Silicone implants: 5 myths that are confusing women


When the TV presenter Lera Kudryavtseva told about his ailment and showed that it became with her breast implants after the gap, many star subscribers first thought about whether to risk their health for the sake of compliance with the ideals of beauty. A sharply, there are circumstances when women on medical testimony are removed by the dairy glands and plastic becomes the only way out. However, in most cases, at such a complex medical intervention is resolved on the basis of personal desire. It was told to figure out what dangers can expect those who still decided on plastic.

Need to make repeated operations

Many foreign manufacturers in the instructions for implants indicate that their real life is limited for about 10 years. At the same time, the period may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the body - both in the large and in a smaller side. The first signs of the need to change implants are their omission and deformation. Conscientious doctors warn patients that the operation will have to repeat - to this you need to be ready moral and financially. Manufacturers insist that girls be aware of this rule by the surgeon, and did not think that the operation is enough to do once.

The average service life of the implant is about 10 years

The average service life of the implant is about 10 years


Insufficient number of tests

Installation operations of breast implants began in 1962, a year after the invention of the prosthesis by American plastic surgeons Thomas Kronin and Frank Jerou. For a long time, foreign researchers argued about the influence of silicone on the body, calling the manufacturers to carry out thorough testing of materials and handed reporting into controls. It is not known for certain when the first operation was held in Russia. Approximately the formation of the industry of aesthetic surgery accounted for the end of the 90s, 00s. Already by 2017, Russia entered the top 15 countries by the number of plastic operations performed in the year, according to the rating of the VadeCum analytical center. Until now, scientists argue, what effect has such interference on the body of a healthy woman - no wonder that many women speak against plastics are called patients with "experimental rabbits".

Implant break

The case that occurred with the Leroy Kudryavtseva is by no means uncommon. On the Archives of Plastic Surgery, the study of Asian scientists was published, during which 72 implant broken was analyzed. As a result, it was possible to establish that, on average, the implant break occurs in 5.6% of cases. However, when testing prostheses of different firms, the percentage of ruptures can reach 60% - such statistics are obliged to indicate in the information booklet with which the doctor should acquaint the patient with consultation. Women affected by the implant break are united and served collective claims to court on the manufacturer. Such cases become the engine of the interest of researchers to a detailed study of the issue.

Silicone rejection by organism

Popular in Instagram blogger Maria Refubko told subscribers that she was diagnosed with "breast implant disease" a year after their installation. According to the American Association of Aesthetic Surgery, the BII code name disease is not officially recognized in the world. However, scientists explore the issue due to the increased interest in public from the public - the girls who independently allocated signs of their disease, in social networks began to massively unite into groups of 50+ thousand people in size in order to discuss similar problems. Among the symptoms of "sickness of breast implants" weakness, hair loss, the appearance of allergic rashes and spots on the body, apathy, etc. Doctors can still argue that the symptoms described by them may be the consequence of autoimyluine diseases caused by serious surgery.

Recovery after surgery - long process

Recovery after surgery - long process


Long rehabilitation

You should not believe that after the operation you will leave the hospital and you will stew like a butterfly. For the first six months, you will feel pain in the chest muscles under which the implant is created, as a result of their constant tension. You can not play sports, walk to the sauna and bath, sunbathing at high ambient temperatures. At the same time, immediately after the operation you will need to wear a pulling corset and process the breasts with medicines that the doctor will write. It should be understood that this process requires you responsibility and availability of free time.

And how do you feel about implants? Would you solve the plastic for the sake of compliance with our own ideals or not? Write your answers in the comments below.

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