How was the retrame "Svetlana"


The amazing and tragic scenario history of the daughter of the leader of the peoples, Svetlana Allyluve, devoid of maternal caress, but in the excess of the father-in-law, wrote the famous Writer Alexander Borodyansky with the participation of colleagues - Maria Borodyanskaya, Rauf Kubaev and Ilya Rubinstein. As the creators of the painting say, this film is historical only partly - rather is the dramatic interpretation of the events of those years.

The plot is based on materials from publicly available sources. But since these were not always in sufficient quantities, then some scenes are based on guesses and assumptions. Not all fans of historical serials came delight from Svetlana. Opinions are expressed on different forums that the project lacks the scope and spirit of history. Nevertheless, the film was surprisingly accurately managed to show the tragedy and throwing Svetlana. After all, the fate was not at all sweet. She changed his name and religion three times, was married four times. God gave birth to three children, but they renounce her. Double emigrated from the USSR, he left several times and returned to the United States, lived in Georgia, in Switzerland, in England and France. Wrote several books. But it remained until the end of his days by the daughter of Stalin.

Pavel Trubiner played a journalist and writer Alexei Kaplin. We kindled that his character was Alexei Chief, with whom the daughter of Stalin really was a novel in the fortieth year

Pavel Trubiner played a journalist and writer Alexei Kaplin. We kindled that his character was Alexei Chief, with whom the daughter of Stalin really was a novel in the fortieth year

The film shows the life of Svetlana from 1942 to 1966 - from the formation before the emigration of the Kremlin Princess. "Svetlana" is an artistic work - from the very beginning of the shooting, the director of the film Evgeny Zvezakov, famous for the films "Shakal", "Spider", "Talyanka", "obsessed", said. - This is our version of events, so we changed some names in the film. For example, the dropper was changed to Kaplin, Swanidze - on the dressing and so on '.

In the form of a daughter, the leader of the peoples in front of the viewers was a young actress "Contemporary" Victoria Romanenko, it is known for the paintings "Orlova and Alexandrov", "Kurpan", "Divorce". And now it is clear that this role for Victoria will become a sign.

Sergey Koltakov is absolutely not like Stalin, however, the actor was so burned into the image that his game was the decoration of the series

Sergey Koltakov is absolutely not like Stalin, however, the actor was so burned into the image that his game was the decoration of the series

"We tried not to climb into our heroine into bed, we wanted to tell a personal story," Romanenko says his work itself. - The consequence of her difficult relationships with his father were looking for throughout the life of their absolute man. We show the story of Women Svetlana Allyluve, which was happening in her inside that she felt like she fought with it. "

Victoria Romanenko, despite the fact that while next to her surname is a prefix "beginning", it came to his role very professionally: she tried to understand why her heroine comes in this way, was not afraid to offer its own options for those or other episodes. And, of course, it was very meticulously reacted to each little things of a historic costume, hairstyles and makeup so that all in the image of her heroine corresponded to that time period.

Sergey Koltakov is absolutely not like Stalin, however, the actor was so burned into the image that his game was the decoration of the series

Sergey Koltakov is absolutely not like Stalin, however, the actor was so burned into the image that his game was the decoration of the series

As a result, even the director later admitted that "in the frame of Allyluweva it turned out real."

Meanwhile, on Casting Victoria Romanenko was by no means the only candidate. Many famous actresses have tried to the role of Stalin's daughter. But the director constantly tormented doubts: everything is not right, not so. And when it would seem that all major contenders were discussed, the producer of the picture proposed to pay attention to the actress of the Contemporary theater Victoria Romanenko. According to the director Evgenia Zvezakakova, the appearance of Vicky made all doubts: the main character was found. "In the image of Svetlana Allyluve, performed by Victoria Romanenko there is an intelligence and a devil in view and some grace. She himself was interesting - the role is dramatic, age, there is something to play, "the director believes.

At the audience who love historical details and want to feel the spirit of time, some questions remained to Svetlana. Perhaps from a boutical point of view - this is not the strongest project

At the audience who love historical details and want to feel the spirit of time, some questions remained to Svetlana. Perhaps from a boutical point of view - this is not the strongest project

Also starring in Svetlana, the actors Sergey Koltakov were noted in the role of the father of the main character, Sergey Kolos - in the image of Brother Vasily Stalin, Sergey Losev - Nikita Khrushchev. Their choice was also not the easiest. For example, actor Sergei Koltakova was not at all on the external similarity with Stalin. But the actor was so born in this image, I learned so much about his habits, habits that no one doubts: before us - Joseph Vissarionovich his own person. Although the film's creators themselves make remark: the actor tried to embody on the screen not a politician, but above all the father of the main character.

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