What can not be discussed in a circle of girlfriends


Sometimes with friends you want to share everything, divide joy and grief, gossip, consult. All this, of course, is more characteristic of fair sex. Women perceive girlfriends like sisters and so often burn out, facing betrayal from loved ones. Friendship friendship, but still certain things should be apart. What you do not need to justice with girlfriends?

Gossip about other women

Girls such girls. Having gathered in the evening at a party or a cafe, after a cup of coffee or a glass of champagne, in a beauty salon or even at work, many women adore gossip. It is not necessary to literally water the mud of someone, accusing in all mortal sins, but once again not to discuss the unsuccessful photo on a social network or a new Highup, a familiar is really sinner. From the side it looks childish, and even now, reading it, you may have a thought: "How stupid, it's not about me at all!". But, as they say, let the one who has never gossipped, the first will throw a stone. Let's not go into the details of the harm of excessive interest in the life of others, but one minus exactly should be noted. A girlfriend, which today grins over the makeup of your common acquaintance, tomorrow will be laughed with her already, while you will be happy to tell you exactly how you disliket about it. People who are more actively supporting such discussions, with a huge probability make the same in a circle where they discuss you.

Marianna Mira

Marianna Mira

Photo: instagram.com/mariannamira_official/

Discuss the results of analyzes

If you do not come around without support and you have the best and most close girlfriend - this is an exceptional choice. But to write my girlfriends, what conclusion did the doctor did not. Remember, all that two people know, everyone knows. Your female health is a purely personal case, which can be spent exclusively with a close person, but not with all in a row.

Personal problems of your man

If you are in a serious relationship and your partner or his family is experiencing difficulties, it is impossible to know anyone except you. A man does not regard your girlfriends, as his own, do not need to be naive to think that they can somehow unite. Many men are even disliked friends of their wives or girls, they have nothing to do with them, except you. If he finds out that you are distributing informative information, trust in the relationship will be undermined forever.

Sexy quidnings

Well, who does not discuss sex with friends and girlfriends? Yes, sex is a healthy and normal component of the life of an adult. You can discuss with girlfriends to a storm of positive or negative emotions from what happened, but you do not need to devote anyone to the smallest details. You can not be sure that your friend will not share telied with his man, will not put you as an example or not run in any other situation. The broken phone not only gives rise to gossip, but also collapses whole families.

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