Women's secrets: Preparing face skin for winter


It is believed that summer is the most unfavorable period when the sun is mercilessly blind and threatens to us with photorestation, but in fact, the winter turns out to be no less serious skin test. Research of Japanese scientists confirm that the level of oxidative stress during the cold season is noticeably higher than in summer, although it would seem that it was a ultraviolet that has long been recognized as the main culprit of the rampage of free radicals. Scientists explain that the natural moisturizing mechanisms are worse in winter, and dry skin is more vulnerable to external negative factors. In addition, human skin has much more receptors reacting to the cold, rather than heat, so it is more sensitive to low temperatures. As a result, we have dehydration of the skin, stress of small blood vessels and the appearance of a vascular "mesh", not to mention that the skin, like the whole organism, suffers from seasonal lack of nutrients, primarily vitamins. Negatively affect the skin of the temperature drops when moving from a warm room to frost and back (the difference can be 30 degrees or more).

The end of autumn and the beginning of winter is the most dangerous time when the humidity and air temperature on the street decreases, and the skin does not have time to adapt to the changed conditions. Since the sebaceous glands in the cold make worse with the creation of a hydrolypide film, the epidermis loses its moisture faster, and, as a result, the skin type changes in the winter: oily skin becomes combined, normal becomes land, and dry acquires supersensitivity.

All listed factors should be taken into account when selecting home care in the cold time, as well as adhere to Several important rules:

Rule number 1: cleansing

If in the summer for purification, we used light tonic and refreshing lotions, then in winter it makes sense to switch to milk and fluids with active moisturizing properties. Wood-skin holders are recommended to use vegetables with vegetable extracts and without alcohol content.

With all types of leather, it is better to wash better cool water with soft foams or gels. The fact is that hot water and aggressive cleansing agents are strongly dried with epidermis, removing the natural fats necessary for moisture, which are normally released by saline glands.

It is also worth limiting the use of mechanical scobys up to 1 time in 7-14 days. But the most favorable time comes to carry out chemical peels. Surface peels based on dairy, glycolic or other fruit acids are suitable for delicate skin renewal. They will free the horny layer from the dead layer of cells, activate the metabolic processes in all layers of the skin, prepare it to further apply and deep penetration of biologically active components of the cream.

Rule number 2: Moisturizing

In the period of cold weather, our skin requires active moisturizing, and this applies to all types of skin, including fat. Especially since even with excessive allocation of a hallenge, the skin may suffer from dehydration. Maintaining the required level of moisture is possible in two ways: due to the additional flow of water and hold it in the layers of the dermis and epidermis, as well as the minimization of its evaporation from the surface of the horn layer.

About the horn layer should be said separately. It can be compared with a brick masonry, in which the role of "bricks" is performed by horny flakes, and the role of cement is special intercellular lipids (ceramides) forming two-layer membranes with a thin layer of water between layers. Such a complex organization of the horn layer allows not only to defend against external aggressive factors, but also effectively regulate the process of evaporation of water from the surface of the skin, preventing the dehydration of the living cells of the epidermis.

Basic building materials for lipid layers are unsaturated fatty acids, with their absence in the protective barrier of the skin, the cutters are formed through which moisture is derived. As a result, the skin becomes dry and irritated, begins to peel.

It must be said that with a disturbed epidermal barrier, how many moisturizes you have used, there will be no special effect. To restore the natural "shield" of the horn layer, it is best to use natural oils, which includes unsaturated fatty acids, easily embedded in the structure of the skin. A special role is given to linoleic acid: with its disadvantage, the synthesis of ceramides is reduced, as a result of which the lipid layer of the horn layer loses its integrity.

For dry leather, dense oils of cocoa or carite are suitable, for normal skin you can choose corn, olive, sesame or peach oil. Oblasts of oily skin are not recommended to use oils in its pure form, it is better to stay on the lungs of the "oil in water" type emulsions.

In addition to oils, plant ceramides from rice bran and soybean oils are now introduced into the composition of cosmetics, which also contribute to the strengthening of the barrier functions of the skin.

You can fill the lack of moisture with the help of substitution therapy, that is, using the means whose purpose is to restore the natural moisturizing factor in the horn layer. We are talking about hygroscopic substances that can absorb and hold water in the epidermis. As part of cosmetics, they perform a double function: slow down the rate of moisture evaporation and ensure hydration of the horn layer for a long time. These substances include: amino acids, lactic acid and its salts, urea, sorbitol, chitosan. Of course, a hyaluronic acid is one of the most popular and efficient moisturizing ingredients. When applied to the skin, it slows down the evaporation of water, gives the skin elasticity and elasticity. Quickly improve the condition of dry or dehydrated skin moisturizing serum.

Ideally, cosmetics should not only replenish the shortage of moisturizing components, but also to stimulate the production of their own. Such unique substances belongs to AquaVaille - an extract from a tricolor violet, which stimulates the natural flow of moisture from the dermis in the epidermis.

Rule number 3: without masks - Nowhere

With the onset of cold weather, leather requires more intense additional care, which will help to provide masks. They relate to powerful moisturizing means and give an instant effect, which is preserved for quite a long time.

The use of masks 2-3 times a week will improve local microcirculation, restore the water balance in the skin, will strengthen the protective barrier of the epidermis, and will slow down the emergence of new wrinkles and smooth out already available. In addition, the effectiveness of any cosmetic tools will noticeably increase after applying the mask.

When choosing moisturizing masks, it is advisable to take into account the skin condition at the moment and its type. Remember that any mask must be applied to a pre-purified face, and after applying cream suitable by skin type.

By the way…

In the fall and in winter, some people face the symptoms of cold allergies - the appearance of itching and small rash, similar to the urban, redness, peeling, edema, painful feelings on the skin. Such a reaction is manifested mainly in open areas of the body, just a few minutes after exposure to the reduced temperature.

Pre-providing factors are infectious and colds, decrease in immunity, chronic diseases. To prepare your body to winter cold, you should apply a visit to an allergist and a gastroenterologist, and even better to survey the entire body.

As a general recommendation, it can be advised to use dense protective creams when exiting the street. To harde the skin of the face, you can use frozen ice cubes: I wipe your skin every morning. However, this procedure is not suitable for those who have a pronounced vascular grid (cooperosis). Increase the tolerance of the skin and the whole organism in some cases helps the general systematic hardening. To begin with, it is necessary to resort to wiping, only after that move to the pouring and cold soul. Initially, water should be no colder than 36-37 degrees, and after a few days it is lowered by 1 degree. If, after another reduction in the temperature, you found the symptoms of cold allergies, then the water temperature should be lifted slightly higher, and a week later to try to reduce the temperature.

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