Sati Casanova: "Crazy men do not hold"


- Sati, you are called one of the most modest stars. But recently you obviously do not modify. That say that the sectarian, then call the transcendental sums that spent on fashionable clothes. Is it really so?

- I happily hear that I hear modest. Although I still can not call so much. Maybe again modest. (Smiles.) As for the conversations about sectarianism, look at the meaning of this word in the dictionary. And you will understand that it does not have anything to me. I just say: the word "sectarian" was escaped from the video interview context - these are ordinary journalistic tricks. Regarding the sums that I descended on fashionable clothes, I really did so. Now it's not interesting for me. I am much more fascinating the same yoga, spiritual practices, seminars, lectures on personal growth - in general, knowledge of yourself.

- Yoga is now engaged in almost all the stars. But no one calls himself a sectarian. Do you have any other relationship with this gymnastics?

- I will say this: yoga is more than gymnastics for me. In Russia, it became very popular 15-20 years ago. But its overall understanding concerned only the physical aspect. And in fact, Yoga is a huge tree, where only one of the branches are given by the most Asanam - the physical exercises that many are fond of. I did them 10 years. Now I am more interesting to deeper cognition of practice. I continue to engage in the physical aspect of yoga, but I connected the delicate working technique with a thin body - Atma Kriya Yoga. It contributes to awareness - and this is exactly what every yogi seeks.

Sati is engaged in yoga for more than 10 years. Now, in addition to exercise, it is interested in deeper knowledge of the practitioner. .

Sati is engaged in yoga for more than 10 years. Now, in addition to exercise, it is interested in deeper knowledge of the practitioner. .

- They say that it was the yoga that influenced and on your creativity ...

- Yoga really influenced my creativity, and my personal life, and what is my environment, and most importantly - what is my thinking. I do not remember who from philosophers said: a person is what atmosphere he spreads around him. I hope that spreading the atmosphere is increasingly harmonious and aesthetic.

- That is, because of the worldview changed, did you start giving a very frank interview?

- If you remember what happened to me for 12 years, then I had a more frank interview, and behavior, and appearance. I just began to share how from one state passed to another. Yes, I only 32 years old is not 52 and not 62. But I already have any experience. And how great that I did not roll in life, although I had every chance of it. Therefore, I want to share my story, my discoveries, hoping that someone will help someone, someone will inspire. I once read about the diaries of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, the books of Mahatma Gandhi, looked about him films. You know, there is such a law of life: what you look, then you increase, become like this.

- In the summer, you admitted that men used to solve their problems. Many this interview caused shock. You were not afraid of condemnation?

- Let it be the most shocking in the lives of those that this recognition allegedly surprised. People do not speak about it, but they do everywhere. The whole capital lives in a similar way. Girls come to Moscow to hunt the rich men and at the expense of them to solve their problems. I only told all that and so it was in sight ... Maybe I managed to do it, because I myself do not live anymore?

The singer believes that it is better to stay alone than getting married several times. Photo:

The singer believes that it is better to stay alone than getting married several times. Photo:

- But you can dissolve all men with such conversations, you do not think so?

- Harmless men do not hold, as they say. (Laughs.) All felling men, friends, familiar who do not accept me with my changes and revelations, I can only wax as a handkerchief and say: "Goodbye, it was very nice."

- And how to get married?

- Why in our country, if a woman is not married at 32, it is considered almost a crime? Nonsense. Of course, I am glad for my friends and girlfriends, which are in harmonious relationships and have happy families. But I observe the opposite direction: so many friends, sisters, the brothers were overlapped in the last year two. But their family life was enough for a maximum of a year, and they are all bred. What to run there and here, I better stay alone. Marry get out - it's not for your bread go.

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