How to use special coursework products?


Truth serum

We have long been accustomed to beautiful advertising campaigns and loud promises to return the skin youth, radiance and prime girlish blush after one use of the magic cream. Skepticism in the question of choosing a leaving product is quite appropriate, but he should not prevent the appreciation of not so new (appeared in the 90s of the XX century), but still not fully studied by our women beauty format. Highly concentrated products go under the general name "serum" (or "serum") and differ from the usual means for several key items. First, the composition: compared even with the most effective cream in serums, there are tens of times more than the active substance. In this case, the amount of ingredients themselves in concentrate is significantly less. The role of the first violin, as a rule, plays acid - glycolic, hyaluronic or dairy. Supportive vegetable or vitamin complex helps the active substances penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, it is better to absorb and extend the effect. In some concentrates, preservatives are almost completely absent. But one of the most attractive advantages of their advantages - the very "result is obvious, which can be estimated literally after the first application. Of course, to reduce the pore size or whiten pigment stains, you will need not one day, but the positive dynamics are noticeable immediately.

The second principal difference is in the frequency of use. So, you can use your favorite cream for years, serum is consumed by courses in two or three weeks, then you need to take a break. However, modern formulas of Serums allow you to sit on effective products for months, while without cancellation syndrome or addiction. Nevertheless, having solved a certain problem, it is necessary to switch to supporting therapy. For example, ampoules that returned the face of radiance and elasticity are deposited to the side, and we return to the standard care scheme.


Many of us still commit typical mistakes, starting using these products. The most important of them is a choice of sherub in the type of skin: such a strategy is rooted incorrect and can lead to deplorable results. It is necessary to navigate the problem and age (some serums have a very powerful anti-aging effect and are contraindicated by young girls). Remember that special tools are intended to solve certain tasks and are not panacea. If your main goal is to get rid of the dull color of the face, you have to find a completely specific serum with a specific set of functions. Pay attention to the basis of the serum: the owners of oily skin is better to make a choice in favor of funds on the water base, those who have dry skin, cosmetologists recommend oily.

It is pleased that today the beauty industry has a huge assortment of exchange intensive products, so that almost any imperfection of the skin of the face and body can be eliminated quite easily and within a reasonable time. Among the problems with which serum is fighting more efficient creams, expanded pores, inflammation, hyperpigmentation, minor sagging and loss of elasticity, cooperosis and violations in the work of the sebaceous glands. And the most common misconception concerning the "beauty concentrates", as if they all possess the anti-aging effect. Indeed, the first sieves were produced under anti-jacking, but after the products of this category began to use stable popularity, the spectrum of their action expanded significantly.


So, we defined the problem and found a special tool that can solve it. Next - no theory, only practice. Serum is the final stage of care, applied to the purified toned skin. Start the application from once every two days, at night. The epidermis gradually gets used to the impact dose of nutrients.

To increase efficiency, before applying, spend a home peeling session. Course products are ultra-concentrated - do not refuse them above the measure. Two-three drops should be enough for the whole face and neck: they are neatly distributed with her finger, slightly driven into the skin. If you want to add care to your usual cream, apply it in ten-fifth minutes.

Some serums are used exclusively overnight (those in their composition have a retinol or a high percentage of acids), some (whitening, exfoliating) - only with powerful sunscreen or do not apply in the period of active UV rays. If you have sensitive skin or a specific set of problems, contact a cosmetologist, which can correctly determine the necessary tools you need in your case. With great care, dark girls must choose their care: any sieves have some clarifying effect.

Masks and peelings on acids are also among special course products. We need to use them very carefully, tracking all changes. Instructions for using such beauty units are required to read and execute. Intense products can both effectively solve your problems and create new ones, to get rid of which will be very difficult.

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