Cover Figure: 5 Simple habits to help lose weight


If you have no health problems, lose weight just. The most important thing in getting rid of excess weight is your brain and how it functions. You not only have to realize that we eat and how often you need to play sports, but also to be ready for change in appearance and subconscious. As soon as you understand that the coming changes do not frighten you, but stimulate to action, it's time to use the tips that we have prepared.

Instead of liquid products, consume solid

Smoothie and protein cocktail - an excellent snack for those who support the shape. However, for people on the calorie deficit, it will be useless: the liquid will quickly bring out of the body, and the destroyed fiber of vegetables and fruits is learned in 1-2 hours. So replace protein cakes on cottage cheese and meat, and eat fruit in kind. An excellent source of fiber - pressed bran. Eat the handful of bran together with each food intake to fill the volume of the stomach-free calorie product.

Instead of smoothies, it is better to eat fruit

Instead of smoothies, it is better to eat fruit


Consider the products of the products of the products

In the late 90s, scientists from Australia accounted for a table with the product net index (SI), where a white wheat bread took the indicator for 100%. The rest of the products were calculated by the method of filling the feedstock of the product (AUC) to a value for white bread and multiplied by 100%. As a result, the greatest indicators showed potatoes (323%), white fish (225%), oatmeal (209%), orange (202%), apple (197%), pasta of solid wheat varieties (188%), meat (176 %) etc. This means that with equal calorie content of Croissant (47%) and potatoes (323%), the latter will allow you to remain fast for a long time.

Refuse Fitness Products

Sports blogger Dmitry Putulin claims: "A very common mistake is a replacement of products with fitness bars and fitness cookies." The specialist offers to consume sports nutrition in cases where you physically do not have access to traditional food. It is better to go to the nearest cafe and eat breast with vegetables than several protein bars. The benefits for the body will in the first case will be many times more.

Forget about the routine of the day

We ourselves believed in the myth for a long time, which you need often and gradually to disperse the metabolism and lose faster. Studies of nutritiologists have shown that it is possible not only to eat in hunger, but also to skip some food techniques for needs. The main thing to eat for the day of products on its caloric rate and does not injure the body with an excessive amount of food consumed at a time. Otherwise, there are no restrictions - eat smoothly as you comfortably. You can eat even burger if he fit into your diet.

Make massage several times a week

Make massage several times a week


Do not sit on the spot

It is not necessary to run to buy a subscription to the hall - find a comfortable type of physical activity for you. One like dancing, another run, the third - long-term hiking. The main task of exercises is to disperse blood and lymph, spread the muscles and bring the skin into the tone. This is important, since your fat is due to the slimming process, but the skin folds remain. Help her to come into a tone with the help of manual massages, the use of oils and a contrasting soul.

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