Understand and forgive: whether the relationship after the treason is possible


Harmonious relationships require great work on the part of both partners. There are situations when it is necessary to make a difficult decision, against the background of which ordinary problems no longer seem so serious. We are talking about treason.

Most often in the fact that the partner changes its half, both are to blame for both, but not all couples know about it, starting to accuse each other in what happened. In addition, there is not only physical treason, but also moral, which is not so easy to identify, because there was no physical contact.

What is moral treason?

Everything is simple - even being alone with your partner, the man "hovers in the clouds", constantly thinking about the subject of his adoration that, by the way, the partner is often not. This can be called anxious bell for the second half: as a rule, moral treason is preceded by physical.

But what about physical treason?

As we have already spoken, physical treason is a logical outcome of moral, because sex without feelings, if a person already has a partner, it rarely happens on the side. At a minimum there is a feeling of love, as it is possible to decide on treason only to give up strong emotions.

Is it possible to restore the relationship after treason?

Unfortunately, most of the deceived partners cannot accept the treason of their second half, especially if the pair is in relationships for a long time. But it also happens that the partners are aware of how in fact the deep feelings are that even a stranger could not destroy them, and begin to work on relationships with a double strength, which is for one of the partners a little weakness. Each case is individual, so it is impossible to say with confidence how a particular person will react.

The first thing to be done after the partner confessed to the "crime", decide whether to keep relations. If you have decided in favor of preserving the Union, remember that in the future you need to try not to mention the episode unpleasant for you, in no way replacks them the guilty partner. The constant remember of the weakness of their halves will not cause anything except irritation, and will lead to the final discontinuity.

What do family psychologists think?

Most psychologists are confident that there is always a chance to restore relations after treason, but work on their recovery will be difficult, to this you need to be prepared. Experts recommend pairs not to make hasty conclusions - do not take serious decisions regarding the future of your family, while under the influence of strong emotions. Give yourself a time to calm down. If necessary, contact a psychologist who will find a way with you, which way to move your pair specifically in your case. Remember that parting in the case of treason is not at all a mandatory point, but provided that both partners are ready to change.

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