Taisiya Povaliy: "Wrinkles smoothed from love"


If you eat right, then why not allow tasty? A little chocolate, a cake every two weeks. But most importantly - a little! And not as before: a bowl of contractions to eat. (Laughs.) In childhood and youth, we always baked something. Probably, it was addiction. Sweet, tasty - you still need! I have a friend who, if she wants sweet, goes to the best coffee shop, orders all the cakes that is on the shop window, then they are superior. And then understands that there is nothing like that, for which you can give life. And in the end she chops appetite to sweet. And I take an example from her. Passed those times when there was a desire to nourish. Now my food culture has come to another level.

In the past, I was sitting on a rigid diet from time to time. Three days of boiled rice without salt, three days - meat or chicken without salt, three days - baked fruit. And somehow on the fourth day, such a diet I went to the stage and realized that I had no strength to sing. And I told myself: enough with these experiments! In addition, after such a diet, I gained weight again, and even more. Therefore, a couple of years ago, I decided to go to a nutritionist, to a good specialist who sent me to the right direction. Now I eat small portions, but often, I drink a lot of water and, of course, try to move. When I come back with the tour, everything is prepared at home. I wake up at nine in the morning, I already have a bishop on the stove, and the baked apples, and the borzer cooked. Mommy gave God a hundred years of life - she, of course, my guardian angel. On the tour more complied with what is brought. I try to eat without mayonnaise, I refused it at all. All replacing yogurt and kefir. I have almost no time to cook, and mommy is even offended, if I suddenly go to the kitchen and start doing something. She wants to be useful, trying, and I feel it.

I tried to play sports But then I decided that I don't need power loads.

Taiiya has an adult son, but the grandmother the singer has not yet become. Nevertheless, Taiii regularly provides the opportunity to communicate with small children. Singer loves to relax with his gods of Nastya and Kirill

Taiiya has an adult son, but the grandmother the singer has not yet become. Nevertheless, Taiii regularly provides the opportunity to communicate with small children. Singer loves to relax with his gods of Nastya and Kirill

Photo: Instagram.com.

So I try to make an ordinary charging every day, known since childhood : Shower the press, lift the legs, stand in the pose of the kitty - stretch. Well, of course, the load on the stage, when you sing, it's as if you were running five circles in the stadium. Therefore, I have a light sport. And the houses on the third floor are full of simulators. Dust. (Laughs.)

I want to warn women who are bought on the process of filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid. There is a low quality acid, unnatural - before we were injected with such a gel, like botulinum-toxin. I was told that this is enough for almost half aim. But this gel then under the skin can cause inflammation at any time. I took this and want women to warn: it is better to make hi-turonic acid injections - let it be more expensive, but this is the key to your health and beauty.

I constantly do Botox injections , it happens, even remarking. Sometimes I look at my photos and see: the smile is not mine, it means that you need to reduce the dose. But it acts. The main thing is to find a good specialist, and with it you can remove wrinkles under the eyes, pull out the forehead. For years, my proven beautician arrives for years for years. She knows my face well.

Diet combined with active lifestyle allows TAIIs to keep an enviable form

Diet combined with active lifestyle allows TAIIs to keep an enviable form

Photo: Instagram.com.

When I'm going to tour, then the half cameer occupy hair products. You need to take care of your hair, because their beauty is very important for the girl and for the artist. Hair masks I buy, do their homes at home. But once made a mask from yolks, and washed her head herbs, when he came to the village to grandmother. My hair color is from nature ash, but I'm more walking solar, a warm shade, so I try to support it. Previously, I went to make a keratin straightening - this is when the hair is sealed with an iron, and they are not fastened. But now in principle enough masks. When you constantly apply thermal protection on your head and moisturize the hair with oils and sprays, they are responsible for you thanks.

Wrinkles smooth from love. When you love, the body itself comes to life - and it takes less injections and masks. I am now sorrowfully a huge desire to carry the happiness to people. Well, plus my desire to create and live - this is the most important thing for beauty. To burn eyes and shone the soul.

Egg mask

The mask with the addition of yolk is especially useful for hair, since it contains such microelements as vitamin A, which eliminates dry and fatty sediament and revitalizes the sequesters; Vitamin B5 - It stimulates blood circulation and even the best medicine from dermatitis. Holine stops hair loss, iron and cobalt contribute to hair growth, and potassium saturates with water with water.

Ingredients: yolk - 2 pcs.; honey - 2 h. spoons; Repene oil - 2 h. spoons.

Cooking method: Mix all the ingredients and put on strands. Wash off in 40 minutes with cool water so that the yolks do not curl.

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