Maria Smolnikova: "I was not configured to beat someone else's man, but ..."


Everyone was like in a Russian fairy tale: he saved her from the villains, and she could not not fall in love. Arrow Amur got exactly in the target: the acting profession is one for two, passion for painting, a special, not peculiar to the majority look at the world and hectic temperament. Therefore, finally, having acquired each other, Maria Smolnikova and Ivan Orlov no longer doubted and on August 17 officially became her husband and wife. Details - in an exclusive interview with the "Atmosphere" magazine.

- Where and under what circumstances did you first see each other?

Maria: With Vanya, we met in the theater "School of Dramatic Art", but not on stage, because they did not play together, but behind the scenes. That evening, our theater arranged a banquet in honor of the awarding of the "golden mask" of actors, directors and artists of the theater (me including), and after the solemn part, we went for a small company to walk around the city. And here they attacked us ...

Ivan: Some people are completely inadequate, with a traumatic pistol sat on the side of the road and expected those whom to shoot. Accidentally turned up.

- according to the law of the genre Ivan had to save you ...

Maria: That's exactly what happened. A fight was tied up, and Vanya wounded from a pistol in the face - still a small scar remained. He suffered much stronger than other of our guys. Naturally, after that case, Vanya as a real hero did not leave me from my head. (Smiles.)

In Ivan Maria bribed the fact that he and a wonderful person and the artist talented

In Ivan Maria bribed the fact that he and a wonderful person and the artist talented

Photo: Agatha Aglaya

- Masha, you, as I understand it, were already divorced, right?

Maria: At that time - yes, it happened. But I always sought to find a person in the heart - a reliable satellite, with whom you could go a long life path. Easy relationships did not interest me: I am a solid person. At one time it was believed that, perhaps, I need to pay attention to a man of a terrestrial profession, far from art, but I definitely do not want someone to tell me my life, literally served, therefore with a colleague-companion who does not require And from me victims, much easier. So I think. And if he is a person's strong, independent, who is peeled with his rolling, reflexive, creative nature is not inclined to destroy relationships, it is generally wonderful: so everything came out! Vanya, with all its subtlety of the perception of the world, sensuality, incredibly courageous. He is easy, kind, with humor, but at the same time - it is solid!

- Ivan, have you been free?

Ivan: You know, I first noticed Masha for the first time, being a student of "sins" when I came to Gitis, where she studied, watch their production. The fact is that I have a habit of performances that leave a certain track in the shower, sketch something, write some thoughts, and recently I recently showed one such sketch, where it is cycling, in one of the student works. I remember what impression this actress produced me! There was a thought: "The miracle that it happens!" And when I was with this girlfriend in the same theater, gladly watched her game. He saw her herself, as far as she was passionate on stage, and continued to admire. But I learned that she was not free, and I had my own personal story, so there was a life at the same time in parallel.

Maria: Up to that dramatic case. After him, we began to communicate in a friendly, joked a lot, laughed. Our initial correspondence has been preserved, where many ironic remarks, some sharpness ... We seemed to have proven each other from afar. I came to the vanine runs and was convinced that he was not only a wonderful person, but the artist is beautiful. In one formulation, I did not even know him - he was so born in the image. Through his acting game, he would seek his world and believed everything he did. And at the same time, you know, the complete feeling of the unsubstantiatedness of what is happening: it was unclear - it was just a sympathy, tempting the game or something more global.

Ivan: I was worried when Masha was in the hall. Once she in a message in a nutshell responded to the play seen, and I was curious that she thinks specifically about my role. Asked: "Are you interested?" - And immediately got a huge, deployed review. (Smiles.) And I also often attended cars runs. Moreover, if initially came to watch the work of the director, then gradually realized that I was completely different. It seems like a date.

Maria Smolnikova:

"I gave myself a report that I entered into this relationship with the ring in my hand. And the scene of the proposal organized on a film clock, agreed with the guys, left a bouquet"

Photo: Agatha Aglaya

Maria: When I first noticed Vanino's face on the gallery - was truly outraged: how he dare to look at the sacrament, when I'm not sure somewhere, I make mistakes, stumbling ... But later - on the contrary: he inspired me. Still, it's great that we are one profession: nearby - the one with whom there is something to discuss. Yes, and you can rinse fun. We, for example, sometimes invent characters for lunch and eat exactly from their face and with their replicas. This may be tired of each other and from life in Khrushchev. Spouses or someone else ...

Ivan: You see, now I have a lot of women who are connected in one. (Smiles.) And then it was obvious that there was a certain rapprochement, and if it occurs, a colossal flash will arise - I will enter this relationship with your head. And I can actually cause a person pain, since my previous relationship is not completed and required to put the point. So I adhered a little bit. As long as it was possible.

Maria: Vanya was not alone, and this fact was certainly confused. I try to be honest and was not configured to beat someone else's man. But when the heart is lit, it is impossible to control it for a long time. As a result, I could not restrain and opened in my feelings. Such a line came when prejudice that you lose respect for myself from a similar step, I won. Inside, I buried everything, I was rushing, staying longer in such a state could not and decided that it would be better to show off, come across a cold refusal and calm down, rather than continue to wind yourself. Well, I, throwing a Vanya one in the theater, asked whether to him like a woman. (Smiles.)

- Ivan, for you, this conversation was unexpected?

Ivan: No, I guessed. But, of course, her recognition was incredibly pleased. It seemed to me that I was internally absolutely with her, and she just nicely sympathizes me.

Maria Smolnikova and Ivan Orlov got married on August 17

Maria Smolnikova and Ivan Orlov got married on August 17

Photo: Anna Platunova

- Also afraid that Masha would deceive you?

Ivan: Yes, surround and there will be a rope. (Laughs.) It turns out that before the new year we started a new life. Therefore, to the question that Santa Claus presented me, I answered: "Happiness!"

- You still united and love for painting, right?

Maria: Of course! I had an artist Nikolai Kachinsky in my family, so the genes have affected, and from an early age it was not indifferent to this type of art. I invariably spend your leisure: I make collages with a combination of various techniques, I am writing flowers or angels, what myself imagine ... And when I learned that Vanya draws, I generally looked at him with other eyes. You would have seen his canvas !!! Another Vanya leads an artistic studio, teaches the oil of people of any age. Those who did not even assume that it was capable of such creativity. Vanya can motivate and charge positive emotions.

Ivan: I like to write plots. It may be sketching from the play, and the wise old man from the island surrounded by crows, and the shaman in the image of a lion, and Masha ... every time this is a splash of energy, but with meaning. And I am pleased to share your experience, immerse people into this meditative flight, when there are no other thoughts - only the world on the canvas. I am sure to draw, like singing, can all.

- Do you have some other general classes other than profession and painting? Sport, for example?

Ivan: While Masha rides a bike alone, and I run next. (Smiles.) More precisely, I am going, and Masha rides. It will be necessary to purchase the second bike ... Even every day I wear my wife in my arms. But in general, we are practicing long walking in Moscow.

- By the way, you are both visiting. How do you in the capital?

Maria: You know, in Native Yekaterinburg, I would definitely could not exist all my life. For me, the energy of this city is heavy. Probably, therefore there are many powerful personalities. People are applied there with their medium, accustomed to eternal overcoming, special! Since I am also formed by this atmosphere, Moscow is less scary and even seems friendly. I think the energy of the Ural helps me on my way. But I try to use this breakdown crave solely in the work, and not in everyday communication.

Ivan: And I am Yazine, from the Krasnodar Territory, and the Moscow swings to me like me. I need these rhythms, the density of existence, constant movement. True, Masha teaches me even in the most mad stream to stop, notice the details, focus on important trifles.

Actress's wedding dress bought in his native Yekaterinburg, and the hairstyle decorated the brooch in the form of an eagle

Actress's wedding dress bought in his native Yekaterinburg, and the hairstyle decorated the brooch in the form of an eagle

Photo: Anna Platunova

- How did you make your hand and heart offer?

Ivan: The fact is that I have already gave myself a report that I enter into this relationship with the ring in my hand. Before that, I did not catch myself on such thoughts. And then somehow immediately became obvious that if I am with Masha, then she will always be mine. And I organized the scene of the sentence at a random film: I agreed with the guys, left a bouquet ...

Maria: In March, after the rehearsal to the MHT, Vanya met me, we went to wander in the center, and there, in the alleys, filmed a movie: there were cameras, lighting devices ... And here we pass by, how suddenly someone gives me flowers, Vanya becomes On the knee, asks to marry him, the circle of a kinogroup ... And I'm silent, I try to understand what is happening. "Of course, yes," say ... it was so ridiculous, touching, beautiful!

Ivan: I grabbed Masha in my arms and blamed not to tear colleagues shooting day. (Smiles.) It was on a movie clock, but not at all like a movie. All the way home we laughed from the absurdity of what happened. Masha stands confused, with a bouquet of flowers, in the middle of the searchlights and people with radio, and I, the crankshaft, shake her hand and once again I repeat: "Tell me" Yes, "say" Yes "..." Full feeling of flight and the importance of events we have already received When submitting an application to the registry office.

- Is it really?

Ivan: We found in the chart the only free morning in the week, studied the forums where the couples wrote about the gigantic queues that they had to spend the night in cars to get into some lists and time until the end of the working day ... firmly decided that we would be the first to: Us rehearsals. The plan is: at six in the morning, before the arrival of all thirsty, I myself create a list and fit us in the first line, and Masha comes to the discovery.

Maria: At nine in the morning, when I came to the regimen with coffee, Vanya waited for me on the shop completely alone. It turned out that there was no excitement and he sat in full solitude for three hours. (Smiles.)

Ivan: It was a wonderful morning. (Smiles.) We try to be in the moment - the moment is grand plans. After the painting on the wedding day, they wanted to ride on trolleybus, and at the bus stop, the guests noticed that the trolleybuses were no longer walking along the garden ring. We drove on a public bus - with a change, songs and unfamiliar guests ...

Maria Smolnikova:

"I decided that it would be better to come across a cold refusal than to continue to wind up. Making a Vanya of one in the theater asked if I like him as a woman"

Photo: Irina Denisova

- Yes, tell us how to spend your wedding and honeymoon.

Maria: For the dress I went to Yekaterinburg: since childhood I was fascinated there a whole street of wedding salons. And my hairstyle decorated the brooch in the form of an eagle, which I myself embroidered beads. I took the surname of my husband - Orlov, left as a creative pseudonym. And Vanya gave me a small stool, which he made himself so that I could kiss it without demand. (Smiles.) Wedding has passed in the antique workshop of our friend Peter Sibel. We covered tables there and called our loved ones.

Ivan: It was a stunning day. There were a lot of guests, but the closest and native circle. Huge concentration of incredible, talented, piece people. They just gave themselves each other: they sang in different languages, they played the harmony, danced ... And we had a wedding trip on the day before: in Tunisia flew. Lazy holidays have arranged. Next time we are going to France, and then - to India. Personally, I adore dive into various cultures, explore the morals, customs, the kitchen of local residents ... But Masha is afraid. (Smiles.)

Maria: Personally, there is a much greater impression on me in Russia. For example, our trip to Provincial Tutaev. It turned out that this is an absolutely wonderful quiet city on the Volga, in which you want to return! He is with dilapidated houses and unique people. We lived there in the House of Creativity "Romanovo", got acquainted with the family, which painstakingly restored the wooden mansion of the XIX century. It's all so exciting!

- Ivan, and how do you walk with a successful wife? Still, Masha - theater star, many also remembered on the films "Daughter", "Stalingrad", "Kalimanjara", according to the TV series "Gurzuf", "Apartment" ...

Ivan: To the success of Masha, I treat extremely positively. With any unpleasant aspects of its popularity, I have not yet come across. So everything is great.

- Do not be jealous of each other?

Maria: I tend to trust both myself and Vanya. And I even somewhere nice that my husband likes other girls. How can be different?! He is a pretty guy, kind, charming and, most importantly, decent. That is why my soul responded.

Ivan: And I'm jealous, but I have no installation that I have to somehow fencing Masha from the world. Rather, I see my task, protecting it from bad influence, from the offense and someone else's aggression. She is unusually fragile, and she wants to take care of her.

And after the wedding, Ivan carries his wife on his hands

And after the wedding, Ivan carries his wife on his hands

Photo: Larisa Kostenko

- Social life has opened some new faces in the second half?

Maria : Vanya is an extraordinary, positive, optimistic person, not inclined to reason about the troubles, able to drive the most Lita Handra. And I am bribed the fact that he does not disregard household trivia. Without extra questions, repaired the current crane in the hostel, where we live ...

- Feeling, often praise her husband!

Maria: We both praised each other. But I simply do not know how to sing the diffilams. And I would not want to be in the future, with the emergence of addiction to each other, I would cease to notice any really awesome things ...

Ivan: Now the sensations are very fresh and sharp. We are accompanied by Drive daily. Masha causes a delight for any occasion. Suppose it prepares original: even surprises wait in classic dishes.

Maria: Do you mean when I want not to get inside the extension, suggested to warm up the steak right in the soup? ..

Ivan: And this is also. I did not know what it was possible - Masha expands the boundaries of my consciousness. (Smiles.) But this is a joke: the wife feeds me very tasty. I suppose we will be somewhere far away, far in the mountains, she will refuse to have a soldering in my favor.

Maria: Of course, because if I lose consciousness from hunger, you will tell me to salute, and I don't know you!

- Yes, you, Masha, fragile, slim, and Ivan - with the growth of the basketball player ... Are you peers?

Maria: I am older for two years, but Vanya loves antiques. (Smiles.)

Ivan: It's all nonsense. We met when it had to happen. Without previous experience, we would not find each other.

- How did your parents perceive your second half?

Ivan: Masha instantly fascinated. And my brothers happily accepted her!

Maria: And my mother met Vanya at the station, when we met her from Yekaterinburg. Vanya took her suitcase, went ahead, and mom for his back approvingly showed me a big finger, and then admitted that in the first thirty seconds realized that this was my man.

Like Tatyana Larina, Masha The first opened in his feelings, but fortunately, they were mutual

Like Tatyana Larina, Masha The first opened in his feelings, but fortunately, they were mutual

Photo: Larisa Kostenko

- Have you already formed a certain tradition of gifts?

Ivan: We are not tied to the dates - just when we find yourself in the store, I want to make Masha nice, and I buy a closing thing. Everything spontaneously occurs. So we both are not economical - easily appeal to money, and it seems to us that it is necessary.

- Do you have an open house?

Ivan: We are not against privacy, but also to invite friends. We are going at the table with a lamp, we sing songs under the guitar, chat, drink ... It is always warm, simple and improvisational!

- It is too early to talk about it, but the future offspring is going to send to the continuation of the dynasty?

Maria: I think we should not climb with your plans. Let them listen their heart - take an example with us! (Smiles.)

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