Fashionable world and musical marathon


Autumn - time fashionable shows. But one of them is accurately distinguished against the background of all others. In the defile designer Aniki Kerimova, the dancers of Ballet Ballet Philip Kirkorov will perform. They will present the male collection of Anika Kerimova. "It has become apparent to me that it is time to expand the range of goods, and the first step will have a collection of a collection for our beloved men," said Anica. - We have decided to start with simple: jeans, sweatshirts, shirts, sweatshirts, T-shirts, that is, clothes for a resident of a big city. Despite the popularity of Street-Style today, we did not go on this path, our things are more versatile. Before us was the challenge to make sure that the man could go to work and on a business meeting, and in a restaurant with friends. That is, all these things look modern, relevant, but not ultramodot. "

The show will be held on Wednesday, October 31, in the house of Aniki Karimova's fashion. So far, it is not clear whether the event is visited by Philip Pobrosovich himself, but the fact that the star guests will be much to doubt.

Wiki Lee will go on stage in support of charity background

Wiki Lee will go on stage in support of charity background

But Melomanov will definitely interest the singer's performance, the participant of the show "Success" at STS novel archups. He was lost somewhere on traveling around the world, but returned, attracted to his show immediately enhanced musical landing - together with the archpost at a concert in support of one of the charitable funds, young musicians, as well as special guests - Vlad Topalov, Dmitry Warsaw and Pianist, the composer Viki Lee. "Our first joint speech with the novel archup took place at the birthday of the photographer Roman Cadar. And then, when he invited me to participate in the concert marathon, I happily agreed, "says Viki (Victoria) Lee. - First of all, because it is a good undertaking and support ryom in charity to me naturally. And secondly, I, as an amateur of rock, I really had to like that the program of concerts would consist of famous rock and pop rock compositions, both the trowels and the author's songs of Arkapov. Also in these concerts will be attended by a young talented singer Ivan (Alexander Ivanov). Two years ago he performed on Eurovision, where Belarus presented with dignity. Sasha performs his author's songs. In general, the team we turned out interesting, all the guys are very different, talented and bright. All of my heads saveed into preparation for concerts, rehearsing 6 hours a day. This is a kind of musical marathon that requires great returns. We are all professional musicians and know how important every detail is, every nuance on stage. So that everything went as we conceived, you have to rehearse a lot, sometimes forgetting about food and sleep. But it is worth it! " The concert will take place on October 31 in a cafe 25:45.

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