Inverted lemon pie


Inverted lemon pie 49355_1

You will need:

For dough:

100 g of butter, 2 eggs, ¾ glasses of sugar, approximately 1 cup flour, 1 h bustle spoon

Top Top: 1 lemon (130-140 g), 40-50 g of butter, 0.5 cup sugar. Lemon is well to wash and cut wild boiling water and cut down thin slices and be sure to remove the bones, otherwise the cake will be patterned. Lamon bones generally remove always so as not to spoil the taste of the finished dishes.

You also need a metal form for a cake that can be put on the stove on the fire and in the oven. The diameter of the form is about 20 cm.

Put the shape on a weak fire and melt the butter in it, do not wait until it boils, immediately pour sugar with a small smooth layer. Sugar will start caramelized. Immediately remove the shape from the fire and decompose caramelized lemon circles on sugar.

Creamy oil soften at room temperature, take the oil with sugar and eggs, add flour and baking powder. It should be a lush soft thick dough.

Put the dough on the shape over lemon circles and crumple it with a wet spoon.

Bake in preheated to 200 ~ 220 ° C oven for 15 minutes.

Forms with a cake remove out of the oven and leave for 15 minutes to the dough absorb the syrup below.

Put the shape with a pie on a small fire and warm up. It will begin to make bubble sounds, remove from the fire, cover with a dish and flip. Pie will stay on the dish.

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