Crowdfunding: how to collect capital to open and work your own business


Even if you do not have money, but there is a great idea that you can present people and make them believe in you - this is half the case. Crowdfunding is a western business in business that came to us after many years of use by foreign entrepreneurs. In some cases, non-indifferent people are invested in startups, in others - businessmen who want to receive a doubled sum in the future. I figured out in the question and is ready to explain in a simple language, which is crowdfunding.

Crowdfunding - what is it

The term occurred when merging the words "CROWD" (Crowd) and "Fund" (finance), that is, in the literal translation of crowdfunding is "collective financing". According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the collection of money is not taxed in this way - in fact, these are voluntary donations of people from which you do not receive profits, but use them to implement the project. Collection is usually carried out on specialized sites on the Internet or through thematic posts in social networks with reference to a bank card or account.

Place an advertisement on the Internet and consult investors

Place an advertisement on the Internet and consult investors


How to choose a target for collecting

People are more good sacrificing for charity goals. If your project is aimed at enlightening society, assistance to animals or children, the organization of creative sites for young people and the like, then you will collect money without difficulty. As an example, a draft journalist Tatyana Nikonova by publishing a book for adolescents about sexual education is possible. The girl announced the fee on the open area and recorded the accompanying video, which explained the essence of the project and signed costs. She was supported by bloggers and colleagues - in just 2 months the right amount was collected.

Types of crowdfunding

1) investment crowdfunding. You invest in business and get a share in return (usually stocks).

2) credit crowdfunding. You lend money to individuals or legal entities in exchange for an established interest rate. This is also called peer-to-peer lending (P2P or P2B).

3) donations. You donate money to a person or charitable organization (you can be promised something in return).

4) award. You give money in exchange for a remuneration associated with the project or for information support for your product.

Sewage global goal in steps

Sewage global goal in steps


How to quickly collect money

If you are engaged in creativity and dream, for example, write an album, the best solution will tell about yourself and show people to the demo records of their songs, promising a remuneration at the end of the collection in the form of a ticket for a concert or t-shirt with an autograph. For those who do not build a personal brand, and is going to open your own business, a more appropriate solution will make a presentation of the project. Pay attention to the content of slides - they must briefly and exccoise the idea. Sewer the goal in steps, specifying the date of implementation of each item and the required amounts. Do not forget about the design - the visual component means no less than the idea.

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