Victoria Maslova: "I came to him to shave the rally"


- The life of the actor is eternal castings and waiting: choose or not. Tell me, are you happy to go to the samples or for you is flour?

- Previously, I periodically had doubts about me - this pleasure is for me or flour? Then I realized that for me this rehearsal. Performances cannot appear without rehearsals. For me, this is a simulator. I check myself, my strength, I look at people, I check myself through them, through their prism. It is very useful.

- Beautiful, spectacular actress is more difficult or easier to get a role today?

- Today the film industry has changed. It is not necessary to be beautiful and spectacular to be filmed into the movies. You can be an ordinary girl with a completely ordinary appearance. Fantastic external data is not needed now. Everything changed, and the heroes began to possess completely other external data. And specifically about your bright appearance, I always understood it and understand. And go coming.

- Do you still continue to cooperate with the "Sphere" theater?

- No, I'm not there. I worked in the "sphere" since 2006, immediately after the theater university. Seven years old.

- What is today with the theater?

- Today with him, unfortunately, nothing. I would love to play on stage, but the proposals that come, I am not interested. And spending time on them, I would not want. So far did not receive the proposal for which I would agree. Would go to endless rehearsals and was given to this entirely and completely.

- I understand that in the repertoire theater it is not easy, but there is a lot of entrepreneurs. And from there there are no worthy sentences?

- I'm talking about them. The repertoire theater was forced to leave, because I started just a mad shooting period, so physically it was impossible to combine. It was impossible to balance between different cities, train planes and combine shooting with rehearsals. And in order not to let anyone, I made a choice. And so, I would gladly work in Antenpuriz with different actors, but these are not the suggestions. However, I was open to them.

- Then the traditional question - theater or cinema?

- Oh, and theater, and cinema. These are completely two different hypostasis. With a completely different existence. For me, as for a child, which grew up behind the scenes of the theater, this is, of course, Alma Mater, the house is native. But to say today that I can not imagine my life without it, I can not. I have long been without it for a long time, but these are two different stories. I can not say that you can choose one or another. They harmoniously exist together.

- And yet, what is the main difference for you, and what the similarity of these two directions in art?

- The difference is that the frame is given time for a short rehearsal. And it is impossible to fix anything in the frame, there are several doubles, from which you can choose, a frame is a momentary story. And in the performance in the next two hours you can rely, if something went wrong (laughs). And the rehearsal period lasts much longer.

- Prepare to film colors as well as to theatrical - equally? Or is there any difference?

- I am preparing to all roles in different ways. But I am definitely preparing to them (laughs). To theatrical, it was for a long time, I already do not remember how. But this is a huge number of rehearsals. It happens, they last two months. Therefore, there are training, you want not want, but it is in full swing. I sometimes had to recover intentionally. There were such stories when I had to read a lot of literature in order to prepare. For example, for the TV series "Trigger", I tried to first see many film, put it in my plan. I was somehow confeded to this - to create a heroine image. But then I realized that I bother me. I looked at one movie and realized that I was not going there that it did not fall as it should get. Therefore, sometimes training is the ability to completely abstract from everything, to keep a lifestyle, similar to the lifestyle of the character, sometimes it works as preparation. Of course, without injury to psyche and physics.

- Is such a complete immersion into the role?

- Well yes. Although I can not say that this is a complete immersion, our life is also in full swing. It is rather periodic "dive" into the character image. Try one way or another, look like he, to do, think like him. It helps.

- You said I had to recover. And it is not scary to shoot in the make-up and aged grima: rotten teeth, wrinkles, as it was in the film "Vlasik. The shadow of the leader "?

- It just for me served as I agreed faster on this role. After all, there was no samples. The director immediately approved me. I am very grateful to Alexey Muratov for this. I love this image. I think this is one of my best roles at the moment. In general, it was lack of, because I try not to dwell on something in my life. It is necessary to develop somehow. And in the profession, of course, too. Therefore, if I propose to change, I do it with great pleasure. But, for example, for "Trigger", no one asked me to change the image - cut off my long hair. Just journalists constantly ask me who made me do it on this project. I dismissed them a few years before I was invited to the project. And it was a purely my idea.

- Do you mean 2016, when did you cut your luxurious long hair?

- Yes, it was done not for the "trigger"

- So it is understandable, the journalists were simply not in the material. In this case, what was the change of your image then? After all, girls reluctantly break up with such beautiful hair that you have ...

- You are right, indeed, few agree. When I came to my hairdresser, he simply closed the door in front of me. But let's start with the fact that I came to his shave.

- Funny.

"I didn't have a hair clipper, so I decided to turn to him as a good kind to a friend." But he closed the door. I called the bell again, stacked. And he agreed, saying: "I will stop you, but I will not give the machine, I will not allow me to displease yourself." The hair was very long. He cut them off like a dog tail - quietly, instead of cutting off the tail once. Just he thought I would stop at some reason.

- So why did you stand?

- I did it just because there were very serious changes in my life. It was connected with my family. I was very difficult, hard. For me it was help, in order to reset the psychological ball. I wanted so much at that time. Yes, and worked all this to my hand. After the haircuts, incredibly interesting projects fell on me. Many of them have not yet come out. But they will soon see the light.

- Scenes with nude in kind are also not confused, as I understand it?

- Why embarrass if everything seems to be good and in place (laughs).


In the "Trigger" at Victoria an unexpected role

- Tabu is none in scenes with a nidget?

- I will say frankly, to "Trigger" it seemed to me that there was a taboo, but during the filming of our project I realized that they were not. I am afraid that the audience will not see all that we have removed because it was shot just unrealist frankly. Since we go out in Prime Time, these scenes will not show. Perhaps over time they will appear on the Internet. I have never starred in such a context. I think that Maxim Matveyev has such a specific survey for the first time. Well, in general, art, as they say, it is infinite. You seem to say: no, guys, I can't, I do not want to fly out words, and immediately you understand inside that the cool will be cool. Moreover, we had such a fantastic operator as Nikolai Bogachev. He is God. His work simply turns my mind. I was called an incredible number of people - professionals from our film industry - with the words: "Bravo, Bravo, Bravo!"

"But you personally decide that right, and not someone tell you about it or inspires?"

- Sure. I read the script, I understand what the heroine is undressing here, it is immediately clear, it is necessary or just for a beautiful picture. If for a beautiful picture, perhaps I will say, no. And it was.

- And how did you get into the picture "Trigger"?

- There were completely ordinary samples. I was invited to them. I arrived, I tried. Samples were alone, after which I was quickly approved quickly.

- What did the role itself like?

- Well, how can she not like? My heroine is an incredible woman. Such women want to play. It is interesting, multifaceted and unusual. With a very difficult destiny. With a constantly jumping diagram of its existence. Personally, I am always interested in balancing.

- Were there difficulty for you during filming?

- We were not easy enough to seek my character. It was difficult to find his character. She could turn out completely different. Everything depended on how we all see it together. For me, the task was important. I wanted to hear what they want from me, so that I could embody it. In this case, there was not enough that I approach the site, it was supposed to be a collective solution. After all, the film and the script are so ambiguous, so much weave, there is a lot of things like in real life. It was impossible to make a mistake here. And we think it seems to me. And there were no global difficulties. It is always difficult, but for this we exist for overcoming.

- For you, the director on the court - the king and God, or can you argue with him, defending your point of view?

- Of course, everyone has its own opinion and everyone has the right to this opinion. It is probably possible to argue, but no one argued with anyone with anyone, we came up with it together, solved how it would be necessary. Of course, I relate to great respect for the director. For me, as for the actress, he is the main person on the site, which I hear.

- What do you feel, leaving for the scene, the shooting area?

"My feelings compare the inner shaping when" I want to ourselves, and my mother does not tell. " You walk and think: "I can not, I can not, scary. Madly scary, but I'll go anyway. " Or insanely pulls to jump down when you look down from the roof side (laughs). It is impossible, but pulls. Such thoughts visit me every time. But I go out and completely different emotions appear, and I stay in the frame. Everything becomes harmonious, understandable and calm in the soul.

- There is an excitement when you play with the stars? You worked with Alexey Guskov, and Egor Beroev, with Jan Tsaznik and others. What surprised in working with them? What did they emphasize?

- With Yan, we are big friends. We met him on samples, from now on we were incredibly loved by each other, then we have already appeared as good good friends who can help each other at any second. As for Leschi Guskova: Yes, I was madly worried. We had a scene where he had to hit me on the pope. He came up with it, but I did not understand, I was confused at that moment, and not he. Usually the people who do it are embarrassed, and then everything was the opposite. But with Leshe turned out to be incredibly harmonious and just work. And most importantly, very interesting. He picks into his energy vacuum everyone who is on the site. It is simply impossible to relate to it indifferent. This is the condition when frost on the skin. I flew goosebumps. I experienced such a feeling by entering it into a frame. It is very cool! And we still support relationships. He is a wonderful phenomenal artist, I love him very much. Therefore, the excitement was when you come to an unfamiliar person, and then you get acquainted and everything becomes places.

- Do you have your favorite films, theatrical productions?

"They are, but when they ask about it, you immediately forget all the names (laughs).

- Are these domestic or foreign projects?

- Of course, there are foreign, and domestic. But to say that I love straight, I can not. Among the domestic, I remembered one - "You have one" director Dmitry Astrakhan. I know him by heart. From foreign - I am currently reviewing all the nominees to Oscar, so I have everything confused in my head. At the moment I am in an incredible kayfa, because all the new, unknown, I have not seen it yet. It is difficult for me to remember something. In general, new feelings are interesting. Returning to some old picture, every time you need to see it, I do not see in this sense, I am not interested, because I know what will be around the corner. I need me to do not know.

- You still write poems. When did the poetic gift woke up in you?

- Is that you about my instagram (laughs)? Is it possible to call this for nothing? Although maybe this is a gift, because I do not invent anything for a long time. There was not a single poem, where I tried and invented rhyme. I just write down what I have in my head. And so - I wrote something from childhood. Just in childhood it was poems from a little girl, and now - poems are already from a big girl. And this is me public in instagram.

- Publish only in social networks?

- Yes, I just have not so many poems. Now so many people write books, I don't want to be one of them. It's my personal. Although I can not say that what I write in verses somehow reflects my inner state. Sometimes they are not very similar to each other. Inside, I can be absolutely calm, but write about some unhappy love. This absolutely does not concern me. I write down what is born in the head. And that's it.

- Tell me, did you have a nickname in my childhood?

- Parents called us with brother with "oils". Every morning in the house he was heard: "Oil, breakfast!" And we fled to breakfast. Or sounded: "Oil, at the table!", Or "Oil, Walk"! In the nickname school, maybe some were, but I do not remember, because I was busy all the time.

- What are the relationship with your brother?

- And what could be a relationship with your brother?

- Everyone has different.

- Unfortunately, yes, you are right. But we have a very good relationship. We live in each other support mode. We were so raised by parents. We are a strong family.

- Does he work in the film industry?

- Not. It is not completely in this area, not even in the theater. He is an absolutely normal man, lives his life. He is enough that he has the parents of artists and sister actress (laughs).

- They say your children's dream was to jump with a parachute, but the Father, a former paratrooper, forbade you to do it. Today I realized the dream?

- Yes, dad forbade. But it was not a dream, it was a fleeting desire. I have long refused it. I no longer seem to be something interesting. I am much more interesting to fly on the shares, which I am, thanks to the profession. I did not jump, well, not to jump (laughs).

- And what are you keen?

- Basically, I am passionate about the profession, she takes most of the time, the rest of the time I fully give my family. To say that I am kept in something, I can not. Or do you mean if I knit evenings (laughs)?

- As an option.

"I had moments when I for the evening could connect five meters of scarf, I, by the way, I still wear it. Such were the lunar days, did not sleep, so I wanted. To say that I collect brands, I can not (laughs). I sing.

- I know, do you like to travel, is it a hobby?

- Who does not love it? Of course I love. I have favorite places where I love to come back. Ground, as they say.

- And what is this place?

- I love Georgia, I love Istanbul, it is this city, I will emphasize. I love Prague. For some time I lived and starred, so this city is very close to me. I love Amsterdam. I really like small European cities. Do not mind traveling on them on a small car, harming it in local companies. We ride with friends in cities and water.

- How do you like to relax more - static or dynamically?

- I love a medical view of the rest. It means stretching on the beach, lying under the sun, nearby - the noise of the sea or the ocean. This is my view of the rest. Absolutely. Ideally - yacht or a small steamer. I am pacifying the noise of waves, shaking the boat on them, the feeling of sand under the legs, the sun. Without it, I can not, I need such a vacation several times a year. I try to delight myself in this sense and, of course, close.

- By the way, and walk walking?

- I love to wander on foot. But I do not like when it's cold. Then I do not go on foot (laughs).

- And in Moscow?

- Walk, but when there is an opportunity and time. Mostly we all work. Not at night I go to go (laughs). When I lived in the center of Moscow, I often walked. To Red Square was hand to file. I even walked one. Now much less often go out of the house for walking.

- Is it close to you, or are you counting on genetics, let yourself relax in the company of friends?

- Oh, I, unfortunately, let himself relax. But I believe that proper nutrition is the right way to successfully promote your normal life. I strive for this. But I like to eat delicious. On the other hand, what does zozh mean? Is this an exception for some kind of fatty food? So I do not really use it. To prohibit me there are wonderful buns, stop the furnace at home, I can not. I love it - and there is a stove. I do not know what is called the call. The main thing is to be kind inside, harmonious with yourself, not to make nasty, this will be the most perfect head. So it seems to me.

- Is your heart today free?

- My heart never happens free (laughs).

- The attitude to the fact that today actresses are not afraid to give birth, and in a month they go to the stage?

- absolutely normal attitude. Because this is true. Why do you need to be afraid of this? What is happening in life? There is a natural history. Especially since everything is so far ahead. We see how thirty-year girls look like today. And how they looked, suppose, forty years ago. These are completely different people. We see young Mamas who walk with their children, and they are already thirty, but they do not look at their age. The world has been updated. Ulyana Lopatkin, in my opinion, the ballet was danced a week after the birth of a child. This is the indicator for me. What are we? We are not twine jumping, in the end. I do not think that children somehow can interfere with the career. I do not understand this separation from childhood: Career, Family. This is all wrong. Everything exists together. It is impossible to be a happy actress, not being a happy woman. And vice versa. Well, no matter what then to play, but what to play, but what to live?

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