Alexey Guskov: "It is impossible to rape life. She needs to live, hear, accept "


Alexey Guskov is popular not only in Russia. He reincarnated in Pope of Roman in the Italian television film "John Paul Second. He is holy, he is man. " Crowds The nuns go to the shows to see the actor, who became almost deities for them. Recently, Gus-Kov actually played Jesus Christ in his new producer project "The Eternal Life of Alexander Christorov", or rather, a unwanted actor who revised his past. What is common between him and his hero?

1. On the attitude of life

Everyone thinks about what he will leave after himself . And my hero in the film "Eternal Life Alexander Khristoforova" too. I graduated from a technical institution, and my brain is not ready to let the otherworked substance. If I can stay in the memory of loved ones, the people with whom we called, it will be my eternal life. Youth does not understand her limbs, and an adult can not think about it. If he approves the opposite, then shells.

To life in general and very much Ironically . If you perceive everything too seriously, you can wish. The film "The Eternal Life of Alexander Khristoforova" is a good remedy for the autumn handra, although everyone has their own ways to deal with her. I have a job in any case. If I start thinking about myself, the unfortunate, then exactly Zah.

Day i take what it is . I developed for myself the formula: it is impossible to rape life. It must be resided, hearing, take, then she will present extraordinary gifts, and all our desires are materialized.

I have loyal friends. In this sense, I am a happy person. But from the time of youth, there are few of them. Communication is now not how there was ten or twenty years ago. But I do not complain. I communicate well with people who are younger, I see that we have one system of values. Elementary human joys are clear to everyone: the first kiss, the birth of a child, the first salary.

2. About work

I am not a monster, but a strict dad which pampers children because he loves. My task is to infect the idea of ​​director, operator, actors, administrative composition. Then the film will proceed with special energy. I try to work piece.

I can not sit and wait for something, ask, walk for someone. I am free in my desires. They give me a feeling of independence from scary dependent on many circumstances of the profession.

Actor without admission - not an actor But not all offers satisfy me from the point of view of the opportunity to speak. My own faiths give a feeling of inner freedom.

I am a sad clown. I need communication, ideas.

3. About roles

I am going a military form And I, like Stalin, became the best friend of firefighters and pilots, an artist who was offered boots and shoulders. I actually worked out the texture.

It was possible to shoot, being in a closed circle of roles. I slowly began to go crazy. And suddenly the offer came to play a conductor in the French film "Concert" Rada Mikhailan. I absolutely did not know the language. Then they went movies in Italian, English, seven years I was filmed in Europe, I received the national award of Italy "David Donatello", visited "Cesar" and "Golden Globe". After the European film was in the same Western, that and here, the roles began to offer the same type, all exercises were dramatically stopped.

Now it is interesting for me to engage in Russia Art-Mainstrim. My favorite directors are Woody Allen and Cohen Brothers. In their films there are irony, sympathy and superbly told history. "The eternal life of Alexander Christoforova" was conceived seven years ago, when I was dwined in the world and faced with another culture.

Never revise your work. Roles live their lives after the premiere, but without me.

4. About the family

I am a large dad and twice my grandfather. My mother always respected my choice, and I respect the choice of my children. The eldest daughter did not help and did not obstruct when she went to theatrical and did not pass. Now she has a wonderful family. She knows two languages. And granddaughter is presented to me.

Never engaged in the eldest son who became the artist of the theater. Mayakovsky, successfully filmed in the cinema and on television. Somehow my colleague asked me about him, and I replied: "You should decide as a teacher who takes responsibility and care for whether my son will be able to earn bread and be happy with the profession." I also respected the choice of a younger son. After graduating from Vgik, he decided: "Father, cinema is not my profession at all. Can I try again? " And entered the Higher School of Economics.

When we just started working with my wife , Lydia velee, in the theater and cinema, was not easy. Of course, if I had to play a love couple, as in the film "Classic", we could afford something more than others. More difficult, when in one TV series Lydia had not to love my hero.

My wife and I have long understood that in your work nothing personal should be . Our family is so arranged: the door of the apartment is closed, and professional care in the house is not made. We have seen a lot of married couples who flew out on such stories.

Family is built on debt and responsibilities . Passion passes, children are born, they need to raise, redistribute duties, hide their ego away. So we had agreements from the very beginning. Probably, so we live together for so long.

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