Mishel Dar: "For Eurovision" we have a song that is close to everyone "


Today, the network has information that Alexander Panayotov will depart from Russia to the Eurovision contest. But our neighbors have not yet decided everything to represent their countries on the most popular song contest in Europe. So, Moldova promised that she would announce the results of Live-auditions by another 1 February. However, there were so many applicants, and they are all very strong, so I had to urgently introduce another finale, which will be held on February 29, 10-14 performers will participate in it.

Among the participants of this national finals, the Russian singer Mishel Dar is, which in a duet with the Moldovan artist Julia Ilyenko presented the Tears composition. Before the accomplishment of the artist to Chisinau met with Michel and talked about the future test, musical childhood and books in the style of Fantasy.

- To start, almost a provocative question: why should you represent Moldova on Eurovision?

- Because we have a song about us - real and sincere. Children living in us and overcoming new obstacles and difficulties every day, without pretense and hypocrisy. And if we are crying, then we are crying, and if we laugh, we do it from the soul, without pretense and hypocrisy. We have a song that is close to all of Europe. The fact that we are always looking for ourselves and return only to ourselves and our origins. Tears of each must be heard and forgotten forever. This song should hear the whole Europe! She is very capacious, and despite the seemingly sad name (Tears - translated from English "Tears". - Approx. Ed.), It is motivating, flight and very good.

- Then tell me a little more about the song itself. How did she appear, why did you decide to sing in a duet with Yulia Ilyenko?

- Song - Dedication to the famous Swedish DJ Avicii, who left his life in 2018. In my opinion, this composition sounds very in the style of the competition. Julia Ilyenko, with which we sing in a duet, also a fan of the competition. So it all happened perfectly - and this is not only about that freshness, youth and the blame for which this composition completed this composition. Flying flight. We have one direction, so the whole car is turned around rapidly: a song, a clip, a presentation in Moldova, and then an application for national selection in Moldova.

- How did you meet the Moldovan artist Julia Ilyenko?

- In 2016, I met Marru Petrova - Radio-friendly from Moldova. She is "Eurofan" with experience, flew to Moscow with specialcort in 2009 and is not the first time participating in the national selection of Moldova in a team of one or another artist. So, Marru somehow showed me Julia Ilyonko, talking about new cooperation, praised - and I subscribed to the social networks on a young and talented girl. It differs from many. After some time, Julia laid out some simple, not even Studio Cover, and I realized that he heard the soul. The choice was finally and irrevocable. Contacted Maru and offered a duet.

Yulia Ilenenko and Mishel Dar participate in the final of the National Selection of Moldova

Yulia Ilenenko and Mishel Dar participate in the final of the National Selection of Moldova

The duo of youthfulness and purity, adult wisdom and experience, unity of us and nature, return to the roots. I repeat it - and every time goosebumps, because the film crew, not yet knowing my story, chose the locations to shoot the clip that the region of Moldova, where my ancestors lived - the North of the Republic of Moldova, on the border with Romania.

- What chances you put yourself? For what place in Eurovision are you applying?

- We do not want to talk about some places and make forecasts. The main task is to realize the intended number, it is worthy to perform ... And there, you look, and Rotterdam!

- Do you communicate with someone from Eurovision contestants? Do you feel tough competition?

- When you are in such a serious "kashe" - no time even for communicating with loved ones and friends. Therefore, with the participants of the selection, we can turn into a welcoming word, mainly on the shooting sites, rehearsals or TV-ether. All very cute and open is the peculiarity of the Moldovan people, incredibly hospitable and warm. In general, this year a very strong finale, but the competition is not felt - all worthy and different, so at such a level, the vector of tasks and perception itself is simply changing. For each of us, this is a professional performance, first of all, and the ability to realize all our ideas in life!.

- Who do you consider the strongest pop singer / singer? Who would you like to sing a duet?

- I am "Music Collection". I listen to a lot of music. In addition to the world's leading stars, the whole Pleiad of the musicians of the absolutely new mainstream-generation of indie alternative directions have been formed, which go to the forefront and which I personally listen to. This, for example, Syml, Haux, Aquilo is a very interesting and completely new conceptual music, in which there is a melody, a modern soul and an infinite flight. And, of course, sting. This is a dream of all life!

Mishel Dar:

"Our song is the dedication to the famous Swedish DJ Avicii, who left his life in 2018"

- What are your plans after Eurovision?

- First of all, new songs and clips, the continuation of my creative history at the new level and the next stage. Now there are many tracks in work, every day - new ideas. This is an infinite process. Many musicians and artists know what I am talking about: creativity is a matter of lifestyle, with incredible adventures, constant searching yourself, his sound and his soul.

- And anti-voiced activity started by your creative activity?

- I remember myself a small child who constantly purred something under his breath. The first "serious" scene is a tiny club in the village in a small homeland - I am 5 years old. Then I graduated from the Piano's Music School, I entered the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​(to sing in English, to do it purely and worthy), and I was already pretty quickly I was able to write texts in English. Friends and colleagues say that I am doing Divinely, I am modestly answering that I figured out in trends and nuances of foreign songs.

- Someone helped you?

- Himself. Always self-taught. I did not listen to such cakes as Sting, George Michael, Elton John. Dreamed, but did not build air locks: a vocalist should engage in breathing, follow the vocal health and its development in 5D format. Now I remember with difficulty, as in the pop group I participated in the first Russian X-Factor. The path was long and with obstacles - in the best traditions of the "samurai" path in music. The experience in the group helped me a lot - I am grateful to life for this experience. Now, working in a large team of professionals, I can adapt to anything - and it is great. So the artists are hardened.

- Do you remember how the first song wrote?

"The first song" Fire Castle "wrote very quickly: The picture of the medieval landscape was born, the history of love Ghost girl, sharpened in the castle, and a knight. Then the melody was poured, synchronously - lines in English and in Russian! So so far: every song is a complete story. A certain meaning, filling and idea.

- You like to mix styles in music. Why?

- The melodic line is the holy in music for me. Classical pop music, a pinch of new trends, a few tons of soul - and can be brewed in this boiler composition of international level, with good modern sound.

Mishel Dar:

"All participants are very cute and open - this feature of the Moldovan people"

- Did you have a track in support of the World Cup, how did this idea come?

- This is a very interesting story! One of the European labels made a request. We needed a soundtrack in Russian for the Balalaika's large Italian show. It took a job about a day, and "Sing with me" for a whole month. Every evening sounded on the first federal channel of Italy Canale 5, while the World Championship was walking.

- You have been living in Moscow for a long time. When moved to the Russian capital?

- In 2006. How much did it happen during this time! Pulp castings, competitions, meetings, negotiations, speeches, "Caucas" - in any format. There were ups and downs, and I am grateful to every stroke in my life. I add any experience in the piggy bank. Never betray himself a real and his dream in a big scene. The case when the roads are crying a lot, but how much more is ahead - and it excites. Sweet word "anticipation", it intrigues and motivates. A kind of Challenge - to remain honest with them and in the work - the long road in the dunes, and it is not for the faint of heart or excessively emotional. However, it is impossible to deal with - otherwise you lost an advance.

- Who has become a guide to the world of show business?

- In the formation in Moscow, showman helped me and producer Dmitry Pisarev, a person who believed in me and my dream. The scenes were small and large, tickets were long-distance and international, multiplied with a passport - and now every day is a new step, a new plank and a new direction.

- What is relaxing you and distracts from the fuss?

- I can always slip away into your own cozy world, where poetry, creativity, faith live. The world that is similar to one of the planets "Little Prince" Exupery. Ambient music sounds there, an exciting books are placed on the shelves to the ceiling, and you can spend precious time on a series of some kind of saga. I am a big fan fantasy: Martin, Tolkien, Pulman, Heyman - salvation from the fuss and noise.

- You by education translator? Now you do not build a career in this direction?

- I do not forget about the main specialty and work as a translator / teacher for many years. In my workbook, the experience is more than 8 years in English language schools. The key, where knowledge of the language was useful, - Naturally, writing texts. Already repeatedly adapted the tracks with the Russian text for the English-speaking public. In addition, we work with colleagues (and not only) over the feed, manner, pronunciation. A separate category - work with children. It inspires and expands borders. They - the world, I am consciousness.

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