Sexual giant: 5 signs of male sexuality


It is no secret that the most important component of harmonious family relationships is the sexual satisfaction of both partners. This spicy topic often pops up at the consultation at the psychologist. One lacks sex, and the other, on the contrary, it is too much. With this difference, as a rule, it is not easy to cope. Those who are missing do not know how to quench their hunger, not offended the second half, and those who are too much feel the pressure from the partner, feel guilt and even sometimes think that something is wrong with them.

In fact, all of all so. Scientifically proven that we all have a different sexual constitution. And this is a congenital characteristic, the same as the color of the eyes and hair or temperament. That is, it is useless to oppose this.

Both men, and women allocate three types of constitution: weak, middle and strong. The owners of the strong constitution need a lot of sex, more than once a day, when the representatives of weak are satisfied with one time a week, and even less. Indicators of the Central Constitution are widely varied between these two extremes.

How to pre-predict your partner in advance? How to calculate how compatible are you compatible? This is a wide topic that does not fit into one article, but I will try to bring some considerations about this.

So, if you set out to calculate the sexual constitution of your partner, focus on the following × 5 indicators:

1. Growth ratio and leg length - the so-called trochanter index. Than he is more, the stronger the constitution. That is, the shorter legs, the more sexy man. Surely many heard the proverbs: "All growth in the root left." So, there is a large proportion of truth. Now about the numbers: divide growth on the length of the legs from the hip and get the result. Less than 1.91 - the constitution is weak; 1.92-1.98 - average; From 1.99 and above - strong.

2. The degree of agriculture. Thick hair cover on hands, legs, chest and back in a man - a sign of a strong sexual constitution. Another private savory detail is the character of the lobcas. The weak sexual constitution corresponds to horizontal exhaust, medium - with the transition to the belly in the form of a hair track to the navel; Strong - excess extension (hypertrichosis). The point of view is also true that bald men are more sexy, since the increased level of testosterone hormone can cause premature hair loss.

3. Form of the foot. With a strong sexual constitution, the thumb is shorter than index © when both with a weak is much longer (a). With the average, they are approximately the same length (b).

With a strong sexual constitution, the thumb is shorter than the index, as in Figure C.

With a strong sexual constitution, the thumb is shorter than the index, as in Figure C.

4. Method of kneading hands. You need to pull both hands forward, press your palms to each other and without having a forearm (elbows should be directed strictly in opposite sides), try to reduce them as close as possible to each other. If the hands remain straight, do not bend, then this person has a strong sexual constitution © if you bend, but still there is a gap between the forearms (connecting the elbow and wrist), then this is a person with an average sexual constitution (b), and if the forearms converge, This is a weak sexual person (a).

According to the method of deflection, you can also determine how your potential partner will be active in bed.

According to the method of deflection, you can also determine how your potential partner will be active in bed.

5. Age of Awakening Libido. That is, the appearance of attraction to the opposite sex. At an early age, this can manifest itself in the appearance of interest in various erotic situations in books, in cinema, in life, to relationships with the opposite sex, the awakening of erotic fantasies. At the owners of a strong constitution, erotic interest wakes up even 11 years; Middle - from 12 to 14, weak - after 15.

In men, there are three more indicators that need to check out, but just in case, mention and about them:

- Maximum excess - The maximum number of seeds per day, in a lifetime, regardless of how the ejaculation occurred. Weak - less than 3, average - from 4 to 6, strong - more than 7.

- time to achieve conditional physiological rhythm (UFR) after marriage : A conditioned physiological rhythm is considered 2-3 sexual intercourse per week. Attention! Not all are married and not all married reached the UFR. Strong - more than 10 years, medium - from 2 to 10, weak - up to 1 year.

- absolute age of achievement of the UFR. Weak - up to 26 years, average - from 27 to 40, strong - more than 40.

The most informative visual factors are the form of its foot and the trochanter index. Moreover, the feet of the feet has a more priority value than even a trochanter index. There are cases when high people with low values ​​of the trochanter index turned out to be hypersexual. It turned out that their thumb is much shorter than the index.

As you can see, scientifically proven that Napoleons in bed are small, gentle, hairy men. Recall the film "Little Giant Gigant of Great Sex". When calculating it is better to take into account all factors in the aggregate, without focusing on some separate. And besides, every Napoleon has its own Waterloo;)

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