All under control: 5 ways to preserve fertility


In the modern world, the age when the woman first becomes mother, is approaching 40. We have many opportunities to ensure the future of your egg cells by correcting the lifestyle and help specialists. We will tell you what manipulations are needed to maintain reproductive health.

Complete the necessary tests

According to experts, the optimal age for a comfortable tooling the child is from 22 to 35 years. Closer to 40, the ability to get pregnant will decline, and still not lose hope. To be confident in their capabilities, deal with the control of ovulation for 35 years. You can check whether ovulation occurs at home, by purchasing the necessary test in the pharmacy, however, with a continuous negative result, do not tighten with a hike to the gynecologist.

Control your weight

No, manically twist pedals in disposal, drying his body, no need and even dangerous. A certain amount of fat is necessary for the female organism for the production of the optimal number of hormones. Specialists are recommended to calculate the body mass index in order not to go beyond its borders when planning pregnancy. To do this, it is necessary to divide your weight on the growth, previously erected into the square, is the ideal result of 22-25 units.

Do not overdo with loads

As we said, unnecessary efforts in the spree, especially when it comes to professional sports, can lead to large reproductive problems. Fitness experts recommend to reduce physical activity as soon as you start notifying problems with a cycle, you can continue active workouts only after consulting with a gynecologist.

Less caffeine and cigarettes

Smoking harms all our functions, but most of all suffers the most vulnerable area - reproductive. The chemical elements that are contained in each cigarette have the property to accumulate, which is violated the level of the hormone produced. However, you can not refrain the avid coofer, only replacing a strong drink on its derivatives with a large amount of milk and reduce the number of cups up to two per day.

Pick contraception along with your doctor

With a properly chosen dose of the drug, the hormonal background gradually comes to normal, but the independent choice of contraceptive means affecting the production of hormones is dangerous. Before running in the pharmacy and consult with a pharmacist, hand over the necessary tests, after which you visit your gynecologist, which will tell you what drug you need. Following this rule, problems with conception in the future, as a rule, does not occur.

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