Ilya Mlinnikov: "Romance, like humor, should be with fists"


Actor Ilya Mlinnikov, well-known millions of fans of the series "Interns" and not only, last week appeared in a new image. Now he is a boxing instructor in the new season of the TV series "Fitness". And although the actress very rarely communicates with journalists, managed to meet with Ilya and find out a lot of interesting star from life.

- Ilya, tell me how you generally got into this series?

"The director of the Kirill Vasilyev project once already wrote the script of the film, where I became the prototype of the main character" Well, hello, Oksana Sokolova, "I had to play the main role of the Radio-host Ilya Noggan. I did not happen then because of your employment in other projects, and he took Viktor Dobronravov, who played perfectly. I very much respect what you are doing in the profession Victor and Fyodor Viktorovich Dobronravov, we worked together. In general, then it did not work out, now this project appeared, besides, Kirill himself boxer himself and knows this craft very well. I was sent a script, I read it, I liked the role. Probably, we must pay tribute to my agent that convinced me that this is a good project. Then there was a hasty casting. I was asked to remove the samples. My brother and I (Vladislav Ruins are the operator, - approx. Ed.) Removed a couple of scenes and sent. After there were ensemble samples, where I met with Sofia Baoy. We were easy! She is very talented and a wonderful person who loves to listen to Mikhail Krug (smiles).

- What did you particularly like you in your hero?

- I am interested in playing paradoxical characters. Garik is an incredibly talented athlete, but at the same time a lover of drink, put a bet or play a casino, take money - this is its main income. But where exactly happened, why he lost faith in sport, life, herself, why there is no purpose, understand his problem, understand - in this and there is the essence and charm of our acting profession, at least for me! I think it was once a betrayal in this sport, he was confused: maybe there was some kind of dope, or he was not taken to the Olympics. I found a coach in St. Petersburg, he teaches Thai boxing. I watched him for several months, I saw how confident himself, he knows his work well, but there is some kind of "familiar disappointment", and from this - an extraordinary approach to training and to life in general. He calls himself a master evil, but at the same time very kind, read with a rich sense of humor! My character became something like him, I began to revive him and supplement, brought and offered texts, something was taken. I hope there will be some kind of boxing philosophy. We improvised a lot, often on the site there was something more convincing and organic than in the scenario. This is a normal practice for cinematographers. And the operator Vyacheslav Sotnikov often danced with the camera as Jimmy Hendrix with a guitar, and found very extraordinary shots!

- Often the roles of athletes offer to play those who are with sports on "you". How are you doing in this matter?

- Seven years has been engaged in football, five years - swimming, four years - wushu. The second adult discharge in sports gymnastics, won the championship of kickboxing, becoming a champion. It was an invaluable experience, never forget the final battle. I remember this guy very well: he was above me on two heads, but skinny, therefore, turned out to be in the same weight. He immediately sent me to knockout. At that time, I first experienced what it darkens in the eyes. And this fear of the ring you will not confuse with anything when the heart is broken, breathing ends, and you need three more rounds to defend. And how to deal with you? In principle, the coach on Wushu forbade us to participate, because the kickboxers did not love us, and I was engaged in Wushu. And when I won, he, of course, congratulated me, but then tied me with my own belt one end to my leg, and the other end sparkled through the basketball ring and stretched it to the twine for the fact that we had violated his instructions. So I sat on the transverse sword. (Laughs.)

In the series

In the TV series "Fitness", the actor had to try on the role of a boxer

- Well, the box, which is so many in the series, are you close?

- Boxing and struggle - this is the basis of everything, I do not want to offend any martial arts, everyone has nothing to learn, but only boxing and struggle will help you in a street fight with several people. If you start waving your feet, you will have to open, you will receive in response. In addition, boxing is philosophy, all life as boxing.

- A C. Should you support the form?

- Since 2012, I actively engage in surfing. Tonight I dear to ride. And in November there was a transition to KiteSirfing: 11 hours and 200 kilometers in the open ocean. Now I am mounted on this documentary film, I am friends with the best Surphers of our country, who have already risked on Juse (one of the highest waves - ed.). I go to the mountains, the summer was climbing Kazbek. In the mountains, as in the ocean, the people with whom you go, and the ocean or mountain is a good reason to gather. Element teaches us a lot, the main ascent is not on the "vertex", but on its own weakness, and it helps to answer the question "Who are you?" I may take a movie about it.

Ilya is surfing for eight years

Ilya is surfing for eight years

And who are you?

- Well, certainly not a unique snowflake.

Judging by your story, you are the owner of a large number of positive qualities. And what are your shortcomings?

- The personality of everyone has developed from its own unique luggage. My task is to continue to learn, which means it is to make new mistakes. The main thing is not to repeat old.

You have many roles where you play pretty romantic characters who actively develop a love line. And in life you are a romantic person?

- Romance, like humor, should be with fists. A man determines his attitude towards senior, books and women. My romanticism is spontaneity, there is no waiting yot.

"Ilya, we can say that for the years of relationships with the opposite sex, a certain ideal of a woman appeared?

- I want to ask: what is the ideal at all? What ideal should I seek? My ideal is not an ideal for you, or your ideal - it may not be ideal for me. You have your own world, I have my own. We look different ... I will answer like this: where is the proximity where the trust and modesty, where there is something to be closed, where no one will ever betray, where you want to fly to turn the mountains, and with the same desire - come back home, there My harmony and integrity lives.

- Have you ever met such laryrs?

- It's like in that movie: "See Suslik? - No - and he is! "

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