Oil-based care: rules and errors



Let's start with the fact that the oil as a means of care of the face, body and hair appeared much earlier creams, not to mention serums and concentrates. Another ancient Egyptians and the Greeks realized that produced by direct pressing a pulling golden substance perfectly softens and nourishes the skin. In the so-called basic vegetable oils (to which all known olive, sunflower, linen), they added precious esters, thereby enriching the composition and giving him those or other properties. Until now, some brothigolics that do not trust mass production, invent their own beauty recipes, mixing oils on the shelves in the bathroom. Such a home laboratory, on the one hand, offers a truly unique product. But here it is very important not to forget that the oils have a very dense structure, many of them are comedogeneous and cause allergic reactions (especially when it comes to mixtures for a person in which esters and absolutes are added. Therefore, our edition advises: Experiment on health, but do not get carried away and look at the finished cosmetic products that have already proven their effectiveness. First of all, they are tested by dermatologists, and if a particular product has a labeling "non-encoded" - consequently, you can relax and do not wait for unpleasant surprises in the form of marine points or acne. Secondly, you will never get a chemical burn (which is quite possible when the etheric oils are re-published in the mixtures of your own essay). Well, thirdly, the composition of the vintage agents is usually reinforced by special ingredients.

By the way, we are in a hurry to dispel one of the most lively and stable myths associated with the use of cosmetic oil for the face. The owner of the problematic and oily skin is completely afraid to apply these funds, confident that they will cause the appearance of shine and provoke new inflammation. Products that include tea tree esters, juniper, ylang-ylang, citrus, Mirra or incense, narrow pores, dry the rashes, reduce redness. The main thing here is to clearly follow the instructions for use.

But the main consumers of oils are, of course, girls with dry and normal skin. For such gentle specimens, manufacturers managed to develop not only nutritious and moisturizing, but also cleansing and tonic products. Oil mixtures for washing are perfectly suitable for reactive type of epidermis - they are not only protected from irritation, but also have regenerating properties.

As a rule, oils are applied in the evening, in an hour and a half before going to bed. If you do not withstand this time, the tool is simply absorbed into the pillow. Olter textures are very economical - usually the pairs of droplets have enough for the face, and for the neck. It is necessary to distribute them very carefully, without stretching the skin, light touches on massage lines.


According to men, there is nothing sexier than the beautiful bends of the female body, clarified by fragrant oil. However, modern representatives of the strong half of humanity are far from being original - their ancestors spoke about their love for well-groomed female forms. The main bonus when using oils - noble flicker hides an imperfect relief, gives the skin radiance and well-groomed appearance. Today we have a choice: in the arsenal of beauty products - dry oils and oily sprays, nutritious and relaxing, massage and warming foods.

Since the skin of the body is less capricious and sensitive than skin skin, there is a scope for maneuvers. Coconut oil, Shea and avocado oil (as basic ingredients) and ylang-ylang, rosemary, rose and lavender (essential) are considered leaders in the composition of the body. Antioxidant "fighters" are very popular - ginger extracts, grapefruit, lemon, bergamot and tea tree. The daily use of products with powerful oil makeup helps to bring the body into tone, protects against the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite.


Perhaps the main beauty taboo associated with hair - no fat curls, no oil strands! But this does not mean that it costs to immediately exclude oils from the leaving arsenal. First, the main "zone of action" is damaged tips. With daily treatment, you can stop the cross section, remove the ugly chances and the electrically "gun". Secondly, no morning sessions: we use oils only for the night, to avoid fatty spots on clothing and face. Thirdly, pick up special means with a note "for hair" - such products are designed exclusively for the specific structure of the human hair and are included in operation only in those areas that require recovery. Take the rule twice a week easily massage the roots of the hair; For a more pronounced effect, leave the remedy for the night. Some esters - for example, rosemary or carnations, which are part of the vintage products, are beautifully struggling with dandruff, soothe.

Follow the frequency of oil use. Their application will lead to problems even the owners of completely healthy hair. Due to the dense structure, oily products are difficult to wash out, and it is necessary to carefully ensure that the locks do not have the oversight of nutrients. Otherwise, not a rainbow perspective will be waiting for you: hijacked strands, devoid of volume, skin irritation and closed pores.

The most important thing is to remember the girls who first choose oil for themselves as an alternative to creams or serums, "it is necessary to make a very clear product on the skin type, follow the reaction and adhere to the principle" better less, yes better. " And, despite the fact that the use of modern funds does not imply mandatory breaks, it is better to apply oil with courses - it will be easier to understand whether they are suitable for you.


Those for whom the oil is a real terra incognita, our editorial office has prepared a small educational program that will help faster in the topic and assess the advantages of this beauty format.

All cosmetic oils - both basic basic, and essential - are obtained due to the cold direct exhaust and are divided into two groups. The first is hydrophilic, that is, easily soluble with water, the second - hydrophobic, indelible water. Also, specialists share them in the category by texture: they are solid, thick and liquid. Solid oils are called butters and are used mainly to care for skin skin (precisely due to consistency). They are not so much, and they all have a characteristic color and smell are popular butters of Shea, coffee, cocoa, coconut and palm. Girls with skin problems (acne, black dots, comedones) they are contraindicated.

The valuable substance is made from a variety of carnival raw materials. These can be bones of fruits and vegetables (one of the most popular - apricot, grapes, olive, avocado, peach), cereals (wheat sprouts, flax), spicy plants (ginger, carnation, cinnamon), seeds and nuts (sunflower, almonds, Walnut). The most common sources of oils are huge herbs and flowers. Their ethers fall not only in the composition of cosmetics, but also actively used in perfumes. It is about wrinkles from roses, lavender, neroli, chamomile, iris or geranium.

The unconditional love of women of all world oil acquired due to their exceptional performance. Cosmetologists explain this fact simply: due to the specific molecular composition of the mixture on an oil basis, they are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, while the bulk of creams effectively protrudes only on the first second layer. But in order to ensure the smooth operation of your mixture, it is worth remembering one thing: your skin needs interruptions and rest from oil therapy, otherwise the epidermis is addictive. It is also important to remember the reaction of ether and sun rays - not all oils can be applied in the morning, as some of them enhance the production of melanin and can lead to unwanted burns, the appearance of pigment spots and irritations.

Despite the fact that all vegetable squeezes (we only talk about the quality product) natural, do not be mistaken and assume that they are safe for any skin. Allergies must increasing the oil mixtures into their beauty diet, remembering the consequences.

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