually so. And vice versa. For example, my son says that he does not want to do English, tired, and if he wants, then only at the festive table. I call him, spread the towel on the floor, I propose to lie down with the words: "You seem to be on the seashore, and I am going to you for a holiday." He lies and makes tasks. (Smiles.) If a man treat a kind and with love, he will also come to respond. I was deprived of the first ten years on stage. Resonance was present from the public, but not from the "shop", let's say. Then I was realized, probably, there was an absolute feeling of my own harmony. I realized that I am writing good songs. And that this is not going anywhere. Or maybe confidence from the fact that I constantly scatter. I did not just take a handle, a sheet of paper and, tota, wrote. This is from me takes a lot of life, of course, and therefore, obviously not applied.

Artem on tour

Artem on tour

- Your stories and poems that take them out of you, have already acquired a weighty form in the form of collections?

- Yes of course. A couple of years ago a two-member came out. Poems and texts called "Running", and prosaic - called "Tilda".

- Is it not now profitable - to release books?

- Not. But I am not a writer, I do not stretch the novel in a second. For me, this is again the impossibility of not to do. Some volume gathered, I release. But I went to prose for a long time, by the way, it was in connection with the reflection. Always believed that a person could be talented in one. Either cool to cook, either cool to write, or be a class surgeon. But this, as often happens now on the expanses of social networks, when the girl is a poet, decorator, a fashion designer, a psychologist and nanny of their own five children in addition .... I'm somewhat somewhat ... alarming. Therefore, to recognize the right to prose within himself.

Image - all!

- Who is working on your imaging today?

- I have a wonderful stylist Lesha Sukharev. I have a constant concert make-up - because I want to look good. But at the same time nothing and ever for style, the image, etc., I do not "across myself". And if I go out in a short dress, it means that I wanted to wear it. Thank God, the people who work with me are absolutely clearly understand what I, they do not miss Nelpitsa, I apologize for oil oil. The only thing I want to lose weight. I need to laugh, they say where you lose weight, and I know what you need! (Laughs.)

- And how do you lose weight, what are your methods?

- I constantly have some kind of physical activity, I have a lot of sport with a coach, plus yoga. Be sure to charge in the morning, you need to extend, stretch. In addition, he began to study to large tennis, although earlier, to be honest, he considered his game "Major". But nothing like this, if approaching him really! As with everything, however, in life.

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