Only with you: where to go with your beloved just a few days


Let the day of all lovers have already passed, but this does not mean that romantic gestures from the partner can no longer wait. Take the first step and offer your man to go to a romantic trip at least for the weekend. We have collected the most relevant travel destinations for a couple of days together, if you have already been scorn with Paris and Italian resorts.

Bruges (Belgium)

If you are a big fan of Venice, but at the same time look for new impressions, why not go to a small town in the north of Belgium, which reminds Amsterdam and Venice at the same time, while not losing his medieval "face." You can dedicate all weekends to walk through the old streets, and there is something here: while walking in the center you will be delighted with street musicians, going on the area of ​​Grota Markt, after which we recommend climbing the historical museum's review site, and you can finish the day with a walk on a boat And dinner in one of the restaurants overlooking the channels.

Brugge is called the second Venice

Brugge is called the second Venice


Budapest, Hungary)

In the past couple of years, Budapest has become a little interesting tourists of the European capital at a real point of attraction for lovers from around the world. Someone even dared to call Budapest by the second Paris, and this could not disagree: Night Walks around the city will give you no less impressions than the same evening exits in the French capital. An excellent solution will be evening walk on the river tram in the Danube, only be sure to wait when the sun hits the horizon - the city illumination will make your river walk just unforgettable. Take time to visit Vaidakhunyad Castle, which is one of the oldest buildings in the city, and will also strike the imagination of even the most sophisticated tourist.

Budapest will not leave you indifferent

Budapest will not leave you indifferent


Provence (France)

After all, did you hear about the legendary lavender fields? What can be a romantic walk in such a magical place, especially since you have enough time to plan a trip: the peak of the heyday falls in mid-July. In addition, you can arrange a picnic, make incredible photos, as well as go on a tasting of local wines to one of the vineyards, where some residents are equipped with small family wineries.

You can do the same photo by going on a trip to the south of France

You can do the same photo by going on a trip to the south of France


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