Nikita Tarasov newly learns to walk


The artist put every effort so that information about his injury was leaked into the press. To the question, what happened, Nikita replied in short: "No comment. I'm alive, and that's it. I now realize that all people on earth a priori are happy, because they can run, jump, walk. As it turned out, this is more than enough ... it happens that at 34 years old learn to walk ... "

The question of plans for leisure in Orenburg was less painful for the actor.

"I for the first time in Orenburg," the artist told. - did not have time to see the city, unfortunately. Maybe it will happen today at night. EGEGE! How to light! I have such a tradition: coming to the next city, I ask: where is your jazz? But, unfortunately, not in every city there are jazz musicians. Although it was lucky here: we are listening to everybody during the dinner of a stunning pianist. I have two mandatory points - these are music and desserts, in view of the fact that my father is a musician and in view of the fact that I am an artist of the series "Kitchen". Therefore, even from a professional point of view, I wonder to try local sweets and hear what kind of music here love. And they love music different here. I did not have time to buy down shawls, but we were presented alone. And I will give it, of course, mom. "

By the way, a miracle occurred on the day of arrival of the artist at the film festival: during the presentation of the film with his participation, the "Ostrog Reserve" Nikita got up, dropped his wand and made the first steps to the scene without her. "I owe a festival at least what I first started walking without a stick," the artist admitted.

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