Like snow on the head: what to do with gray


The first and most common cause of seeding is age. The second is the action of various external and internal factors, and the third is heredity. Sedina can be complete, partial (separate strands) and focal (polosis, or limited focus of layers).

Early gray can be a sign of diseases or problems in violating the work of the internal organs. Iron deficiency anemia, vitiligo, disorders of the thyroid gland, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and others. On the synthesis of pigment that provides hair color can influence drugs used in chemotherapy or Parkinson's disease. As well as a disadvantage in the body of such vitamins, like A, B, C, lack of zinc, iron, copper, selenium. Developmental diet, painting and discoloration of hair, chemical curvage, smoking are rendering.

If Seedan began to manifest itself, it is impossible to stop it or turn it. But in our power to slow down. To do this, you need to abandon bad habits, balanced, protect your head from ultraviolet rays and temperature drop, use shampoos for damaged and dry hair, masks and air conditioners, making head massage. You can also contact a trichologist who will select hardware procedures or mesotherapy.

Galina Volkov

Galina Volkov

Galina Volkova, Trichologist:

- If after 20-25 years you notice single gray hair, then their number increases slightly, i.e. Sedina appears gradually, is a normal physiological process. Someone has a genetic predisposition to early gray. It is impossible to prevent it. But slow down - you can. For this you need to use, for example, mesotherapy.

If the process of laying is very active, I always advise patients to surveide the therapist, an endocrinologist. Many diseases can become additional factors provoking early seeding. I want to warn from self-medication. Consuming various vitamin and mineral hair complexes without appointing a doctor, the patient risks aggravate the situation. Shampoos, balsams, air conditioners and masks on the seeding do not affect. Substances that are part of these funds do not penetrate the place where melanin is synthesized.

At home, the blondes can rinse the hair with the infusion of chamomile. Masks from honey, eggs and cognac well feed hair onions. And we need the hair follicles to be provided with everything necessary: ​​nutrition, oxygen, so that there is good microcirculation. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the skin of the head is healthy, clean, moistened. If irritation appears, dandruff, itching, the hair is losing an attractive look - you need to immediately contact a specialist.

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