The seagull, in front of which the sky took off his hat: about Space Odyssee Valentina Tereshkova


How is the fate of those who changed the fate of the whole generation? Oddly enough, these stories are usually similar: a blast, drama, tragedy and struggle. In the life of the first woman who went into space, Valentina Tereshkova did not happen. At first glance, the conqueror of Heaven was successful and recognized, loved by the people and colleagues. About how it was in fact, Valentine and her friends began to tell quite recently.

Tereshkova five titles, about fifty awards and orders. It still remains the first and only woman who settled to boom Space spaces alone. He married the first handsome, hero and colleague Andriyan Nikolaev. Dried in the so-called neighbor Circle of the Secretary General Nikita Khrushchev. The women of all the USSR asked to repeat her laying, the men found her more interesting pois stars that era. The "first" - numerical, practically associated with Valentina Vladimirovna's activities, which are already talking about fifty-five years old - from the moment the legendary exit Tereshkova in orbit on the ship "Vostok-6". Could a modest weaver from Yaroslavl imagine that her life could be like a plot of Hollywood blockbuster?

Mark depicting Valentina Tereshkova

Mark depicting Valentina Tereshkova

Factory girl

There were many rumors that Tereshkov was chosen from a huge number of applicants due to its origin. The family of a modest rustic tractor driver and the factory workers in which Valya was a middle child, the breadwinner was lost early. Vladimir Tereshkov went to the Soviet-Finnish war, died, and almost until 1954, when the future cosmonaut was seventeen years old, brother, sister and mother of Vali lived the injignment. The girl had to leave school after seven classes, get a tire plant. Soon she joined the mother, becoming a worker of the textile industry. It would seem that her life was waiting for anything: stubborn work and a "bright future". If it were not for one "but".

The young Vali had a addiction, which distinguished her from working girls of her age, - Tereshkova dreamed of the fate of parachute. In his free work and study in the evening school, the girl attended a circle of amateurs of parachute sports. In addition, she led party activity: from the ever after early age, Valentine joined the trade unions and unions of young people, "in a word, in a simple rustic girl, the rustles and abilities for human management were strong.

When Tereshkova was twenty-five years old, preparations began in the USSR to implement the grandiose plans for the conquest of space. Sergey Korolev under the leadership of Nikita Khrushchev ambitiously announced the intention to send a woman into orbit - then the race for the championship with the United States would be won entirely and completely. Each of the contenders (and initially there were about a thousand) understood what responsibility would have to bear and what honor it is. The name of the one who starts on the "East" will be perpetuated, therefore, among the possible participants of the flight, competition and others flourished, less pleasant manifestations of the essence of the female team. However, according to the statements of the final five, which included two Valentines, Tereshkova and Ponomareva, Irina Solovyov, Tatiana Kuznetsov and Zhanna Yerkin, among them there were no envy and hostility. Sergey Korolev who personally commanded the selection and preparation of women, often turned to them: "Girls, the first in space will fly one of you, it is obvious. But you do not be offended by our choice, because for those who will not fly this time, even more interesting and long flights will remain. Let's agree so: or we will sink on each other for the fact that someone will not fly, or will be preparing. "

Tests who fell to the share of Tereshkova and her friends (they communicated all his life) were severe and tougher than in men-astronauts. Togo demanded full-time doctors who knew that the body of the woman tolerates weightlessness otherwise than the male. The girls were trained in critical temperatures and pressure drops, were placed in single surviving chambers, checking psychological stability, and anywhere Valya did not occupy a leading position. Among the final five of its achievements were the most modest. In addition, Tereshkova was the most inexperienced of the selected parachutes: Ira Solovyva, for example, was a more seven jump, while Valentine managed to make only ninety.

Here and played the role of the origin of Tereshkova. Despite the prescriptions of physicians and coaches, she became the first contender for the flight. Of great importance for the party had both the active social position of Valentina, who from the young years knew how to speak in public. Nevertheless, she was prescribed two doublers at once.

According to rumors, the marriage of Andriyan Nikolaev and Tereshkova was planned by Nikita Khrushchev himself. Soon the only daughter of cosmonauts Elena appeared

According to rumors, the marriage of Andriyan Nikolaev and Tereshkova was planned by Nikita Khrushchev himself. Soon the only daughter of cosmonauts Elena appeared

Photo: Vladimir Musaelian

Remove the hat!

What to do a woman if in the sooner she has to go on a long journey? All three girls on the eve of the main day in their lives decided to radically change the image and simplified the hairdresser who arrived in the stellar town to repaint them their hair. Rusy Tereshkova became brunette. The headquarters were horrified: the photo before the start and after the landing should have been separated worldwide.

Was she worried? Was it afraid? After many years, she told: the nervous excitement was so strong that he blocked the rest of the emotions. But others, and then all the inhabitants of the Earth, heard from Valentines only a perky phrase - like Gagarinsky "went!", But on your manner: "Hey! Sky! Remove the hat! " - shouted before the launch of the "East-6" "Seagull". This call sign presented the girl Yuri Gagarin.

"I am very glad that I was not mistaken in the choice of the first woman-astronaut," said General Kamynin immediately after the start, who prepared Tereshkov to flight. Alas, but it was only the beginning. The least prepared, Valentine has undergone the finding in orbit with great difficulty. In a heavy safeandra, it was unbearable to make even simple movements, not what there is or record the necessary instrument readings. Overcoming nausea and disorientation, Tereshkova took the pictures of the Earth, communicated with his partner on the start at East-5, the cosmonaut Valery Bykovsky and ... Slept. The dream of the seagull was called the gross violation of the prescribed mode, but it was not possible to wake up Valentine from the ground - it did not go to the connection, did not respond to signals. It was necessary for her "neighbor" in the orbit of Bykovsky in a direct radio link to raise a long thunderstorm.

In the flight there was another, much more dangerous than the daily dream, the situation that became known quite recently. This secret of Valentine kept for a long time at the request of Sergey Queen. "Sea, I ask you, don't talk about it." And thirty years I kept this secret. "Today it is known that due to the wrong installation of the wires of the control of its ship, after arrival in orbit, did not decrease, but was removed from the ground. General Kamynn understood how such a movement could end - astronaut could never return . "She tried twice to orient the ship and honestly admitted that ... she does not work. This circumstance is very worried about us," the general reported. As a result, the seagull, who was almost no power, was able to lay new data into the on-board computer.

In 2011, Dmitry Medvedev awarded Valentina Tereshkov's Order of Friendship

In 2011, Dmitry Medvedev awarded Valentina Tereshkov's Order of Friendship


Passed laid - and such long - three days in a stuffy heavy safty, the landing time has come. The huge parachute was almost uncontrollable, and Tereshkova, flying over the lake, was afraid that he would die if she had no strength to stay afloat. Lucky. The first woman, who visited the space, landed in the Altai Territory, hitting the Hermoshlem and earning a big bruise under the eye. From the Squadra, she was helped to get rid of the inhabitants of the nearest village. On joys, the seagull was distributed to the tubes with "cosmic" food surrounding her enthusiastic people, as well as gladly ate the treats offered to her.

Having learned about this, the management has announced. First, the food that visited the space should have been investigated, secondly, Tereshkova herself broke the purity of medical tests, either even a small number of "earthly" food. "While I am alive, no woman in space will fly again!" - Sliced ​​Korolev. Alas, it happened. None of the famous five, including Tereshkov, did not rise more on the side of the East. The second woman-astronaut went to fly almost twenty years after the prophetic words of the Queen.

Miss Universe

"I felt perfectly! I was good, "said a happy Tereshkova to the chamber, smiling to the whole world. Frames from the moment of landing and these words, said joyfully and clearly, flew around the planet as Tereshkova did it. About the fact that pictures and recording - setting, learned several years later. They were taken a day after landing, because Valentine's first terrestrial day spent in the hospital: doctors seriously feared for her health.

Flight turned ambitious, but a simple girl in a generation symbol. Alas, but after all the tests "copper pipes" broke a seagull. Tereshkova colleagues and countrymen saw how it changed its cosmos - or rather, the glory he brought Valentine. Star Disease for himself did not notice a woman, but all who knew her before, assured: her tone of communication, behavior, even gait and facial expressions.

And in 2013, Vladimir Putin presented Valentina Tereshkova Order Alexander Nevsky

And in 2013, Vladimir Putin presented Valentina Tereshkova Order Alexander Nevsky


They said that her marriage with Andriyan Nichan Nichokes did not give rise to no feeling, but the calculation of two cosmonauts and Nikita Khrushchev himself. The bright duo of the coquitors of the universe should have been a source of inspiration and an example for imitation. And indeed, Valentine unexpectedly for everyone, including for his family, married Nikolayev after only six months after the space travel, and soon gave birth to a sole child, Elena's daughter. Their union lasted eighteen years old, before the daughter's majority. "In the work - gold, houses - despot," briefly spoke about the reasons for parting Tereshkova. Then there was an alliance with the general, a physician Julia Shaposhnikov. There were rumors that for the sake of Valentine he threw the old family. This marriage became much more successful, but ended with the disease and death of the spouse in 1999. Today, Tereshkova is held by the senior researcher at the Center for Cosmonauts.

Her way is a straight way to a dream. Everything that the seagull would make is executed. Once, seeing the Earth into the porthole of the spacecraft, the girl decided to visit Australia. Recently, her desire was carried out. Now Valentina, who has been eighty years old, is planning a second-life space trip. "Mars is my favorite planet. But we know the human limit ... The first flight will be flying one way. But I'm ready. "

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