Brad Pitt: "Angie for me - all"


They had had to play cinema spouses. Brad and Angie met on the set film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" in 2004 and so organically looked together, which did not arise in doubt: this is not just a game. Passion, boiling on the screen, were only a reflection of what was happening in the shower. The rapidly issued divorce with Jennifer Aniston Brad Pitt began to build a new relationship with Angelina Jolie. Later, the actor has repeatedly admitted in an interview that the meeting with this woman completely turned his life, gave her a new direction and meaning.

For the first time, the actors announced the engagement in April 2012. By the time the pair had six children, three of them are adopted. Since then, information about secret wedding ceremonies began to regularly appear in the media, but it has not yet been confirmed. "This marriage is very important for our children. They wait will not wait when we get married, "Pitt said to journalists, but everything was not weddings and was not. The excuses came up with different: Let's wait until one-sex marriage will be allowed in the United States, or let children grow out a little. Most often, Brad and Angelina simply missed. Wait, they say, we are not up to us now.

But still an event that has been waiting for both relatives, and friends, and fans of the famous pair, and happened. According to media reports, the wedding took place on August 23 in France, in the castle of actors Chateau Miraval. At the solemn ceremony there were about twenty people - relatives and closest friends. And of course, six children of Angelina and Pitt took the most direct part in the celebration. Their drawings were decorated with a veil and a wedding dress of the bride, created by the designer of the Atelier Versace of Luigi ATELIER VERSACE. The elder sons led Jolie to the altar, the rest touched her way with rose petals and kept rings. In addition, the children helped their parents in writing wedding oaths. "It was a special day for our children and a happy time for our family," the newlyweds said.

Brad Pitt: "Angie for me is all. She is my whole life, my love, mother of my children. Everything that happens to us is very important for me, so I try to keep it at any cost. The best thing I could do for my children is to find them such a mother as she. And for yourself - such a beautiful friend. Angie, because "terrible power", while she is very fragile and wounded. All I want is to have a long and healthy life with me and our children. "

Everyone was waiting for your wedding so long! I wonder, do you read what they write about you on the Internet?

Brad: "God Save, never! And Angie and I do not even look there. By the way, I do not know how to use the computer. People climb your life, hack passwords ... it does not surprise me. But I can't think about it all the time too. Although I am still paranoid. " (Laughs.)

The wedding of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt played in his castle Chateau Miraval in France. Photo:

The wedding of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt played in his castle Chateau Miraval in France. Photo:

What if you miss something truly useful?

Brad: "I don't think. I should not have anything to prove anything else. The main thing for me is to experience satisfaction yourself. From life, relationship, work. I do not need drawing tips. I am from those people who cannot but move forward. This, you know how sharks. They are constantly in motion and just do not know how to stop. I know whether it was always a kind of stubborn bastard and achieved what I want. Fortunately, my father was not a despot and provided me with excellent opportunities in life, thanks to which I sit there before you. "

For example?

Brad: "I was brought up in a Christian family. I remember that I constantly asked some questions, but I never satisfied the answers. And then one day you grow up to conscious age and understand all the techniques of life. You see what you will die, your loved ones will die, relatives ... Someone will leave before, someone later. And it all tried to drive his father into my head. "

Did you ignore?

Brad: "At first yes. Not yet matured. I was something like tramp. A guy who felt that he lives in some vacuum and is constantly looking for inspiration. I spent it damn a lot of time. At the same time I felt that she was wasted time. I hurt myself - these were drugs ... But at some point I consciously went to change. Ten years ago. It was like an insight - I suddenly decided not to miss my capabilities anymore, I woke up. "

What prompted you to this?

Brad: "In fact, I was already sick of myself from myself, sitting on a sofa with a jammer hiding from everything. It was a sad sight. And I began to understand that I am desperately trying to play a movie, which shows an interesting life, but my own is not at all. I think it was somehow connected with my marriage with Jennifer. He was not really like that we tried to set it. "

Wow! And now?

Brad: "Now I have some close friends, my family, and I do not know a happier life than that. True, I believe that I am luckier than others. The more I travel around the world, the more I understand my capabilities. Many people simply do not have them. Where you were born, largely determines your further life. "

Brad and Angie met on the set in 2004 and looked so organically together, which no doubt arose: it's not just a game. Frame from the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith".

Brad and Angie met on the set in 2004 and looked so organically together, which no doubt arose: it's not just a game. Frame from the film "Mr. and Mrs. Smith".

Family for you - a source of inspiration?

Brad: "I have always thought so: if my family ever appears, then let it be big. I wanted at home chaos to be filled with sounds. I love it. Yes, sometimes I dream to quit everything and spend the day at the hotel. And sometimes I even do it. I watch the TV, read the newspaper. Such a kayf! But the next day I start to miss my noisy life, in which so much joy and happiness. Do not consider me an egoist, but the reward for it is priceless. "

I'm sure the children just adore you. You are a wonderful father!

Brad: "I think very often about it. About what I have to give them what opportunities to open about them. In my opinion, the best is the opportunity to see the world. I grew up in a deeply believer family, where the Bible was the only book. And then suddenly began to listen to the songs and watch movies, and it did not coincide with what I saw and read before. I became curious, and since then I have always had questions. Love for stories I try to convey to my children. This, you know something like fairy tales for the night. When we lay and watched the Olympic Games, there were stories about athletes. Or stories from films. That's what we try to talk about such. Surprisingly, these conversations may be completely native. "

Admit, all these permanent movements around the world, flights and moving tires?

Brad: "No, because we are accustomed to them. This is our life. We have always bags with you, and we can stay anywhere, whether it is even a green lawn. Of course, I can live in one place, but be able to travel and carry with me only the most needed I like more. This is true, sometimes we are far from the very paradise. But I believe, children must see the problems of other people living in this world to be his citizens who are ready to help those who suffer. Perhaps they still do not understand everything, not everyone is aware. But something is definitely postponed in their consciousness. "

Your endless travels do not interfere with children to learn?

Brad: "No, because they do and go to schools in those countries where we are currently. We recorded them in a special international educational program, and now children everywhere receive their portion of knowledge according to the schedule. Of course, we are a little crazy family in this plan, but what can you do. And even if the kids do not understand the sense, where they are, they know exactly what they are always in their family. We are always together. And the more valuable becomes for them both family values. "

Brad Pitt:

"I was already sick of myself, sitting on a sofa with a jamb. I think it was somehow connected with my marriage with Jennifer Aniston. " Photo: All Over Press.

You never wanted to leave the life you live, and live normally?

Brad: "I have scored it for a long time (laughs.) You understand that this is normal for us, there is no normal life, no matter how abnormal it seems from. First of all, I am a father, and I have the same concerns as other fathers. It is necessary to earn money, to provide his wife and children, to spend time with them. Yes, we are public people, and in some privacy places it is difficult to achieve. I try to protect children, protect them from cameras who are fussing right in the face. But this is the fee for what we do, and I am fine realize. "

What do you think you're a good actor?

Brad: "I would say that I am a damn solid professional actor."

Soon the Military film "Rage" will come to the screens. Surely you have hundreds and hundreds of different proposals, why did you decide on this role?

Brad: "For the first time, I was given the opportunity to open the tank and crew from five people. And I thought: "Why not?" (Laughs.) And if seriously, I read the script and I liked my sergeant for nicknamer.

Well, probably, like all men, are you interested in all these tanks, weapons?

Brad: "Oh yeah! By the way, this Tiger 131 tank took part in our film. This is a museum exhibit. David (director of the film "Rage" David Ayer. - Approx. Avt.) Rent it from the "Tank Museum" based on Bovington Camp.

What kind of principle do you choose, with what directories work?

Brad: "Since I founded a production company Plan B, I try to work only with those with whom I am pleased. My main rule: so that everyone in the team supported each other. And it does not matter whether our opinions coincide on this or that matter. If I'm going to give a fourteen hours of my life per day for many months, I need to know that I will be with people who love and respect. "

And yet your favorite director who?

Brad: "I have several of them. And all of them are curious and inquisitive by their nature. Do not be afraid to ask questions. But especially I love Quentin Tarantino since the time of the "real love." Our paths were really intersected only at "Inchlastic bastards". But I always knew that one day we would work together: he would simply call one question, and I will answer yes.

So what happened?

Brad: "It is. If I throw a family for a long time, the film must cost. Family for me - all. They are always in the first place. And I will not allow them to be blushing for me. "

What does your father mean for you?

Brad: "First of all be an example for your children. Remember that they copy and good, and bad. By paternity, it is impossible to learn how it is not written in the books. Much has to do intuitively, therefore it is an incessive mutual learning process. "

What did the family taught you?

Brad: "The right attitude towards life. In my youth, it is difficult to understand what is important, and what is secondary. And when you see the first step of your child, you hear his first word, then you understand: this is, without anything you can not live. You learn to rejoice in the little victories and be proud of them. It is these moments that help to go through life and encourage to achieve. "

What would you like to teach children?

Brad: "Common sense. Understanding that you do not need to blindly follow the idea, no matter how good it seems. I grew up in a religious environment and only at a certain stage of life began to question what I believed long enough. I was about twenty years then. It was a terrible time - I had to separate myself from the system of views, which I followed all my life. How this is so - no life after death? End - And all?! Religion is a great comforter, but I could no longer comfort himself, I had to deal myself with my fears. Therefore, I will answer your question like this: we will not impose anything to our children. "

Your children represent different continents, different cultures and traditions. Does it somehow affect your vision of the world?

Brad: "Personally, I am speaking for the general racial mixing of people! But this does not mean that our children grow, not knowing their roots. They understand what they come from. And I only win from this - my understanding of the surrounding world has significantly expanded. I look at my son from Vietnam, and on a daughter who was born in Ethiopia, and on our girl, which appeared on the light in Namibia, and on the son from Cambodia and I know that they all became brothers and sisters under the roof of our house. And you can not even imagine what happiness is to realize it. "

And what languages ​​except English do you own?

Brad: "I have bad languages. In the American school, they do not pay due attention to foreign languages. Our eldest son is studying in a two-legged school. Angie and I began to engage in French. I really want to learn another language to travel around the world, not to be "dumb".

Brad Pitt:

"Sometimes I spend the day at the hotel. I watch the TV, read the newspaper. Kaif! But the next day I start missing the family. " Photo: All Over Press.

You are already fifty. How do you perceive your age?

Brad: "Listen, I like to grow old. Every day I lose youth, but I acquire wisdom. I like to look at the younger generation. Even on how young people make mistakes and not learning anything. Once during the filming of "Benjamin Button" I realized the short life of life. And it was a very gloomy feeling, suddenly understand that no one was eternal. Maybe I have ten days left to live, or only one day, or ten years, or forty. In the middle of my way or closer to his end? In any case, one thing is clear - I do not want to miss a single moment, succumbing to laziness, regrets or the more harmful prudes. And I want, so what's there, you just have to be sure that they surround me exclusively the people that I need. My Angie and our children are the best company for me, and I do not want to lose a minute, communicating with these most important guys for me. I love them, I love very much. We are together, because we complement and inspire each other. Family for me is all. I even quit smoking after twenty years! (Laughs). I suddenly became important to live in accordance with my convictions, follow what is really important for me. I have a friend who works in a hospice, he told me what people think about and talking about death. Not about their successes, awards, books that wrote, or films that removed. No, not at all. They remember only about love and regret that they disadvantaged, made mistakes that prevented them to love. "

It is surprising, but externally you do not change at all.

Brad: "Thanks for the compliment, even though it is not. Internally, I have changed much. With age, I feel like a man, ugly experience, and I like it. My experience gives me the opportunity to be a good father, whom the children respect and listen, a reliable partner for the beloved woman.

If you come to middle age surrounded by a family and with your favorite work, the feeling appears that you are in that place at the time. That is what happens to me. "

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