Kirill Safonov: "Under the influence of my wife, I became much calmer"


We are sitting in a cafe in the center of Moscow. Cyril in secret shows me the working material - this is his directorial and producer debut. Parable on the historical topic: about the problem of choice, about how this our choice hurts the fate of other people, about the providence and will of man. In general, a lot of philosophical thoughts in such a compressed format. Rent a movie - it was his dream, if not childhood, then youth. And here, years of emotion, experience, experiences were embodied in the plot. "To forty years I had nothing, what I would like to tell a wide range of people," Safonov admits. So, his work, the film-primary he attaches great importance. Perhaps this is some life milestone, the beginning of something new in the biography.

As it is customary to write in such cases about guys from the Russian depths, the path to success in Cyril Safonov was a tortist and a ternist. Our hero was born in the village of Ermakovskoye Krasnoyarsk Territory, school years spent in Lviv. Parents of Cyril divorced when he was twelve years old, and he early learned the price of the work, having mastered several working specialties. But he felt that his place was not at the machine. Studying at the actor began in his hometown, but after a year he was transferred to Gitis for the course to Andrei Alexandrovich Goncharov. Pedagogue to a talented student in favor of favor and even contributed to the receipt of housing - by that time, Safonov was already married, daughter Nastya was born. In the late 90s (Kirill then worked at the Stanislavsky theater) crisis broke out in the country. It was clear to the young actor that he could not live for one salary, so during the day he went on stage, and at night he worked as private worm. Invitation from the Israeli Theater "Gesher" turned out to be as impossible by the way. In Israel, Cyrill lived several years. He played in the theater, worked on television and starred in the cinema. In 2006, Cyril Safonov (already as an Israeli actor) came to represent the film "Semi-Russian History" directed by Eitan Anner at the Moscow Film Festival. The film was very warmly met, and Safonov soon offered a role in the famous TV series Tatiana Day. After that, no less interesting works were followed: "My autumn blues", "two in the rain", "loot", "short course of a happy life", "bear corner", "pursuit of shadow", "contract terms" and others. Promotional life has been improved. Sasha Savelyev became the woman with which Kirill decided to re-build a family - despite the "scars, burns and mental wounds."

Kirill, after the divorce of parents, you turned out to be the only man in the family. Felt their responsibility?

Kirill Safonov: "Probably, I somehow did not formulate it clearly, everything came by itself. Once I grew up my mother that my friend had bought a car ... Seeing her eyes, I never affected similar topics. Thirteen years went to work on the post office, spreading letters and newspapers. And when I turned fourteen, I went to the north for the first time - repair the railway under the new Urengoam. Mom found out that the student construction squad is going and there is a "hard teenager" position. I was not like that, but the construction bar was interested. It's hard to remember the motives now. Apparently, I wanted to have my money, help my relatives. Then I already went to construction workers every year, I have five technical diplomas in different specialties. "

Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva got married in April 2010. Wedding played in a beautiful manor Tsaritsyno. Photo: Personal archive of Kirill Safonova.

Kirill Safonov and Sasha Savelyeva got married in April 2010. Wedding played in a beautiful manor Tsaritsyno. Photo: Personal archive of Kirill Safonova.

And how are you, a boy from an intelligent family, felt in a working environment?

Cyril: "It is quite comfortable, with simple people always just. For a while, I worked in the engine shop at the bus factory - and, as it seems strange, I saw more than happy faces around myself. Now I am surrounded by successful, ambitious people, but many of them do not have happiness, such a feeling that they are always not enough, they cannot stop. "

Acting profession - for personalities with ambitions. Have you been sure that you will succeed?

Kirill: "Of course! From the first class, I ranked first places at the Competition of the CTs. (Laughs.) Probably, if I were guided by confidence in myself, I would not do anything at all. It's all about desire: if a person wants something strongly, he can all. In fact, I became accidental as an actor, initially I wanted to submit documents to the Director of the Faculty - I went to the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts. The girl in the adoptive commission somehow looked at me strangely, says: "We have no director, only the acting department." I said: "Okay, I'll think about." An hour was like, returned: Well, the acting, so acting. And only a year later, when I was transferred to Gitis to Andrei Goncharov's course, I had the opportunity to deal with the directory too. "

But the institute you never graduated. In the bottom of the interview, you said that you almost threw the graduate performance by leaving the general rehearsal.

Cyril: "Not everything is so simple and brixurna. It was a conflict - both creative, and human. Together with our teacher worked on the performance, there was a certain idea. But it turned out that Goncharov had his own vision, what should this performance should be. Andrei Alexandrovich was an excellent person who was passionate about, but at the same time a rather tough genius. And this conflict broke me from the inside. In fact, in that situation, it was necessary either to become above it, or leave. Apparently, I did not have enough wisdom and experience. Now, perhaps, I would do differently ... "

Then in the theater paid a little, the cinema was almost not removed. You, a man who is accustomed to earning from an early age, to appreciate the money, did it not embarrassed?

Cyril: "I never appreciated the money. Even now, aware of the whole power of this invention of humanity, I do not have a proper drinking. Regarding the work: when I went to the university, there was no crisis yet, he happened later, in 1998. I tried to find a way out: in the afternoon I studied, worked in the theater, and I tacked at night. When I began to fall asleep at rehearsals, I realized that I had to change something. And here it was just a proposal to move to the Israeli Theater "Gesher". For a long time I did not think, and I am very grateful to the theater for the fact that it was possible not to leave the profession - and such thoughts have already appeared. Despite the crisis, it was the time of light money, life roulettes. It was possible to lose everything per day, but also to purchase. And when I looked at some of my friends, who "went into business," began to think that, maybe, and I should change the generation of the activity. "

Did the family supported you? This is all the same another country, another reality.

Kirill: "There were doubts, but nevertheless the decision was made."

In the movie Safonov, images are asked not only lovers' heroes. "Pilot of international airlines." Photo: Personal archive of Kirill Safonova.

In the movie Safonov, images are asked not only lovers' heroes. "Pilot of international airlines." Photo: Personal archive of Kirill Safonova.

How was the adaptation?

Kirill: "I have mastered the basic course of the language in two months and could already communicate with the Israelis quietly. Could explain what I want, and understand what they want from me. I had to be mastered quickly: I did not have a choice, I had to play in the nearest premiere of the theater. Of course, this is another world, and you just need to take everything that happens there as a given. You can not move to the "Alien Monastery", taching tin spoons and forks from the Soviet restaurant. This is the problem of many emigrants who are trying to measure what is happening around in accordance with those ideas that they brought from their homeland. They watch Russian channels, read Russian newspapers, go along the path of least resistance. "

Have you liked a new life?

Kirill: "I lived in Israel for seven years and I can say that there is no such country where everything is fine. My congenital patriotism remained in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where I was born. And acquired - just there, in Israel. I'll tell you one story. My daughter broke his leg. She studied in the senior class - along the tradition they are located in the school building on the upper floors. For some time, Nastya lasted at home, but as soon as she was put a light gypsum and she was able to go to classes (though, on crutches), her class was transferred to the lower floor so that it was convenient for her. When I followed the school's leadership, they could not understand what. They seemed in the order of things that they did this. I do not want to compare, but, in my opinion, this is a real human relationship. "

Work in the theater "Gesher" pleased you?

Cyril: "You need to possess certain properties of character to build attitudes in the team and serve in the repertoire theater. It is long, almost family relationships with outsiders who are forced daily to expound in front of his soul! I rarely get such a relationship. Once on the set, Armen Borisovich Dzhigarkhanyan told me: "Son, find your theater - the same thing that find your favorite woman." I would be happy to get into such a theater where like-minded people work. The next season will begin in the "contemporary". Galina Borisovna Volchek invited me to participate in setting one incredibly shrill play. And such a partner, like Chulpan Hamatova, is just creative luck for me. "

You wanted to engage in directed - finally a dream managed to realize?

Kirill: "The dream managed to create. Before a forty-year line, I could not find something exactly the most important than I want to share with people. Yes, and now no one is going to teach from the screen. But find a response, understand that someone thinks just like me, is not even a desire, but an urgent need. The idea of ​​the film was born suddenly when I heard about one historical fact in the form of a joke. But the fact itself seemed to me so deep that I even physically felt a big black hole in myself inside. Scenario I did not write. Just when I sat down in front of a clean page, he took and wrote himself. Then the story was twisted around the script, beautiful ideological people began to appear, which still remember why they began to engage in creativity. There was a real team, which was the backbone of my producer company. Then the actors joined us. Lord, it was happiness - no one refused! Polina Kutepov, Valentin Iosifovich Gaft, Karen Badalov, Oleg Fedorovich Maroshev, Gennady Hungry - this is my star team. Little to some directories are so lucky in life! This is a short film, he has a festival fate. One part of the project was shot in Austria, the other in Moscow. The action takes place at the end of the nineteenth century. Everything, no longer can not say a word before the premiere. "

Kirill is not afraid of flying and traveling a lot. Photo: Personal archive of Kirill Safonova.

Kirill is not afraid of flying and traveling a lot. Photo: Personal archive of Kirill Safonova.

You also enjoy the music, even recorded the album. Are you going to join the show business?

Cyril: "This is a hobby, a hobby, which helped me in a difficult period of life to remain myself. I had my own small studio in Israel. In order to do this seriously, you need to be a professional musician. For me, this is not just music, but something is very personal. Simply there is some kind of energy of a certain property, which the output is needed. When I did not have the opportunity to act, I was engaged in music. When I did not write music, wrote pictures. On the venice and in the galleries of Lviv, Krasnoyarsk, I earned painting on life, but I can't say that I am an artist. "

Are you a perfectionist?

Cyril: "Yes. But not the one who is going through the crookedly lying napkins. I perceive everything that happens as a kind of champion, which should come together in the head. Then I enjoy. "

Why did Armen Dzhigarkhanyan say that the actor is a sinful profession?

Kirill: "The sinners called the church. I think it was from jealousy, because we have power over the souls of people. And the church believed that he should have a monopoly on it. When the Inquisition buried the actors behind the cemetery fence, apparently, it moved a zealous feeling. Someone else says that the actor is a female profession. Probably, the thing is how everyone feels in her. In any case, the actors are people who least play life. "

Another side of the acting profession is publicity. In a joint interview with Sasha, you told how, having met in the club, did not know each other. It hurts vanity?

Kirill: "We had the feeling that we were familiar, but we could not understand where. Fame, interview, autographs I perceive as part of the work. This gratitude to people for being watching films with all the wealth of choice and go to performances with my participation. In all the rest, the recognition does not care. There is nothing good that you can't freely sneeze when you want it. I like my work, like spending time with talented people on the site, I am glad when it turns out a good movie. In the profession, I was not in order to find out me, but to implement creative energy. "

In marriage, Union is important respect for what makes partner?

Cyril: "In our family, everything connected with our creative interests, ambitions is important. The wife shows an understanding, participation, supports what I want to do. I, in turn, support her and trying to share my experience with her. In my opinion, it's great when my wife is also becoming another. "

How did you get tidy of characters, did you change under the influence of each other?

Kirill: "I do not think that at all you need to change someone. If such a desire arises, then you did not find the right person. If you want to change together, develop to make a joint life even better, this is one, and if one is trying to "re-educate" the other - nothing will work out. A person can be compressed as a spring - as long as it is not straightened with terrible force. This is my point of view, I do not pretend to be historical objectivity. I can say that under the influence of Sasha I became much calmer, but she never tried to change me: I loved what was. Of course, being close to such a beautiful woman, I want to match her. "

At the time of the meeting with Sasha, you were ready for a serious relationship?

Cyril: "We met with Sasha when I was thirty-five years old. By that time I already had such a "stock" of burns, scars and broken spiritual artery, that the sense of caution was present. And it was difficult to get rid of it, even when there was no need for this. Sometimes experience even interferes, and have to make volitional efforts so that it does not affect the relationship. But with Sasha, I immediately intuitively realized that it was my man. "

Are you some time?

Kirill: "It sometimes seems to me that two different people live in me. Probably, the thing is that I was born on June 21. For one horoscope, twins, differently - cancer. I am forty-one, and I still can not decide: who I am a cheerful, sparkling, easy to lift the shirt-guy or a heavy, tedious conservative, loving privacy. I am also the same. And I guess that others do not always manage to adapt to my character. In principle, like me yourself. "

"I intuitively realized that Sasha was my man. It's great when the wife is also friend. "

"I intuitively realized that Sasha was my man. It's great when the wife is also friend. "

Lilia Charlovskaya

Cyril, you have an adult daughter from the first marriage. Are you happy how to make her life?

Kirill: "I hope yes. I do not want to make up for the future, but I have a smart, beautiful, independent daughter, which can make decisions herself. She even adult me ​​at her age. Required with relatives, but at the same time makes your choice. For several years now she lives an independent life. For me, it has always been no matter what profession she will choose what will be to do, the main thing is to be happy. Even if her desires are contrary to my ideas about how everything should happen. "

Is it really a temptation "Read notation"?

Cyril: "I participate in the life of a daughter on the rights of a deliberate voice. Now she is already twenty years old, they will not clarify. But it was always. When some difficult situation arose, I could tell the Nastya about my own experience and my vision of the situation, but never insisted on something. Because I myself do not always know how will "go right". You can only advise a personal example. Especially terribly, in my opinion, when parents are trying to manipulate children, simulate some kind of situation that failed in their lives. "

You are from those parents who give children to the hands of the air serpent and says: fly, will suddenly work out?

Kirill: "I am those who buys a kite designer - collect and fly."

The first experience of creating a full-fledged family did not succeed. Now would you like more children?

Kirill: "Why? The first experience just turned out. Thank you, and go on life further. We just met the first wife when they themselves, in essence, were still children. And then each of us grew up in an adult, and it turned out that these people have absolutely different interests and goals. Sasha and I do not catch up on creativity, career. In my opinion, we both have already done enough in this regard. Of course, we want to continue to continue and expand our family, build a house, plant trees. Family is seven "I". And we have two so far. Working on it". (Laughs.)

Cyril, how do you perceive your age?

Cyril: "Fine. I remember, I even wrote a post: "I'm forty-one. The soul is good and calm. Thank you". I loved my age somewhere from thirty-three years, when it is still enough forces in order to do something, but you are already starting to understand something in life. I found a common language with the world and is not sure that it happened to the end. "

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