Julia Hlynina: "Groom I found in the auditorium"


Julia Hlynina is only twenty-five years old, and she has already managed to declare themselves in such high-profile projects as "duelist" and "mysterious passion." And there are still premieres ahead, who also promise to become an event in the world of movies. The wit and the liveliness make the actress a very attractive interlocutor. She is not afraid to follow his inner truth, alone - therefore achieves success. Talent is a powerful tool for exposure to people. It is not surprising that both His love Julia found in the auditorium.

- Julia, after such loud prime ministers will already be recognized in public places?

- oddly enough, no. Perhaps because I did not have the same appearance in any project, the hair color, hairstyles. Looking at me now, no one will think that I am the most Princess Martha from the "Duelyanta" with a drain blond curls and seamy eyebrows. Very often I hear the familiar discusses this film, "and I even have to convince them that I played there. In the "mysterious passion" I am in the role of Waxon's wife, Mirra, - brunettes with a hairstyle in retro style. Probably, I was lucky that some small change in appearance makes me almost unrecognizable.

- How do you feel about criticism?

- It's always, since childhood, that I had my own, different from most opinion. Figuratively speaking, if everyone liked to jump through the puddle, I just wanted to go through it. For me, my inner truth is always more important. Of course, if a person does not take a picture of the "Duelist" picture, I am sad that my creative ideas and intentions did not touched him. But then you immediately understand who you are on the same wave and with whom it will be interesting to work. After all, I also perceive someone else's work in different ways: I admire, I remain cold, or it is rejection. So we find like-minded people.

- Have you come across envy? You are a young actress - and such a powerful start.

- Envy - such a feeling with which you come across everywhere and constantly. The fact that you actress already attract additional attention, and then another factor turns on - youth! I doubly doubly. (Laughs.) So yes, I feel envy on myself. But I like to observe how people overcome it in themselves, they come out of the situation. (Laughs.) Yes, I also envy others. I see sometimes: such a beautiful movie, and I didn't even have tried there! But you need to fight with me.

- I had to hear: probably, someone moves it?

- Unfortunately, I will not envy my scenario in this regard. Sometimes I even want to listen to such a gossip: who is he, my mysterious patron? (Laughs.) Alas, everything yourself, with your own hands.

- Can you call yourself a lucky one? How many talented actors - not everyone can find their material, their director.

"I really get to work with good people." I probably send the right vibrations to space. I can say about cooperation with Alexey Mizgiv, that this is the best thing happened to me so far in a professional plan. Although in terms of volume, the role is not the largest, but meeting with a person of such a scale, with such amazing thinking, a thin, susceptible soul - a truly significant event.

Dress, maya; Earrings and Necklaces, All - Mercury

Dress, maya; Earrings and Necklaces, All - Mercury

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Have you ever won contests, lotteries?

- Never. I even do not participate in them because of fear to lose. Casting is not a contest in the usual understanding. When you learned four years at the MCAT Studio School, then you still understand the subject of your profession and you know what you can offer. It's not just so, at random, finger in the sky. But I still feel bad luck. And if I have a significant project, then I do not eat, I just do not breathe. Concentrating at work so that it is horrified by this inherent. But they also get used to the tension and the struggle, you can live with it. To me, on the contrary, it's more interesting for a person not when he is in a calm harmonious state, and when something overcomes something. This will to life is the subject of my interest and envy.

- You entered very serious universities: Biofak MSU, Institute of Nuclear Research, Moscow Mountain University ...

- and entered.

- It was an attempt to progress? You did not target a frivolous acting profession?

"For some reason, in seventeen years old, I clearly understood that I should not lose my life. And it was a feeling: it doesn't matter what profession I choose, I still can self-realize and succeed. I liked learning, I adored doing homework: sit alone, no one bothers you. (Smiles.) When I spoke on this topic with my young man, he answered that he studied the middle, like most guys. Personally, this is not clear to me: what is difficult - they have discovered for you long ago, knew and printed in the textbook. It remains only to read. In those universities that you have listed, I did simply following the Olympiad and Ege.

- So you are such a right feature girl?

- Probably, if everything was right, would not have enough creative energy in theatrical act.

- Theatrical disappointed or charming?

- I was shocked. It was and beautiful, and terribly at the same time. At school, it was sometimes possible to brew when the muse would come - to read the rhyme at the school evening. You will praise you, say: Julia Well done. And then again sitting quietly for homework. And then I had to go crazy by day, all the time to be in contact with the same crazy in a good sense, creatively greedy people. Moreover, we still did not mean anything in this profession, there was some insane exhaust of energy. But it was interesting. And the degree of workolism, which I have now has been accustomed in the Studio School of MCAt thanks to my master Konstantin Arkadyevich Raykin. He is an absolutely nuclear personality, it generates incomprehensible from where this energy is charged with it all around. Although I have not had a relationship for a long time in a studio school, nor to Satirikon, everything that was laid there, with me. So drives me Konstantin Arkadyevich somewhere inside.

- Have you been his favorite student?

"I am happy that my creative energy was enough to realize his idea." When we put the diploma play "Romeo and Juliet", it was me that he chose me on a major role. Konstantin Arkadyevich has always been favorable to me, and this is also some kind of a gift of fate. He managed to attach a huge stock of love and in the material, and in us, his students.

- As far as I understand, you are cool about authoritations. But was there another situation?

- Yes and no. With all my limitless love for him and respect, our roads diverged. Probably, under the leadership of Konstantin Arkadyevich, my career would be excellent and painted for many years ahead, but ... my inner opinion did not coincide with his plans. And I made my choice. It so happened that that year about half of his students decided to look for their way. But it happens - the child must fly away from the parent nest in time.

- Do you argue with directors now?

- Of course, terrible, desperately. But about authorities - probably, they still have. Parents laid a good attitude toward me. I wonder to listen to people with rich life experiences. And I love directorists: I like and introverts, and extroverts, and expressive, crazy, maniacs of their business. They are always in search, and I want to look for this truth with them.

Dress, maya; Earrings and necklaces, all - Mercury. Wallpaper with hand painted, de Gournay

Dress, maya; Earrings and necklaces, all - Mercury. Wallpaper with hand painted, de Gournay

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Vadim Perelman, who have been filmed in the painting "Buy me," - a complex character?

- He seemed to me wonderful, magical, expressive and absolutely loved in his job as a man. It causes trepidation, respect and desire to go behind him. At the same time, it can be modest, smooth, sometimes funny and perfectly tells jokes on a Jewish theme. It seems to me that we managed to negotiate. At some moments we found compromises, in some I just performed his will, and sometimes he was settled with what I am doing this only, and not otherwise. There was a very warm feeling from the fact that we gave each other so many crazy discoveries.

- That is, you liked this work, your role.

- Sure! After all, the question is not so that I have nothing to eat and I will take for any project. Life is short, it is a pity to spend it on what you do not like! This is an insanely talented material. All colleagues of my age know him, because we went through long casting. Kati, my heroine, a very close and understandable story. Although nothing like that did not happen in my life. My samples concluded that I simply read three sketches for the camera. And after three days I called Wadim and said that I was approved.

- And these three days did you hold fists?

- Not. And the meaning? Nothing depends on this. The director may get sick, or stand up from that foot, or it can come a producer and say that he does not like the actress. And while they destroy this situation in the creative conflict, will I suffer? No, I have two more projects with the main roles.

- Julia, it seems to me that nothing can shake your self-confidence.

- Not true, something can. Always scary. Not that remain without work. Our family experienced different times. And Mom taught me to rejoice in the bread crust just like a piece of cake from the Parisian confectionery. I was lucky: I was not a "golden child", so the material difficulties are not frightened. It is terribly not to catch the moment when you are close, the material, but millions of other factors interfere, and therefore this role does not happen in your life.

"You allow yourself a luxury to choose, and meanwhile, many of your colleagues say the opposite: they graduated from theatrical, you need to earn, feed the family.

- Nobody is insured from a similar situation. I do not know what will happen tomorrow and will I have such happiness as freedom of choice. Now I do not have a family that you need to feed, and I do not need to urgently find thirty million to save hippos. Indeed, fate is favorable. Everyone has its own plank. Too different coordinate system to endure the verdict: here you work for money, and you for the sake of art.

Dress, yanina couture; Ring and earrings, all - Mercury. Wallpaper with hand painted, de Gournay

Dress, yanina couture; Ring and earrings, all - Mercury. Wallpaper with hand painted, de Gournay

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Are you financially independent of parents?

- Yes, and for a long time. And I hope that soon I can support them financially.

- How did they initially perceive your choice of profession? Did you dissuade?

- My mother is a completely different person. I am straightforward, overhanging Capricorn, it is air scales, always seeks a compromise, strives for harmony. In my transitional age, it was difficult for us to negotiate with each other. Recently in the soul (usually there are ingenious thoughts that came to me) I thought that most of all in the world for whom I became, I am grateful to my mother. When in the graduation class, I approached her and asked what university to do it, she made big round eyes and said that he could not take such responsibility, I had to solve myself. This is a mother who told me how to wash the plates and stroke the school shape! I was very surprised, I say: "Mom, what are you! Dad Alina, my girlfriend, even chose the institute himself! Do you even tell me who you want to see me? Maybe a lawyer or dentist? I'm interested in everything". "No, I won't tell you anything." So my current existence - I am grown, stalented, desirable. And his mother presented me, who just refused to participate in the choice of my future.

- In relation to your fans, she was also loyal?

- Fans? Do you mean young people? Yes, my mother knew all my "grooms". And always was configured neutrally. Of course, she had a personal attitude: she could, for example, do not like Sasha's shoes or Serezhe's hairstyle, but it should not have affected my choice. Despite the fact that I had all the madness of youth, which you can only imagine, Mom always remained only interested observer.

- The madness of youth - what does it mean? Ran out of home with someone?

- Yes, I was not so modest than you can imagine. All joys in life know.

- And unrequited love was?

- No, she was divided, but unhappy. Probably, she happened not by time. I have a little experience in part of a romantic relationship. I recently turned twenty-five years, and my grooms on the fingers of one hand can be sorted. We, the actors, are very charged, sensitive nature and want these emotions, love. Our profession - and the gift, and punishment. Here everyone is feeling sharper. We both were such ... as bare wires. Also seventeen years old, only after school. And we simply could not withstand the tension, glowing passions. Although this feeling gave and the creative energy is colossal. And at the same time, we began to realize that it is impossible to exist for a long time on such a donkey. It is impossible to part and together already. Health, nerves. And all the same, the circumstances turned so that I had to part. Here is such a story about love, not with Heppi End, as in Hollywood cinema.

Dress, yanina couture; Ring and earrings, all - QueensBee. Wallpaper with hand painted, de Gournay

Dress, yanina couture; Ring and earrings, all - QueensBee. Wallpaper with hand painted, de Gournay

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Highlights in the actor's piggy bank?

- What do you! Not a raisin, but a whole diamond.

- Probably, with not creative people you are already uninteresting?

- No, why? My young man, my bridegroom, just from the public, as we are considered to speak. And we had a very romantic acquaintance. He came to me on the performance. I play Irina in the play "Three sisters" Andrei Sergeevich Konchalovsky. And there is a very important, deep scene for me, when in the third picture my heroine begins to confuse the words, she has a long insane monologue. The Mosovet Theater is very big, and my fan sat in the amphitheater. I do not know how you can distinguish anything at all. But then he saw on the monitor my face close-up. Andrei Sergeevich has such an idea: when the action is permutive, it shows the video, where we are, actors, talk about their characters, play. And my young man said that it was then that I struck him with my appearance. And when the madness of Irina came to the scene, he runs goosebumps. He realized that I was his woman. (Smiles.) And you know, he turned out to be such a guy in a good sense of the word. This is now my social networks are clogged with comments, I do not have time to consider them. And then I have not reached the screens "The Law of Stone Jungle", the fans were not so much, and among messages like: "Marry me" and "How cool you are", I suddenly saw: "Hello, Julia, I was with you on the play. " I thought: "How interesting! He goes to the theater. " Opened a letter - not a single grammatical error. Second tick. (Laughs.) I looked at the profile: graduated from MGIMO, older than me for five years, cute. Answered: "Thank you for come." Well, that's all. At the offer to get acquainted closer, I answered with refusal, because I do not meet with fans. And then on every play, you began to come beautiful, luxurious bouquets. In the note there were only initials - nothing more. And when I was simply nowhere to put flowers, he sent a note with the phone number. And by that time I already wanted to say thanks for such a touching attention. So, neatly and competently, he chased me. (Laughs.) Two-three months have passed, probably since the first message. Then we met. And now he is my best fan, goes to all my performances. You asked: Does I wonder with a man of a nonwork profession? Yes. We are internally close, we coincides with the worldship, some signals coming from the outside world, we perceive the same. It is very important. Although in character we are different. He introvert, even more discreet, closed than me.

- And now the bouquets continue?

- Yes, in this sense I am a happy woman. As Tatiana Dolmatovskaya said, the artist on the costumes, with which we worked together in the picture "Selfie", "If at least one day does not happen to me, I feel bad." Probably, this is my story. I start worrying if the miracle does not occur. And it's fine that there is a person next to me who has time to generate them.

- You called him a fiancé ... everything is serious, the matter is to the wedding?

- I'm afraid to smooth. With our youth and expressiveness of what only does not happen! But in sensations everything goes well.

- Is it normally for the costs of your profession? For example, to the fact that you can leave for a long time on shooting in another city.

- Yes, to this normal, he respects my profession. After all, there are even stronger side effects - my emotional impassableness for example. I am all the time panic, that something will not work for me. The play is a year. It would seem that difficult: Julia, put on a dress, learn the words, but every time I'm on the scene on the nerves. I do not know how he puts the differences of my mood. (Smiles.)

Dress-jacket, self made; Earrings, QueensBee.

Dress-jacket, self made; Earrings, QueensBee.

Photo: Alina Pigeon

- Is it important for you to have a personal space, the possibility of privacy?

- Yes, absolutely. I am a sociopath and, in truth, I don't really like to communicate with people. That is, I like to communicate with them. But in everyday life, if free evenings happen, it is difficult to imagine that I will go from home to some kind of Tusovka - for me it is an additional work. I love to be alone, I love one ride on travel. But know at the same time that there are people I am important to which I am the road.

- Are you a Muscovite, love your hometown?

- It is hard to say. I am a painted Muscovite, grew up in Vykhin. All my native places there. Childhood passed "in the area", did not really leave anywhere. And then I fully absorbed the MHAT School Studio. Therefore, oddly enough, I did not have time to especially know this city. Now I live on the patriarching ponds, I begin to look around and understand that this is the area that inspires me. Here are green, beautiful, convenient to get to the place of work, the Theater of the Mossovet. And people go such ... harmonious. In comparison with complex weekdays, the Patriarch is a more celebrating zone of Moscow. But nevertheless, to recover energetically, you need to leave here. This is a historic district, you get so much information from everything: from every pebble, paving slats, chests. And from a large number of information is also tired. Therefore, you need to run away. I love Moscow as I hate. It gives great opportunities, but at the same time takes energy.

- You had to play the role of a heroine of different historical eras. In which time you are more comfortable?

- Present. But I am glad to try on different era. I will reveal the secret: that I will immediately begin to come true. Dreamed to touch the romantic XIX century - and so "Duelist" happened. These magnificent dresses, carriages, feathers, widespread hats gave me a sense of time. Then I thought: "How I want to get into the Soviet era!" And I was invited to the picture "Lev Yashin, my dream goalkeeper", where I play my famous football player's wife. And I go to the shoes, put on the sock. (Smiles.)

- Now dream about the future?

- No, fantasy as a genre does not particularly attract me. This is more a boy's story: what's there in the future? I am more worried about reality: how can we live together, do not swear and love each other.

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