New life: 3 reasons to say "yes" motherhood


Of course, the decision to become a mother should be suspended and voluntary. It is important to understand that a child is not only infinite joy, laughter and satisfied parents, education - heavy work with which not everyone copes, but it does not mean at all that the joy of motherhood needs to be abandoned. We will tell about three reasons who are designed to encourage you to plan family expansion.

You can again live a period of childhood

The appearance in the kid's house will completely turn your way and the worldview. You can completely "legally" to plunge into the world of children's fun who were not available to you since the transition to high school. Together with the child, you will be able to discover the talents that were not suspected before, participating in creative events or simply spending time with the baby and his friends when mommies from your surroundings will have no time. In addition, you may be able to reconsider your attitude towards parents, if you have previously had problems in understanding. Why not try?

you can re-live a period of childhood

you can re-live a period of childhood


Learn to appreciate yourself

Even before the moment the baby will appear in your life, you will seem that you can minimize the mountains - have time to have everywhere. However, it is only worth immersed in concerns about the baby, as you begin to understand that the body's resources are not infinite, and the burnout is quite real. You will learn to distribute the load, ask for help where it is necessary and, finally, listen to the requirements of your body, if they did not do this before.

We are all non-ideal

Of course, any mother want to be the best at least for her baby, in fact, the woman often has to be disappointed, but in this unpleasant moment there is a huge plus - you realize that there is no ideal, it is possible to seek it. Taking what you can afford just to live and do not worry because you have burned porridge, and the son of the girlfriend is already able to tie the laces, and yours is not yet, greatly simplifies life, which means there are no more excess experiences and unhealthy Perfectionism.

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