Stop, hairfall: stop loss of curls


The end of February and the beginning of March are often called the "hairfall" time - when the curls begin to suddenly. "As a rule, seasonal hair loss is a diffuse character, which is due to the change of seasons, - says Brand Technologist ORISING Dmitry Rusanov . - It is inevitable, but for the body is always stress. In general, this phenomenon is laid in us biologically as an update form.

But so that this process passes the most imperceptibly and with minimal losses, you need to focus on the proper cleansing and care of the scalp. This can be done either using liquid peels or white clay-based masks or soft exfoliants. The main thing is to remember - they should not be injured and must contain as much vitamins and natural ingredients as much as possible.

I do not recommend using preparations with minoxidil, because in the future you can face a strong "cancellation syndrome". After all, when using this component, the "addiction" process is launched, and then when you stop using it, the hair begin to fall 3-4 times more intense. In addition, a very strong irritation appears during the use of any other drug. But, unfortunately, minoxidil is contained in almost all products (90%) from hair loss. Yes, it works effectively and recognized all over the world as a means of contributing to the growth of hair and prevents them from falling out, but causes such a colossal dependence. Therefore, it is extremely important to acquire products that does not contain this ingredient. The composition must be present exclusively natural components.


For example, the brand ORISING just has a suitable ruler for the treatment of hair loss.

Shampoo phytossential. It is effectively fighting with this problem. It has mitigating and moisturizing actions, accelerates the regeneration of the epidermis. Active ingredients: Calendula extract, nettical extract, silk hydrolyzate, sage oil, peppermint oil, field mint essential oil, thyme oil, panthenol.

Mask is nutritis for dry and damaged hair. It contains natural ingredients that prevent excessive hair loss. Hydrolyzed proteins of silk and wheat, moisturize the skin of the head and hair, saturating their nutrients. Active ingredients: hydrolyzed proteins of silk and wheat, citric acid extract.

Lotion for the treatment of hair loss. Biological preparation based on proteins, placental and vegetable extracts, prevents hair loss, the follicles are awakening, which are in a telegenic hibernation, high-qualityly increasing the number of growing hair. Active ingredients: Sage oil, Tyme oil, peppermint oil, juniper oil, sweet almond oil, nettle extract, dry blade extract, calendula extract, medicinal oil, tocopherol acetate (natural vitamin E).

If a person has no predisposition to androgenetic alopecia or loss is not related to the adoption of certain medicines, then this line from ORISING is the perfect assistant!

It is worth noting that in the fall and spring hair should be washed no more than two times a week and, of course, pay attention to such a factor as moisturizing the scalp. After all, it begins to lose moisture with a double rate due to the permanent job in heated premises. In addition, it is also necessary to use relaxing preparations for the scalp. They will help to get rid of the tooth and irritation, and also perform a protective function. As, for example, phytoessential soothing composition from Orising, which is rich in active natural components: chamomile extracts, Malva Forest, Hypericum and burdock root, wheat germs, sweet almond and rice bran, panthenol.

During this period, it is better to abandon shampoos for hair volume and minimize the use of heat appliances for laying. But if you still need, for example, hairdryer, choose with ionizatsii function.

A big difference

Hair loss, their fragility and loss of volume - what is the difference and what care is chosen for each case. "Hair loss is associated with the impact of a wide variety of factors - stress, ecology, diet, change in hormonal background (for example, after genera and during menopause), seasonal decrease in immunity. A characteristic sign of falling is the daily hair loss exceeding 80-100 pieces per day, "says Medical expert Vichy brand Ekaterina Turubara. - To solve the problem, it is necessary to simultaneously affect the root of the hair and the scalp, the protective functions of which are reduced. Enhancing the fixation of the hair rod in the bulbs, the stimulation of microcirculation and improved root food, as well as an increase in protective properties of the skin - the basic terms of successful hair loss therapy. Ideally use the care products that combine all these effects.

Hair may not fall out, but rolling. Clinically, this is also manifested in the form of reinforced loss, the cause of which is the incidence of the hair rod. It occurs in the event that the cuticle is destroyed - the wrapper of the hair. Nude Cortex, devoid of protection, very fragile and easily damaged. In this case, it is necessary to use reducing agents that fill the voids between the scales of the cuticle and the enveloping cortex. A certain result for hair fragility can be achieved using nutrients based on oils. Restoring the lipid barrier of the hair rod, they will strengthen the cuticle and prevent her further destruction.

Fineering of hair is associated with a change in their structure and a decrease in the diameter of the hair rod. It may be a consequence of diet, avitaminosis, improper care or age-related changes. To care for such hair, you must use sealing agents. They strengthen and compact fiber, giving hair volume and healthy appearance.

Despite the obvious differences, these three problems are often units of one chain. The process of hair loss begins not suddenly. First, the hair onions cease to achieve their maximum maturity and begin to produce thin and weak hair. Progressing hair thinning leads to loss of volume. Hair becomes more sensitive to external influences and brisk. In this case, the care means can be combined with each other. This will allow not only to impede excessive hair loss, but also to improve them, improving the structure and raising the strength. "

Solution to the problem

We collected our top tools that will help cope with the problem of hair loss.

Shampoo for giving volume and restoration of thin hair bouticle


According to statistics, about 90 percent of all women are dissatisfied with the volume of their hair. Therefore, warning measures should be taken. Change the diet, try less nervous, and when leaving hair, use those tools that are released specifically to solve such problems. Shampoo for giving the volume and restoration of thin hair Bouticle effectively restores and maintains the hydrolypide balance of hair and scalp. The formula based on Keratin Complex, Panthenol and Vitamin E fills and reconstruct damaged areas of the hair rod, gives density, strength and elasticity. Of course, you perfectly use this shampoo in a complex with air conditioning to give volume.

Sealing shampoo for thinned and weakened hair DERCOS DENSI-SOLUTIONS from Vichy


This shampoo increases the mass of the hair. It strengthens and compacts a hair fiber with each application, giving hair volume and a healthy look. And all because among the ingredients there is a Philoxane - an innovative molecule, known for its ability to affect the density and diameter of the hair - it easily penetrates the hair and binds to its protein structures. Also in the composition you can find the plant saccharide frame - it helps to improve the quality of the scalp and hair follicles for the growth of a more dense, elastic hair fiber.

Rhinestone with red ginseng extract against hair loss Kerasys Hair Fall Control


The problem of hair loss appeared yesterday and not today. Therefore, it makes sense to look at the old recipes. So, in antiquity, it was known that in order to stop the "hairfall", Ginseng extract is perfect. No wonder in antiquity ginseng called "the root of life." Initially, this root was used exclusively as a spice - he gave dishes a spicy taste. Then the ginseng began to perceive as a means of extending life, and apply in various fields - from the treatment of depression before the bleeding stop. Excellent proven itself this root and trichology. After all, ginseng is a natural stimulant of metabolic processes and supplies the hair of the bioactive substances to the hair lows, thereby feeding the follicles.

It is ginseng that is one of the main ingredients in the shampoo and air conditioner Kerasys Hair Fall Control. Both means are created at the junction of eastern traditional medicine and modern technologies and are ideal for leaving in winter when hair is particularly weakened and susceptible to fallout.

Dermo Capillaire Dermo Capillaire Sweese From Eucerin


Clinical studies on the use of this serum revealed that with regular use, the product stimulates hair follicles and promotes hair growth. For this it is necessary to thank correctly selected composition. This is a Likochalcon A (reduces the micro-skinned scalp, which weakens the roots of the hair); Carnitine (increases the level of energy generation in cells) and creatine (it helps to preserve the energy required for hair growth). To enhance serum efficiency, it should be used in conjunction with the shampoo against the hair loss Eucerin Dermo Capillaire.

Mask-elixir for recovery and giving shiny gloss Lisap Milano


About the fact that you need to do face masks, we remember constantly. But we usually miss the hair masks. We urgently correct. In addition, with a novelty from Lisap Milano, your curls are transformed almost instantly. The argan oil and mono-de tatiti oil support the necessary lipid balance and protect against harmful environmental factors. ELIXIR CARE complex and Cerames A2 carefully restore the hair structure, prevent possible damage.

Cleansing Emulsion for Skin Londa Scalp Detox Pre-Shampoo Treatment


Do at least once a week scaling skin peeling. We in the Beauty Department fell in love with a cleansing emulsion for the skin of the Londa Scalp Detox Pre-Shampoo Treatment. It not only intensively purifies the skin of the head from ero-digit cells, dandruff and daily contaminants, but also opens the pores, improving the penetration of nutrients.

As part of the emulsion - the cucumber extract, which refreshes the skin and hair, with the leather extract - nut, which is known to the astringent properties. Use this tool is needed before shampoo. The result is noticeable from the first application.

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