What treats are preparing for Halloween


Modern hostesses for Halloween are preparing a variety of treats, but always take into account the popular tradition, according to which children go home and give up sweets. Initially, all the treats were prepared using apples, since it was at that time they were collected. Now they are preparing candy, cupcakes, bake traditional bread. Naturally, the festive table is covered.




Photo: pixabay.com/ru.

Traditional Irish sweet bread, which is considered the main attribute of the holiday. Baked peas in bread, as well as ring, cloth, coin. If the coin hurts, the next year he will have money, the ring - to the wedding, peas - to celibacy, fabric - to poverty.

Ingredients: 500 g of wheat flour, 30 g of fresh yeast, 4-5 tbsp. Sugar, 1.5 standard glasses of milk, 2 eggs, 75 g of butter, 1 cup of white raisin without seeds, 150 g of white kisham, pinch of salt, ½ h. Cinnamon.

Cooking method: Get butter in advance so that it becomes soft. In warm milk, brew yeast and sugar. Leave for 20 minutes. Raisins go through, rinse and pour boiling water for 15-20 minutes. Then lay out on a paper towel. Flour sift and mix with cinnamon and salt. Add butter, stir up to a homogeneous mass. Pour milk. Mix. Separately beat eggs and add to the test. Mix the dough, then add raisins and grapes. Lubricate the bowl with vegetable oil, put the dough into it, cover with a film and put on an hour and a half to a warm place. As the dough is suitable, it must be accurately chained, put in a lubricated oil shape, cover with a wet towel and leave the dough again. Preheat oven to 180 degrees and bake for about an hour.




Photo: instagram.com/xanasuray.

Another Irish dish that is prepared for Halloween. It is a kind of potato mashed potatoes with various vegetables.

Ingredients: 500 g of white cabbage, 1 kg of potatoes, 1 cup of milk, 2 pcs. Luke-Soon (White Part), ¾ Putching Butter, Salt, Freshly Ground Black Pepper.

Cooking method: boil potatoes. Leek cut into thin rings. Cabbage finely chopping. In boiling salted water, put cabbage and leek. Boil until readiness. Throw back on a colander so that they are glass. Punch with a blender to a homogeneous mass, adding half a portion of the butter. Ceing potatoes with butter. Connect potatoes and vegetable puree. Stir, gradually adding warm milk.

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