It is terribly interesting: 3 of the most mystical places in the world


Agree, boring excursions, albeit in the most beautiful places on the planet, no longer cause desire to wake up early in the morning in order to spend the same bored tourists in the company all day on the next author's route. That is why among travelers around the world, the mystical direction is gaining popularity: many are ready to part with several salaries to listen to terrible stories and see everything with their own eyes. If you sleep hard at night, you may and you decide to go on a trip to the most mystical corners of the planet

Yonaguni (Japan)

This direction will suit all Eastern culture and diving lovers. At a small depth on the southern shore of Japan, a huge pyramid was completely accidentally discovered. However, it is not easy to see it: the fact is that it is necessary to immerse yourself for this and not greater, but still depth. The fact that the pyramid was created with the participation of a person confirms the road paved once around the monument. According to scientists, the pyramid has already been more than five thousand years old, but it is still unknown, as a huge monument ended up at the bottom.

Bloody Waterfall (Antarctica)

Do not be afraid of extremely low temperatures? In this case, you should visit this unique place on the edge of the world. Few people can remain indifferent after what they saw: the flow of red water, flowing down the snow-white slope promises incredible photos. It's all about special microorganisms that have a lake, which gives an incredible color to flowing water. According to scientists, the age of the lake approached 1.5 million years.

Hotel El Hotel Del Salto (Colombia)

Fans ripped nerves in abandoned buildings, it is worth paying attention to the famous hotel in San Antonio, however, you will not be able to book a room, just because it is closed for more than thirty years. The hotel made in the Gothic style attracted a lot of attention to representatives of the low layers of society, but the administration took the situation under control, making an uncomfortable abandoned building of a city attraction.

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