Oksana Mysina: "I understood that John is my man"


To see the actress Oksana Myshin on stage - not just happiness, delight and ecstasy, but also the huge work of the soul. She plays so that she climbs into the most hidden corners of your heart, which you yourself do not know. In essence, Mysina is the theater of one actor. In their best performances - "K. I. From the "Crime" and "Theater of Medea" - she is on stage alone. But when you sit in the hall and look at her, it seems that there is a crowd, on this scene, so tightly fills the actress with its talent space. Mysina and in life - a human orchestra. In addition to the theater that she loves, she is filmed in the cinema, created his own rock band, participates in bold projects - recently, for example, she began to play performances on Skype for one viewer! But among her talents there is another, of course, for her the most important, - she can love.

Oksana Mysina: "John studied at the graduate school of Harvard University, once the play of Nikolai Erdman fell on his eyes. He is completely accounted for from the talent of the playwright and began to look for any mention of him. About Erdman is not so much known now, and in those years to find something in the libraries was problematic. Even in the library of the University of US Congress! But the fact that John read and found out, turned out to be sufficient so that he declared on his department, which will be engaged in the work of Erdman. So he achieved a scientific business trip to Moscow. And one day, in the underground transition, she accidentally bought tickets for the performance of "Dear Elena Sergeyevna" in the theater "on Spartakovskaya". This is the first stage in the newly created theater on the basis of our graduate school graduates of Schepkin.

All Moscow spoke about this performance! At the end of the 80s, it was considered almost a revolution to show the dark sides of the Soul. No wonder that the American graduate student came to delight!

Oksana: "After each performance (and he was the first in the repertoire of theater studio" on Spartakovskaya "and then entered the repertoire of the theater" Sphere ") I was almost sick, torn off, without forces - because I almost do not leave the scene for four hours! And one day a strange man came to our "analysis of flights" with a wrinkled curly hair on his head, in a blue checkered shirt ... He immediately reminded me for some reason David Michelangelo, who stands in the Pushkin Museum. John introduced himself, said he was engaged in Erdman. We asked him about the American theater, then we knew very little about him. John began to tell and, most importantly, to show some kind of surreal play, and at the same time he moved so quickly around the room, just flew! Then I learned that John was a good athlete, professionally played baseball. And here it flies around the room, and I look at him acknowledged. Beautiful, long-legged, jeans and in cowboy boots. Such men I have never seen ... "

The childhood of our heroine has passed on Donbas. Dad, Anatoly Vladimirovich, worked at the mine. Mom, Lydia Grigorievna, was a seismologist. Photo: Personal archive Oksana Mysina.

The childhood of our heroine has passed on Donbas. Dad, Anatoly Vladimirovich, worked at the mine. Mom, Lydia Grigorievna, was a seismologist. Photo: Personal archive Oksana Mysina.

Was it love at first sight?

Oksana: "Now it seems to me that yes. But then ... each of us had a personal life. I have a young man. He has a girl who, by the way, has been with him in the theater. He then just shook me - and that's it. And then he began to walk on all our performances. And I'm already accustomed to that he sits every evening in the same chair and in the same row. And one day he wrote on the poster "Oksana, I fall in love with you every time !!!" And three exclamation marks. And then the questions from colleagues have already begun: "You don't understand what is happening? He walks here for the sake of you! " But I fought off: "Think, a person just loves the theater!"

Have you really understood, or was it a game?

Oksana: "I did not want to think about serious. Saw: He is waiting for me at a service entrance, tried to escape unnoticed. I was afraid of what happened in me inside. I have not seen the prospects in this relationship. One day he said he would call in the evening, and did not call. It was announced in the morning, explained that he was at some party, they drank there, in general ... did not call. I was offended, missed, but we stopped communicating. And two weeks before his departure from Moscow, we found themselves in one company - at the bottom of the birth of our actor Serge Pinggin, who, as it turned out, was organized specifically this meeting. Well ... After that, I and John, by and large, did not part. "

John managed to extend a business trip?

Oksana: "He left, but not to America, but in Paris. He had a job there. But called every day. True, most often he fell into my grandmother. For a long time, I was talking to her and enjoyed it completely. I came home after rehearsals, she met me words: "Johnchik called. We talked so nicely! "And he spent all the money on telephone talks. In the literal sense, the word was hungry, he ate only cheese and grapes that friends brought to him so that he did not die from hunger. Wrote me letters every day. They copied me, copied, these awesome letters. Must admit that I fell in love with him finally thanks to them. I am rarely answered - once a week, but for me and it was a feat. And with each letter I understood how seriously everything that happens to us now. "

This photo of the unfortunate Oksana in a flooded apartment John for some reason loves and holds on his table. Photo: Personal archive Oksana Mysina.

This photo of the unfortunate Oksana in a flooded apartment John for some reason loves and holds on his table. Photo: Personal archive Oksana Mysina.

How did you meet again?

Oksana: "After a long peripetia with a visa, I flew to the states. And I saw a completely different John. It was not a hooliganous young man in a checkered shirt and jeans refilled in boots. In front of me stood a dandy, elegantly dressed, perfectly speaking in English. I was in love with this man, but perfectly understood that their two is one Moscow, another American. He had other eyes, another voice ...

And I understood that I had no right to this person, on this country, not like mine. What am I doing here? I am someone else's and so staying forever. It was a terrible crisis. I understood that I could lose everything. Honestly, it was a condition on the verge of suicide. Finally, John put me opposite himself: "You must say." And all I thought these six weeks, I splash on him. We talked and said, and with every word I understood that this is my man, for me born, and if he is from another world, then I also have to accept this world and understand. "

Wedding coped in America?

Oksana: "In Moscow. And by that time the theater "at the Spartakovskaya" split into two camps, and we had to have one day to celebrate our event in two different places. But unexpectedly happened. Apartment in Lyubertsy, where we then lived with John, flooded the neighbors on top. Even the photo was left, where I sit on the bags with linen - such an unbelieving, unhappy ... John loves this photo and keeps her on his table.

So, we flooded us. Besides the day before, I was cold. On the wedding day I woke up at six in the morning and realized that I never felt so bad. Temperature 39. I call to the "ambulance", I say: "I have a wedding today, and I'm dying." They probably thought that a man from happiness was crazy. But I insist: "I feel bad, I will die now, come urgently." They squeezed at me, they say: "While we are going with an order, go to the neighbors, ask Dimedrol, drink it and take a bath." I did everything and did it. I sat in the bath, I completely floast. I went out, the tooth tooth falls, John I fought the wave forceps, because I could no longer move. But dressed, high heels, frost on forty street. Let's go, scary to say, in the Lyubertsy registry office. Papine car on the road stalls in the tunnel, barely managed to eight in the morning, and then - on these two weddings. In the break, I lay at the director of the theater in the office, covered with some sponge, I was shaking, the temperature did not fall ... a wedding wreath "from Zaitseva" dug into the head ... In general, there was no more fun in my life. "

Oksana, tell me, are you in love in love?

Oksana: "In school, I was in love with the boy. And my sister was friends with his twin brother. So we communicated the four of us. And in the ninth grade I turned it on my head, and our novel ended at itself. And now I fall in love ... in the directors. I feel at the directors with whom I work, such adoration, such a thrill! So: if there is no mutual love, sympathy, artist traction and director - the performance will not work. My husband knows this and encourages my feelings to my directories - Lviv-Anokhin, Kame Ginkasa, Mirzoyev, Vladimir Berzin, Dmitry Krymov. "

With director Kama Ginkas, young actors Darya Aksenova and Ivan Druchecom. Brazil, 2006. Photo: Personal archive Oksana Mysina.

With director Kama Ginkas, young actors Darya Aksenova and Ivan Druchecom. Brazil, 2006. Photo: Personal archive Oksana Mysina.

Did you dream actress from childhood? Or did it happen by chance?

Oksana: "From childhood, I remember how I liked to look at myself, crying, in the mirror. Such tragedy rose in the shower, such a burning feeling was born, very high. I could do it for a long time and with ecstasy, and carefully observe in the mirror for all the nuances. My childhood has passed in the Donbas, there is a steppe, freedom, my friends are open. We climbed trees, smoked the leaves - the smoke was more, in the summer in the evenings burned fires, and in the winter they rode on homemade sleighs, to which the wet mittens were tightly adopted. Dad worked at the mine engineer mine. And every time he went to work, we said goodbye to him as if forever. He threw us with her sister in turn, we pressed against him. In the Donbas every day there were some accidents, and the funeral was a completely ordinary business ...

Probably in the soul, I always felt myself with an artist. I would like the first role in the pioneer camp, the sea. I broke the leg a very talented actress from Krasnodar, she from year to year performed the role of Baba Yagi. I loved her very much and went to her puppet circle. So she said: "You will play!" At sea late in the evening during the storm, I played in a terrible makeup. I so fugged the children that the next day I was drove on the detachments and calmed the pioneers: "Do not be afraid, here is a girl who was a Baba-Yaga" yesterday. " And I seriously approached the role, I successfully threw the voice. To speak bass, specially ran to the sea and tried to shout the waves. I still remember this feeling ... some unprecedented energy was born inside me, which I did not suspect. The feeling of the witchcraft power inside was remembered forever.

At first I tried to enter the MCAT Studio School. There they were told that this year they are gaining only "problem", and gave a turn from the gate. Then I saw an advertisement about the set of artists in a youth theater-studio on Red Presnya. Then it was a fashionable and incredibly popular theater group under the leadership of Vyacheslav Speksivtsi. I wanted to look extravagant, put on a white graduation dress, took the guitar and violin and went on audition.

I did not want to take. Spellites said that I could not stand in their theater for more than three days. There was a construction, the actors in their free rehearsals were engaged in the repair of the building. And I not only stood, but also mastered the couple of construction specialties, worked for three years. "

Gone with a scandal? I suppose because the director of the specks had a steep temper ...

Oksana: "Before the start of the performance, the director assigned the composition to play. And I played my role alone. Svetisvitsev suddenly reached me, thought and favorably said: "Well, let him play today today." I asked: "I'm doing something wrong? Want to replace me? Say straight! "At first there was a coffin silence, and then the scream of the director, from which the blood was poked in the veins:" Won! Won from my theater! ". It seemed to me that my life came to the end. I sat under the scene and roared. None of my comrades of artists approached, everyone looked past. Only one, Ivan Sigorsky, whispered to me on the ear: "He is a fool, and you're better than everyone." He mocked me, and it saved me. But I understood what cruel can be theater ... "

This year, John and Oksana will celebrate the 25th anniversary of living together. Photo: Personal archive Oksana Mysina.

This year, John and Oksana will celebrate the 25th anniversary of living together. Photo: Personal archive Oksana Mysina.

And yet you enrolled in the theater university?

Oksana: "Yes, in Schepkin School, and I still studied from Mikhail Ivanovich Tsareva - the legends of the Small Theater. He was far over seventy. We adored him. He went into the audience and always asked: "Well, what? How are you? Bad? "We fell from laughter. He and the second teacher Rimma Solntsev believed in us when we decided to create our theater. And I worked there for eight years. "

But you left the theater again, despite such success. Why?

Oksana: "I was invited by Boris Lviv-Anhin, and I played a performance in another theater. I did not forgive me, I heard "Won!". And again it seemed to me that I was moving the tank and the life of Konchen. But I already had John at that time. He said: "Calm! It is necessary to think about everything. Who would you like to work with? With gypsas hammer? So call him! "And I called. Kama Mironovich replied: "Come!" He long wanted to put a play on the play of his son - the plot of "Crime and Punishment", connected only with the line of Katerina Ivanovna. He dreamed of seeing Marina Neelov in this role - but she left her husband to Paris. And here I am a draw actress. And we began to rehearse. "

As a result, the performance was born "K. I. From "Crime", which does not come down from the scene for twenty years. With him you traveled the whole world. But tell me, Oksana, what can understand foreign spectators in the monstrous tragedy of Katerina Ivanovna?

Oksana: "You see, the genius of the director in that and lies that he invests in a purely private history of the problems of universal. Pain, despair, collapse of the value system - because everyone is clear, especially abroad, I play half of the play in English, beating the appearance of this language. Although anything happens ... We played in Switzerland. Provided country, there is no poor and homeless, around the mountain and lake, clean air. Feeling sterility. And here they came to the performance in the outfits and diamonds. Kama Mironovich sat them on benches from unstorgious boards. There is a performance, and one Russian-speaking pair began to resent: such expensive tickets, and they are insulted here, show it is unknown that ... I'm trying to beat this incident, turn them into action, as the director taught me, so that everything went into a plus. But they did not calm down until they were taken out of the hall ... ".

Oksana's mother-in-law fascinated the execution of Russian songs. Photo: Personal archive Oksana Mysina.

Oksana's mother-in-law fascinated the execution of Russian songs. Photo: Personal archive Oksana Mysina.

In the theater you are one of the most recognized and favorite actresses. But most of you still know the movies.

Oksana: "Yes, the movie gives fame, of course. But in cinema, I am not so lucky, as in the theater: the roles of the level of Katerina Ivanovna or Medele are not yet offered. But the movie makes it possible to make money. After filming in the TV series "Family secrets", where I have the main role, I bought my first car, old, used Skoda.

To marry a foreigner for any girl of that time was a dream, way to leave abroad. And you turned out the opposite: the husband stayed in Moscow. How did his parents accepted this decision?

Oksana: "Mom John is an incredible, a stunning woman. When he called her and said that he was married to Russian, she was silent five minutes. Then she said: "This is your decision." My first trip to Boston. Meet mom. I'm incredibly worried, let him even shy to speak English. And John wanted to leave us together and escaped the supposedly for newspapers. And I began to sing her Russian songs. She laughed, she had a stunning contagious laughter. I laughed with her and continued to sing. So we made friends. We discussed the opportunity to stay in America. John I asked: "Maybe stay?" He replied: "You spend the best years to spend in English, and then you will play roles with an accent. Do you need it? You are an improvisator, you are a hooligan, you need to be in your environment to be able to completely open. And I am a writer, I don't care where to write. I need only you. And writing table. "

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