Purely worked: how to lose weight, performing cleaning around the house


In a modern pace of life, when work affairs are replaced by their homework, it is not so easy to find time for sports, but this does not mean that you need to run ourselves. Even performing standard home affairs, you can throw off a couple of unnecessary kilograms. Tell me how to turn your home routine into a process useful for the figure.

Main on plates

Yes, many, if not most, there is a dishwasher, which eliminates the need to contact with detergents. However, the washing of dishes on their own at least 10 minutes a day will positively affect the state of your muscles: during active work on the sink, you are imperceptible to pump your hands muscles and burn up to 100 calories, rubbing and arranging the dishes in the locker. Not bad, agree?

Remove from table

Even an unpleasant lesson, as a cleaning from the table after a large feast, will provide you with a service. If you strive to carry all the products in the refrigerator at a time, leave this idea - do at least 15 approaches to the refrigerator. The most important thing is not to be lazy and exercise as much as possible in such a seemingly elementary lesson.

Do not be lazy to perform homework

Do not be lazy to perform homework

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Do not create comfortable conditions at your home workplace.

If you work at home, sure you are accustomed from time to time to be distracted by a cup of coffee or a glass of water that brought in advance from the kitchen. Again, do not create conditions that will not spit you from time to time to get out of place. I wanted to drink tea? Stand up and brew each time, instead of bringing it in advance. Even such minor physical shakes will help dispersed blood.

All over the shelves

Once a week, as a rule, we arrange a general cleaning. While your domestic bushes are washing floors and windows, take all the cabinets and shelves. For a start, pull out all things, we wipe the cleaning of the place inside the cabinets and bookshelves, after which I do not rush to return things in place. The most important thing is not to rush, otherwise you will quickly get tired and instead of burning calories earn only back pain. Such a shock load once or twice a week can burn to 500 calories.

Washing for strengthening the press

Naturally, you don't need to wash a large number of things manually, the machine will fine handle, your task is to morally prepare for a serious load, which is implied by linen. Having gathered all the postgraded things in the basket or pelvis, do not put them on the chair or table: for each thing you will have to bend. Slowly fed, take one subject, then also straightened, hang on the pipe and rope. Yes, at first the slow pace of work will be annoying you, but the result in the form of a tightened press will be priced. Important: In no case do not make sharp movements in order not to damage the spine and joints.

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