Output in color: how to properly care for painted hair


So, you updated the color of the hair or radically changed the "suit", received many compliments in your address, and now the main task is to save the brightness of the tone, as well as the health and beauty of your curls. In order for the color shine and pleased you until the next hike in the salon, it is necessary to correctly care for the hair, starting with the first wash head.

Professionals have such a concept as "color stabilization" in fresh-grained hair. The pigment needs to be rooted, so in the first week it is necessary to comply with certain rules: do not attend the pool and bath, avoid hiking into the solarium and exposure to sunlight. Wash your head is recommended no earlier than 48 hours after staining - it will allow the color on the hair. Keep in mind that now all care products should be designed specifically for painted hair, they will help to stay keratin scales, save color and shine curls.

Many people are used to washing their heads every day, but it is completely unnecessary. Ideally, the "bog" must be arranged one or twice a week. If your hair is dirty and losing the look faster, permissible, then resort to washing every other day, but not more often. Holders of oily scalp in the interval between washing it is convenient to use a dry shampoo. It can be successfully applied along the entire length of hair or only for the root volume.

With the usual wash, fat hair is best rinsed with cool water, since hot reinforces the activity of the sebaceous glands and contributes to an accelerated flushing of color.

For painted hair, you should choose professional shampoo and air conditioning, and preferably one brand, given the hair structure (thin / normal or tough). Such funds do not contain sulfates and are specifically designed for gentle care and hair restoration after chemical exposure. The professional shampoos, masks and air conditioners include active ingredients that store pigment resistance and brightness of color. In addition, professional care products are created in such a way as to enhance each other's action, so air conditioning and shampoo from one manufacturer are the perfect pair.

Drying and laying

One of the reasons for luxury, cross-section and disobedience of painted hair is combing them immediately after washing. Wet hair is easily stretched and damaged, so you have to wait until they dry, and only then take a comb. For this, the comb with wide and rounded teeth will fit well. It is necessary to start combing from the tips, gradually moving up to the top of the top.

Try to dry the washed hair without the help of a hair dryer - let them dry by naturally. The fact is that any thermal impact leads to the accelerated loss of the original color and gloss. If without a hair dryer, do not do, turn on the warm or cool drying mode - it will increase the laying time for 5-10 minutes, but as a result will keep the beauty of your hair.

Before drying a hairdryer, implanted care and styling products with thermal protective properties must be applied to wet hair. To save the color, try to avoid or, if possible, reduce the use of hot tools - iron, soil, corrugation, tongs. In any case, the catch or tongs should not linger on straight for too long, and only dry hair can be stacked.

In full color

More difficult to keep bright redhead hair shades and cold blond: after one or two weeks after staining, they lose its original color and saturation. It is somewhat easier to maintain dark tones: their pigment is not so easily washed, but the hair themselves rather quickly dump and lose their healthy shine.

Special tinting shampoos and air conditioners selected in color of hair will improve the situation. At blondes, they neutralize excess yellowness, in redheads - extend the life with copper shades, and the dark hair returns shine and chocolate sings. Tint funds can be started to use from 2-3rd weeks after the coloring procedure or when it will sweep the original color. Among other things, the shadowing shampoo will increase the gap between staining and, accordingly, they will give hair more time to restore.

And for additional color protection, intensively moisturizing masks are recommended to be used once a week.

Work on bugs

It is necessary to dispel the myth created by marketers, as if there would be completely harmless to hair chemical dyes. In fact, any staining, even the most gentle, entails damage to the hair structure. As is known, the surface of the hair is covered closely in contact with the hair protecting hair from harmful external influence. But when staining, the natural structure of hairs is subject to change due to the replacement of the natural pigment new. The active substances of the paint raise the scales to penetrate the hair deep, but after chemical exposure, these scales are less closely adjacent to the trunk. As a result, hair becomes vulnerable, losing a healthy shine. Especially strongly suffer from the tips: after several staining, they sometimes look like straw, they are very confused and poorly combed.

In such a situation, the optimal solution would be to concentrate the sequesters and continue to support the intensive moisturizing care. If the haircut of the already short or hair is at the moment are growing, then special means will be "symptomatic treatment" to help "glue" keratin scales.

If in the future you want to avoid serious problems with the condition of the hair, a couple of weeks before the planned campaign to the master, it is necessary to start making preventive measures. We are talking about deep nutrition and moisturizing the structure of the hair with the help of restoring masks. They can be used 2-3 times a week, which will prepare hair to the upcoming staining and protect them from damage. In addition, paint lies at well-groomed hair and rests longer, without losing color and gloss.

On a note…

If you regularly paint your hair, do it better at the master who uses the same dyes. If you change the masters often, different types of paints can conflict among themselves, which will negatively affect both the condition of hair and on their color.

- To injure hair less, alternate staining the entire length of hair and only roots (the tips are most vulnerable when repeated staining).

- Do not resort to the resistant paint too often. The optimal interval between hikes in the salon is 6-7 weeks.

- It is undesirable and dramatically change the color of the hair, for example, sharply move from a blond on dark tones. It will hurt and weaken the hair.

- In the presence of dandruff, the painting can be carried out, but it is better not to use special healing shampoos in the first 1-2 weeks. Dandruffers often contain exfoliating components (for example, salicylic acid), which are deprived of recently colored hair portions of the pigments, as a result, the color is quickly washed away.

External factors

The pigment of chemically painted hair is vulnerable to exposure to light, not only solar. Few people know that even the usual daily stay in the office under bright fluorescent lamps leads to a gradual fading of strands (especially for red shades). And the straight sun rays are particularly affected by our hair, dried hair, cause their "burnout". Therefore, in the summer, with a long stay in the sun, we need to wear hats - this is the easiest way to protect that do not require any special tricks.

But the sun is not the only danger. Salted sea water or chlorinated water in the pool also negatively affect painted hair: strongly dried them and contribute to the rapid flushing of pigment. Therefore, with any immersion in water, it is recommended to apply protective fluids that will not allow damaging substances into the hair. With the same purpose, natural oils can be used, but it should be borne in mind that they attract dust and dirt and will not be very suitable for the owners of oily scalp.

Fans of pairs, saunas and hamamov must be remembered that high temperatures and hot steam also do not benefit the hair. Do not visit them in the first days after staining, and then it is desirable to cover the head from overheating something.

Following all the listed advice, you will suggest your hair with healthy, beautiful and shining.

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