Leonid Baraz: "Anna I love, but live together hard"


Leonid Baraz, in the world Alexey, one of the brilliant four of witty middle-aged charming men from the Quartet. One of the most important topics that affect the guys in performances are the relationship between men and women. In the personal life of our hero, also had serious changes. Alas, the second marriage of the actor with Anna Moiseeva lasted only a year, although the relationship lasted ten years. On why big love did not become the foundation of a solid union, - in an exclusive interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Lesha, over the past few years, everyone has already become accustomed to your traditional New Year's films. Why now silence?

- Yes, this year we did not come out with the film, did not have time. But we released the premiere in the theater, the play "Quartnik". And they began to shoot a "loud communication-2", which, most likely, will be called "Feedback". The characters will remain the same, but the original scenario is written: me, thank Hat and Seryozhe Petrekov. Director - Lesha Need. We are very pleased with cooperation with him. I think that we will go out in December 2020, according to the scenario, the heroes are going to celebrate the New Year.

- Forest shooting are assumed to winter? You do not regret yourself ...

- Nothing, "Quartet" - already men old age, so that you need to be more likely to be preserved. (Smiles.) Now we have just the milden men's years have come. In my opinion, good male time is a period from thirty-five and, I think, up to sixty years old, because I have not been there. (Smiles.)

- And ten years ago you thought the same way?

- Yes, I thought. But I say "juicy", and not "best."

"You somehow said that the most difficult person to understand about myself." There are progress in this regard?

- I thought once, I understand in people and in myself. And now I already know that it will not be comprehended, you can simply be happy every time to rejoice in new details and nuances - "Opened the abyss of the stars is full ...". I was mistaken in people, but most importantly, what was wrong in myself, I can admit it now. It happened when I did, as it seemed to me, correctly and on conscience, in accordance with my moral beliefs, it turned out that I didn't even feel it, because it brought completely different, unwanted fruits and me, and another person. Examples will not bring. Life opens very gradually, and book definitions from childhood in reality practically do not work.

Leonid Baraz:

Leonid Barats, in the world Alexey, one of the brilliant four of acutely charming men of middle-aged from "Quartet and"

Lilia Charlovskaya

- Can you easily change your opinion, especially in fundamental issues?

- It is not easy, but I can admit that it is not right, having heard the arguments of the other. People with the iron principles most often consider the principles of other delusion, so I am aspiring, they are incredibly categorical and not ready to listen to another position.

- But you do not want to say that with everyone and everyone always agreed or walked for concessions, maybe even household?

- This is, by the way, what I overcame in myself. I am a very re-educated person, now I can allow myself the things that did not allow before. True, in the amplitude, where it does not cause serious harm to anyone. I used to be so shy that, for example, in a taxi I was inconvenient to ask to switch the radio from Chanson to some comfortable radio station, and now it makes it easy. And terribly proud of it. (Smiles.) There is a lot of household things, where you can prefer yourself to feel awkwardness not led your life. For example, you accidentally found myself with a person who once called you on my birthday, and in response you invited him to my own. And now he comes to you first and begins to talk about how it moves to the cottage, and other things you are interested in, and at this time people appear dear to you, and you stand out of awkwardness and listen to it. Now I am easy to speak in this case: "Sorry, I will go." And I can afford to say about some kind of work of art that I do not like it. And before I thought that I did not understand something, apparently. (Smiles.) Maybe I do not understand, but I do not like it!

- And in terms of creativity doubts are present?

- These doubts are always there, the fear of a white sheet, when we start writing something new. It is terrible, whether it is possible to do this time well, and that it differs from the previous one, and it is desirable that it was a step forward. Yes, and in the acting profession is all the same. I understand about myself, what level I am an artist, which I can and I can not. Despite the likely to succeed, I feel quite often in the morning I feel completely helpless, inflated man. In general, it is not necessary to draw conclusions about yourself and about life before lunch. Then I screw myself for the acquaintance of confidence. It is important for me that I was taken and loved. The main, close people. I am joying when a woman who loves you increases. That is, you uttered some kind of witty phrase, and she would have lost, but under her loving look, this phrase is ten times increases, it will fly over the table and becomes funnier, meaningful for everyone. But the same woman, turning away from you, turns the binoculars, and you instead of growing, decreasing. It seems to be already kidding, but no one hears you. I have so happened.

- A year ago, you said about your middle-aged crisis: "It was good with him, but we need to be able to part." But at that moment everything was fine and in his personal life, although there were some difficulties with the second in your life Anna (Moses). And what happens now in your relationship?

- We had too passionate and deep love with a rather severe lyrical history. And when everything with the word "very", that is, with this woman I am very good, and very bad, and very loud, and sometimes very quiet, then with this love, as with an unnecessted horse, it is difficult to cope, since you wear on Such a speed that any pebbles can throw you on the side of the road. But it was a full life with a huge amount of emotion. But at some point the point of happiness and misfortunes became close to the crampedness. There is a term "metal fatigue". The phenomenon leading it to destruction due to repeated voltage change from positive to negative. Probably, and we have happened. There was love, and maybe she is still alive, but we decided to disperse. We did not rule the relationship, and they us. We gave a lot of each other. I love her, but live together very hard.

Leonid Baraz:

"Despite the likely to succeed, I feel quite often in the morning I feel completely helpless, inflated man"

Photo: instagram.com/lesha_barats.

- And nevertheless you have reached marriage ...

- We perfectly got any events, meetings, paintings. We both wanted it. It was very warm, good, beautiful. But life itself is coming out with us, then unhappy, and there is almost no space between space, which leads to tachycardia. And it starts torturing it from this a little, the pressure jumps and the heart hurts. And at my age it is already harmful. (Smiles.)

- How much did you last after the official design of the relationship?

- Approximately year.

- It's amazing that this event you managed to save in secret ...

- I always believed that it was very personal. We left for Cyprus, signed beautifully, miraculously sat, thanks to my friend, who has a house there, and they gathered to heal a quiet. But healed loudly. (Laughs.)

- So, maybe the fact of the appearance of a stamp in the passport and damaged?

- The procedure itself was very pleasant, and the fact of the stamp in the passport did not affect anything. Neither damaged nor improved.

- So, are you now free, in general, the enviable bridegroom again?

- I can not judge how enviable I am. I have a difficult character for fifty years. For years to thirty-five, I am easy to worry easily, all the troubles took place. Once, and already joked, and if he was buried, it was loaded, and not sirmed.

- You talked a lot about "heavy" women, and now it turns out that he himself became a "heavy" man ...

- Probably ... But I correct. (Laughs.) You understand, this is a very conditional value, because for someone a heavy man is exactly what is needed. It happens that the man is looking for a difficult woman, he is not interested with simple. But it is ease very much important.

- Did you burn in your new apartment?

- Yes, I have a very cozy Loft, although, of course, comfort is, first of all, people, a woman who seats your and other households psychological and physical space. I myself prefer the farm not engaged. Sometimes I can cook food, to change places standing photos or slightly rearrange the furniture. And with my own hands, I finished something to do something twenty years ago, when we lived with a former wife in Khrushchev. We had a two-bedroom apartment with a big arch. We specifically blocked this arch on some kind of plasterboard and wanted to hang a big mirror there. I was engaged in this four hours, drove a dowel into the wall, which almost destroyed the arch. But still drove. And then it turned out that the dowel hat is wider than the loop on the mirror. I tried to expand the loop and broke the mirror. And since then he admitted that he did not know how to study this and do not even want to learn.

- How do I understand, and now you want a house in which it will be warm?

- Yeah, that would be nice. At least I will project it. And the world, I think, drives a desire. You just need to accurately choose what to want to correctly formulate a request for yourself. You formulate yourself something perfect, and life gives you about it, but there are always some minuses. But if more than fifty percent, it suits you, it means that you all correctly informulated.

- And you are ready to fall in love again, although I just survived parting. So, the attitude towards a woman has not changed?

- I did not switch for men. (Laughs.) All questions were both both of us, but first of all to themselves, because we could not cope with feelings.

- You said that I became myself, but to curb myself, then did not learn?

- Being nice yourself. I came up with a phrase: "No need to seem better than you are, at some point you have to match." Of course, meeting a new person, we are trying to charm it, that is, it is better than in fact. And he is trying. As a result, fall in love with the image, and then live with a real person. And it is always more difficult and greater than the image. But it is clear that it is impossible to be completely at the first meeting, you are attached, you don't give out everything that you have, although it would be quite good.

- You shook forty eight years, on the horizon Fillinger. This turning point, as it seems to me, the digit scares you?

- There are two Lisa in my life: aunt and daughter. And the name of Lisa sounds completely different for me, when I call them one or another, it's like two different name at all. The same with fifty years. When I think about someone who fifty years old, I think about him as a man with an adult who lived two thirds of his life. I remember my dad at this age, he was such a solid man. And my fifty for me look different. These are some special fifty, which are approximately equal to twenty five.

- Twenty five?!

- Well, no, thirty-five - forty. But not frighten, fifty and fifty. We are now trying to add something for a new play, and we have such a phrase that determines the person in the terrible point of his living space when his fate has already ended, and life is still ongoing. But I hope that fate will last to the end of my life, so I'm not afraid of me.

- Are you trying to somehow apply not to passport data, but to your globalism?

- I try to look good, but on your age. It seems to me that the attempt to be able to be funny. I do not enter anything and do not make it with me. I play football twice a week. And between football - a gym, also twice a week. If I have done, I go to the kinesotherapy, it is fitness for joints.

- You have both daughters adults already. Elder, Lisa, still lives in London?

- Yes. She and her husband live in London. Thank God, they have a wonderful family, she studied at Regent's University at the actress, trying to find a job. Probably, I will soon become a grandfather, although they are not waiting for anyone, but they want. And the youngest, Eve, went to study in England in September. She has sixteen years old, and she went to school at forty minutes drive from London. This is our joint decision, and now, when she studied there for several months, very satisfied. And on the first day in England said that there will be no live and study there. She was scared. This is a secondary school, training will take two years, took six items, including drama. By the way, in the last year, it shows non-cold composers and vocal abilities, playing the piano and sings wonderfully. I showed Shurika from the "Bi-2" of her song and asked to participate, he gave me a sound industry, we took the clip in London, which will soon come out. Lisa helped us too: I found the director, the Italian, which she removed some video, and I think that in December the song will be ready. I put a post in instagram that soon this video will be released. Eve, however, she said that I would remove the post, because, in her opinion, I promote her in this way, but she does not want it. But I will still promote it. (Laughs.) Eve, sorry, but when friends come out about the performances, I also help them if I have such an opportunity to learn about it. And the same I will do and for you.

- If Lisa does not start to act, will she return home?

"She's such a man's wife, he is Israel, but they live in London, and I would like to continue to live there."

- Have you been a supporter of her departure to London?

"Not that I stuffed it out of the country or, on the contrary, I kept it here, just it happened that she wanted to this school, it was in this country." And this manifested her character. As in childhood, she could not find an appropriate occupation for a very long time and we thought she would be capricious, but then she fell in love with equestrian sport and practically lived on the stable. At first, the first six months, and she studied in London even at school, she was hard, she sucked, cried, wanted home, but now without this city can no longer. Moreover, she loves his homeland, Russian language and the like.

- And you did not see the opportunity to study here for your daughters here at school and at the institute?

- Why not seen? Saw. Lisa studied two years in Gitis, I am very grateful to educators and personally Boris Mikhailovich Borisov, just then she left in Regent's University and met the future husband. And before that, I sent Lisa to Sherborne, because I believed that, having studied seven or eight classes here, then for the future life you need to get into the world, and it would be nice for at least English. And you can learn it, just plunging into the language environment. It is important and see how people live there, compare our education and their. I can not say that we have a bad, and they have good, but there they begin to understand, how much is a pound of likh. In addition, they are bribed to communicate with teachers, you are a student, it means that you are a fool, and there you are already a person, and teachers want to help children reveal. They communicate with teachers on an equal footing like friends.

- It's fine. The fear of communicating with teachers is often paralyzing and does not allow to reveal the abilities ...

- Different. Some need this resistance when they are called worthless creatures, then they will rush to the stars, and some after such a definition fall in spirit and never get up from the ground. And, as I said, it is more convenient for me when they love me. This, probably my weakness. And someone needs both love and pseudo-native, but the worst thing for people is indifference. It sees your existence. And when you hate you, either love that, of course, more pleasant, is a direct evidence that you are.

- Do you often see and communicate with daughters, and with parents?

- Not so often, but maybe everything is so good and friendly, because everyone is missing each other. In one place a large number of very loving people, and even with Jewish blood, it is quite difficult to carry a long time. (Laughs.) Strong and thorough love anniversary. And the trend is such that Jewish parents are afraid to let go of children from themselves and thus harm them often. The correct distance at the same time helps to exist calmly. Probably, I was quite independent, and to tear myself away from a rather strict dad and a very experienced mom I was in joy of seventeen years, as well as Gleva Hat. I had a wonderful circle of communication, girls, the first drink, the first thing. And I was absolutely happy. But with my children, I have everything folded freely, easily and fun, although there were also different periods of life. And now I am happy when I arrive in London or in Odessa. Recently, I had to spend the night and my daughters and the husband of the eldest, and now when you sleep yours, sleep and wake up, of course, very nice. (Smiles.)

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