4 reasons to start eating flax seeds


Cause №1

The tablespoon of flax seeds, eaten an empty stomach, will noticeably strengthen your health, you will forget about doctors. This is a real storehouse of useful trace elements: calcium, manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, sodium, copper. Vitamins are present in flax: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C, E, as well as fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6, omega-9 and amino acids.

Len is rich in vitamins

Len is rich in vitamins


Causes number 2.

Flax seeds will help to lose weight, in the morning to warm up a small handful in the morning, swallow them and drink several glasses of water. They remove excess water, slags and toxins from the body, and together with them, extra kilograms are removed.

Will help reset overweight

Will help reset overweight


Causes number 3.

Flax seeds are useful for hair, skin and nails. Thanks to them, your curls will become smooth and obedient, the face will look younger, and the nails will become stronger.

Support beauty

Support beauty


Causes number 4.

Flax can be used as a medicine. He has a beneficial effect on the work of the circulatory system, helps to improve the liver work, increases potency, improves eyesight and even prevents the development of some forms of cancer.

This is a real medicine

This is a real medicine


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