Info Business: How promising this sphere in 2020


Choose the Internet the main platform for business development is a reasonable decision for the entrepreneur this year. The number of ways to interact with the audience in connection with the emergence of new social networks and the development of sites is continuously increasing. In 2020, no one would surprise anyone with the possibility of online learning: the Holoniq statistical service reports that the volume of distance learning market has already reached $ 30 billion. According to experts, by 2025 its approximate price will increase to $ 341 billion. These figures suggest that entrepreneurs should consider the idea of ​​organizing business in this area. She tried to figure out and explain to a clear language, to pay attention to when opening his own business.

Decide with the sphere

Info-businessmen often scold for their desire to make money on publicly available information from the Internet. We agree with critics, noting that it is possible to develop your own business only in the presence of unique experience or the ability to synthesize knowledge from scientific literature, an expert opinion and your own point of view. At first, think that you get the best: some will be able to record lessons on cooking, others will tell how to get rid of psychological problems. The more original will be your sphere, the greater the excitement you will cause it - the experienced orthopedist will find customers rather than the amateur coach.

Sewage portrait of the target audience

Take the blog in Instagram and wait until hundreds of applications will appear on the course, meaningless. In 2020 wins the one who knows how to think strategically. First of all, sip the portrait of the client - the floor, age, interests, level of education, average income, marital status and other. To make it easier for you, make a scheme in the form of "Mind Map" - go from the end to the beginning. Remit the "pain" of a potential buyer - the problems that he cannot solve without your help as an expert. Stripping from problems, determine the characteristics of the person. As soon as you specify 4-5 portraits, you need to highlight money on targeting and run it on platforms that match customers. Attract people to free webinars, send them trackers habits or other handouts.

Collect the team

As soon as you earn the first capital, do not rush to spend it on shopping and buy trips to a hot country. Half the money received to promote the product - do so for one year so that the company has a material reserve for development. The entrepreneur and the author of the career project Anna Sinaleva in a conversation with Womanhit noted: "A few years ago, everyone could literally" on the knee "to create an informational product. From mid-2019, a leap occurred in the development of this direction - increased requirements for packaging and quality of product filling. Now without a team, where there is a designer, a specialist in targeted advertising and other specialists in promoting the product, it is already quite difficult to implement. "

Expert Womanhit.

Expert Womanhit.

Photo: Anna Sinaleva

Expand the scope of professional activity

Do not avoid cooperation with other bloggers and specialists from related areas. So the coach will be able to make a joint course with a doctor, a journalist with a psychologist and so on. If the idea of ​​an interesting project was matured in your head, do not be lazy and squeeze it on points. Even if you have problems with the instant search of the partner, the topic may remain relevant and in a few years - then you will definitely find a partner. Moreover, you need to learn how to promote the product yourself: go to workshops, business breakfasts with other entrepreneurs, arrange spoken clubs with your customers and play gifts between them. Show as much activity as possible and feel free to creating - in 2020, non-standard content is valued higher than the verified composition and shot pictures taken on a professional camera.

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