5 ways to return the youth of the neck


1. SMAS-Lifting

Smas is, in fact, a muscular corset, which connects the muscles with the derma and is located in the subcutaneous fat tank, i.e., under the skin. The person is located in the neck, behind the ears and on the cheeks. SMAS provides normal facial expressions. With age, due to the gravitational ptosis of soft tissues, the mimic muscles is weakened, and, as a result, small wrinkles appear in the neck area, the second chin. With these challenges and SMAS lifting is coping. Smas-lifting is one of the most traumatic procedures, a bandage is needed in the rehabilitation period for 3-4 weeks, antibiotics. It is necessary to clearly comply with the prescriptions of the doctor: it is impossible to tilt your head, sleep only on a high pillow. After SMAS lifting, you will need a course of mesotherapy and physiotherapy procedures for smoothing scars. At the same time, the procedure gives a sufficiently long effect - up to 15 years, it is shown aged 50 years. Contraindications are general merger.

2. Platmoplastic

Platizoplasty is directed, first of all, to get rid of the second chin. After her neck acquires clear contours. Platism is a thin flat muscle located on the front of the neck, under the chin. The operation is performed in stages: first the removal of excess adhesive tissue in the neck is removed. Then surgically excreted and excess skin and muscles, which are under it. Platism is pre-separated: a layer of subcutaneous fat tissue is removed below it. Next stage - skin suspension. Depending on the selected method, partial plasticoplasty or lateral - seams are superimposed in the submandibular zone (first case), in the second - cuts are made in the temporal area. During the rehabilitation period, it is necessary for 2 days not to remove the bandage and 2 weeks to wear it overnight. On average, rehabilitation period takes 2 weeks. During the month, avoid physical activity, visiting baths, saunas, not in contact with sunlight.

Return the youth of the neck in different ways

Return the youth of the neck in different ways

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

3. Nytee lifting leather neck

Reinforcing or revitalizing threads are used, which will strengthen and create a frame and skin quality seal, lift the chances in the rings of Venus. The threads are not traumatic, introduced through special cannulas. There are several configurations of nite lifting: APTOS VISAGE, APTOS VISAGE SOFT. There are Nano-Spring threads and nano-vitas that work just in the neck area. The procedure takes from 15 to 40 minutes. It is carried out under infiltration anesthesia. Contraindications are discussed with a doctor on primary consultation. Usually, they relate to the predisposition to the formation of keloid scars, non-anniversary autoimmune diseases, chronic skin lesions, diabetes, a period of pregnancy and lactation, oncology. The threads can be combined with hardware procedures, with botulinum-toxin injections, which works to relax the neck muscles, revitalization procedures. Aptos's nithee lifting in the neck area works on improving the quality of the skin, it compacts it, improves the tour due to the content of polyolic acid, which gives good bioevitalization with soft tissues. This is absolutely safe, tested by the method of the method.

4. Hardware methods

One of the most popular procedures today to solve problems in the field of neck Plasmolifting (PRP-technology) . When we introduce a PRP plasma in the person in order to rejuvenate, the biologically active protein compounds or growth factors that are directly in this plasma will stimulate the processes of updating this skin and the formation of new cells. And considering the fact that the new cell is always better than the old one, the process of rejuvenation, which we need is begins. The essence of the method is an introduction to the skin of microinjuls of its own plasma, rich by platelets, which allows you to return the skin youth and elasticity. Indications for plasmolifting: the presence of wrinkles in the neck area, a decrease in the leather turgora, the omission of tissues (ptosis). Contraindications for the use of plasmolifting are quite small, as the patient's own blood is injected. Therefore, there can be no reaction reactions or plasma failure. Contraindications: Oncology, HIV, blood pathology, viral diseases in the aggravation stage (for example, ORVI).

If on the skin of the neck there are transverse chances in the form of a rings of Venus or longitudinal traction, a good effect gives botulinity titled Lifting Nefertiti When the Botox micro enterprises relaxes platatism (subcutaneous neck muscle).

One of the most gentle rejuvenation options - Laser phototermolysis which has a bleaching effect with a subsequent suspender. The procedure is carried out on a special apparatus. Increases the elasticity of the skin, smoothes small wrinkles, narrows pores, smoothes postoperative scars. The result of this procedure is visible in 3 days, reddening pass in 2-4 hours.

Surgical suspension - the most efficient, but also the most traumatic method

Surgical suspension - the most efficient, but also the most traumatic method

Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

5. Plastic neck. Surgical Lifting

Surgery neck suspender, perhaps the most effective way to rejuvenate this zone and should be eliminated from excess skin, the so-called "turkey neck". The effect of this operation will rejoice at least 15 years. But any surgical intervention has not only indications, but also contraindications. In this case, they are general merger - the presence of oncology, infectious diseases in the aggravation stage, disorders of blood clotting, diabetes, problems with thyroid gland, etc. It is necessary to understand that the desire to get rid of excessive sediments and skin in the neck area is not always indication to surgical intervention. You may need to lose weight for a start to start, in order to have a clearer face. Therefore, on consultation, the plastic surgeon will first of all, such nuances will evaluate such nuances as the presence of a hanging skin, overweight, fat traps, and when choosing a method, take into account the mass of the patient's body, and not only the second chin area. Surgical suspension - the operation is complex, therefore requires compliance with all prescriptions of the doctor. The seams are removed in about a week. Perhaps the presence of edema, bruises, inflammation, which will be held a maximum in 2-3 weeks. As a rule, there are minor scars in the submandibular zone, and if the patient has no tendency to the formation of keloid scars, it shows various cosmetology procedures aimed at eliminating the aesthetic flaws that have arisen: injections or laser skin grinding. The CO2 Fractional Laser is the best way to get rid of scars and minor scars after surgical neck suspenders.

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