At least Henna: What you did not know about natural hair dyes


Meet Hnna!

Henna - a mixture of herbs, the main component is the leaves of the Lavsonian shrub. Its shiny bright green leaves and contain the most coloring substances, of which the powder for staining with a characteristic pleasant smell is obtained. The "younger" leaves, the higher the quality of the dye.

In general, Henna varies greatly in terms of quality and ways to process. And a lot depends on what leaves the dye is produced. The higher they grow on the shrub, the higher their quality. The lowest leaves are usually old and dry: you used our moms and grandmothers exactly such a hu. It was very uncomfortable to use this mixture, she flowed to face, very badly washed off and confused hair. But the most important drawback was that all essential oils are evaporated with drying in the sun, which are so rich in Henna. True, she preserves its tubyl properties, so the hair after dyeing can be so dry and rigid that they are almost impossible to comb. Such a henna and today is sold in some stores and is quite inexpensive, but you should not expect impressive results from it, of course, it is not worth it.

What is the difference between professional henna used in the salons, from the one that is still sold in some stores? First of all, in the method of processing it. For example, Henna some grades are produced by cryosis on Japanese equipment, which was invented specifically for this purpose. It is no secret that in Japan, the use of the most natural product today at the peak of popularity. It is the cryosorozka that allows you to preserve the maximum amount of nutrients providing lavsonia is a powerful healing effect. An important fact: Professional Henna does not give a green shade, which is obtained by the presence of chlorophyll.

Get into color

"Pour henna, you look like an orange" - today it is nothing but a myth. Henna is so universal dye that with its help you can create almost any color, including absolutely natural shades, as well as painted the seed. With this task, it cope with "five plus", unlike many chemical dyes that destroy the natural pigment. Professional Henna does not just paint hair, but at the same time it has such a powerful healing effect that after staining they become much healthier than before, they are made with elastic and strong, healthy shine appears. After henna, you can repaint in any color, including return to permanent dyes, without fear of getting an unpredictable result. At the same time, if you don't like the shade, it is easy to get rid of the clarifying washes, since when dyeing dye envelops only the upper layers of the hair.

The fact is that only two shades of Iranian henna existed before - from red to red, but they were so persistent that the hair could not be discouraged and repainted in another color. It was a real nightmare not only for customers, but also for hairdressers who tried to correct an unsuccessful color with the help of clarifying powder. The only option was repainting in dark tones.

Now Professional Hens has fundamentally different capabilities. First of all, and contrary to popular belief - the staining of the henna is possible both before and after the use of chemical paints. You can always return to your familiar dye, if the use of Henna does not suit you in something. Although it is extremely difficult to submit this: the color possibilities of professional henna are so extensive that they are able to satisfy even the most capricious customers. Sometimes they are numb to forty (!) Different shades, which allows hairdressers to perform staining "tone to tone", make a full stretching color, add hairstyle glare or just "play" with shades. Moreover, Henna allows working with blondes, giving hair new interesting shades, as well as get relevant chocolate tones without rim or yellowness. Such an effect is achieved due to the use of colorless henna. In this case, the shade does not fade into the sun, is not washed away with salted sea water, and its accumulative effect allows you to maximally reduce the time between staining: the intensity and depth of color increases, the shine is enhanced. The procedure itself lasts about 30 minutes and is characterized by special comfort. The master simply brewed with hot water powder, stirres and affects hair. It does not flow, it does not appear, does not paint the scalp and has such a pleasant smell that the usual staining process turns into a real SPA procedure.

Dr. Hens

Our ancestors knew about therapeutic properties of Henna. First of all, it is due to its tanning properties, which is indispensable for the owners of oily scalp. Therefore, we can recommend staining in almost everyone who wishes to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, reduce hair loss, make them more dense and dense. This is the only way to change the color of the hair to those who are waiting for a baby or breastfeed, so as not to raise their child. Moreover, such therapy will help you avoid all problems with hair characteristic of such a joyful, but not an easy period.

For those who want to get all the advantages of natural hair care, but does not want to paint hair, there is a special, colorless kind of henna. According to its properties, it is identical to the classic, known to its strengthening effect. But in contrast to the usual henna, colorless absolutely does not paint hair, so such a procedure is of great popularity in men, as well as those who are pleased with the color of their hair, but want to strengthen the roots and restore their structure. Hair treatment with the help of both colorless and colored henna has a bioolenization effect - the hair becomes thick, denser, they literally shimmer into the world and do not just look, but really become healthy. In addition to this henna, normalizes the balance of the scalp, strengthens the hair onions and warns hair loss. So do not be afraid to use Heno. The main thing is to choose the right dye!

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